Super God

Chapter 1804: Break into the palace

Faced with hundreds of escorts, Yun Feiyang disagreed, but shouted again: "Aurora Immortal Emperor, if you don't come out again, you will blame me for breaking into the emperor's palace!"

"Challenging the emperor's palace?"

Everyone heard, his face changed greatly.

Who is that guy standing outside the imperial palace? Not only does he dare to make a loud noise, but he also threatens to break through, is it not just how to write the word "dead"?

The corner of his mouth twitched in Guan Bo.

At the auction, he had realized Yun Feiyang's arrogance and arrogance. He never wanted to be in the Aurora Emperor City, and he was still unscrupulous.

This time I was facing a disciple who wasn't the ethereal fairy, but the fairy emperor above 10,000 people!

seek death!

Absolutely die!

Wang Zhaoping also collapsed.

The headquarters of the Yunji firm was originally fabricated. When it came to the emperor city, it provoked the Aurora Immortal Emperor.

Yun Feiyang shouted, which shocked everyone. The female soldiers guarding the imperial palace were staring at each other.

"Capture this thief!"

Leng Yan female guard commanded coldly.



Hundreds of soldiers showed their swords together, and the fairy-level realm exploded madly, instantly filling the sky above the imperial palace.

However, as he was about to take the shot, a voluptuous voice came from the emperor's palace: "Little fellow, you are not afraid to run into the emperor's imperial palace."

"It's Lord Immortal!"

Leng Yan female leader looked startled.

And the soldiers who were ready to shoot were standing upright one by one, with strong awe in their eyes.

"It's over, it's over..."

Wang Zhaoping's heart suddenly became cool and cool.

That guy still alarmed the Aurora Immortal Emperor, which was completely troublesome.

The warrior in the city shook his head secretly, thinking that the guy alarmed the Immortal Emperor, and the result was definitely fatal.

Are you alive?

Must die in the imperial city.

Besides, Yun Feiyang, when he heard the enchanting voice, shrugged and said, "There is no way, no one will let your men not let me in, even the newspaper will not work."

Many warriors Xiannian locked in front of the emperor palace, and saw the guy's actions, and immediately admired. In front of the immortal emperor, the performance was so calm, the courage was really not ordinary big!

The voice of the Aurora Fairy Emperor came again: "Little fellow, if I were not for your master's sake, I would have destroyed you long ago."

Yun Feiyang smiled.

To be honest, he didn't dare to be so arrogant in other emperor cities, but he dared to do so in the aurora emperor city, because the master was too great.

"Who is that fellow master?"

The warriors in the city scrambled to discuss.

After all, it can make the fairy emperor speak so calmly, the other party's master must be very unusual.

Guan Bozhong and another shopkeeper were shocked.

At this moment, they have realized that there are a lot of immortal stones in the wandering and scattered repairs, and their strength is very strong. It turns out that there is a great master behind him.

"Will ever be the groom?"

Wang Zhaoping secretly said.

He remembered the wives that Yun Feiyang pretended to be the big shopkeeper of Yunji and came with the car. After all, the other party's breath was very terrifying.

"It must be."

"Maybe those high-quality fairy stones were made by him."

With affirmation, Wang Zhaoping suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Yun Feiyang has such a venerable master, Aurora Immortal Emperor might not dare to embarrass him.

"Without further ado."

It was at this time that Yun Feiyang said, "How is my mother now?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Even though this buddy has a bullish master, it is too much to talk to the fairy emperor.

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Your mother is now in the Aurora Array, the injury has stabilized, but if you want to see her, it will take two years."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Lord Immortal was not angry, but answered his question calmly. Is that guy's master energy very strong?

Yun Feiyang has been worried about her mother's safety since the Soul Platform was separated, and now that her injuries have stabilized, her ever-hanging heart has been released.


Yun Fei said: "I will come back in two years."

Said, turned away.

With the news from his mother, he planned to spy on the heavenly and earthly array that enveloped the imperial city.

However, just after a few steps, hundreds of imperial city soldiers came around in an instant.


Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Is the Emperor's Imperial Palace come when you want to come, and leave when you want to go?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "What do you mean?"

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Don't you just say you want to break into the emperor's palace? The emperor will fulfill you now."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

I said that trying to break into the emperor's palace is actually trying to force you to appear.


A strong suction burst, Yun Feiyang was difficult to resist, and he could not help walking towards the palace.

When the suction stopped, he stood on the stairs leading to the Emperor Palace and listened to the Emperor Aurora: "Little guy, go ahead."

Yun Feiyang was speechless.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor said again: "If you can break into the main hall of the imperial palace, the emperor will reward you."

"What reward?"

Yun Feiyang suddenly became interested.

Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "When you break in, you will know."

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang readily agreed to take one step and step on the first ladder leading to the imperial palace.

However, just walking up to horror and coercion swept through, instantly making him seem to be carrying a great mountain.

"So heavy!"

Under the pressure of power, Yun Fei arched his waist, and his face muscles were slightly cruel.

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "The one hundred steps leading to the Emperor Palace contain the emperor's coercion, which will increase with each upper layer. Can you come up?"

Yun Feiyang could hear that the woman looked down on herself a little, so she said with coercion: "What's so difficult about this!"

Between speaking, step again.

When he stepped on the second stair, he was accompanied by a stronger immortal emperor's pressure.

Yun Feiyang clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to move on.

Successively entered the third and fourth floors. As the level increased, the intensity of the immortal emperor's pressure was greater. When he stood on the fifth step, his forehead was sweating.



"In just a short time, I stepped on the fifth ladder!"

"This guy's willpower is much stronger than those of the young and handsome ones before!"

After Yun Feiyang climbed the fifth step, the martial artists in the city were surprised to discuss.

It is not difficult to hear from their words that it seems that more than him is under the pressure of the immortal emperor.

This matter has to be mentioned, going back to 20,000 years ago.

At that time, the Aurora Immortal Emperor once announced a martial arts competition in the domain.

For a time, many handsome and talented young geniuses came, they wanted to win the favor of beauty, they must go through various tests.

The test place is on the ladder where Yun Feiyang is now, and many geniuses must first enter the palace hall in the shortest time.

As for the later result, it was the genius who came to participate in the contest to recruit relatives. No one could pass the assessment. All the priests were seriously injured and were thrown out.

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