Super God

Chapter 1741: Fighting

A month later.

Yun Feiyang crossed the vast sea and returned to the East.

However, when he first came to the sky above the city, he found that several legionnaires were gathering on the school grounds in the military camp.

"Are there any wars?"

Yun Feiyang guessed.


Swallowing the white dragon slowly landed in the general's palace and turned into a mini form.


Just after stabilizing his body, a soldier came to report: "The lord has asked."


Yun Feiyang set up Bai Liyan and others, and then went to the main palace, just walked into the hall, and saw Mr. Yi also inside, he got up and said: "General Zhen, you can count back."

"Mr. Yi."

Yun Fei Yang said: "I think the soldiers in the barracks are assembled, is it possible that the glorious king has already started the war?"

"Not bad."

Mr. Yi said solemnly: "One month ago, Xiulian Wangcheng launched an offensive, and now it has occupied four cities successively."

Yun Fei said: "Isn't it already arranged the legion to guard the frontier?"

Mr. Yi said: "The brilliant Royal City has dispatched 100,000 troops this time. Our five legions are difficult to resist and can only retreat."

Yun Feiyang frowned: "This glorious king city seems to be playing big this time."

Mr. Yi said: "Half a month ago, the city owner dispatched five more legions, but it was difficult to recover the occupied city."

The strategist had a strategy, but the frontline legion was unable to break through, making him very helpless.

At this moment, Mu Chengzhu walked in.

He solemnly said: "General Zhen, since you are back, lead the Sixth Army as soon as possible and go to support Huilan City."

"Whelan City?"

Yun Feiyang suddenly startled.

He had seen the map of the area embroidered away from the Wangcheng that year, and Huilan City was located in a remote place, not at all bordering the boundaries of the brilliant Wangcheng.

Mr. Yi said: "The commander-in-chief of the glorious Wangcheng is divided into two ways and detours to attack Huilan City. Just came to the war yesterday and the situation is very critical."


Yun Feiyang flickered around the body with white awns, too fragile platinum battle armor, said: "I will support now."

With that, he turned to the military camp.

Since it was a general who had embroidered away from the king city, there was a war, and he was willing to define that he could not quit.

What's more, I brought Bai Liyan and others and wanted to develop here for a long time. If they can perform well in the war, the city owner will definitely give himself many aspects.

"City Lord."

Mr. Yi said: "With the presence of General Zhen, the glorious King City has come to fight this time and it must have ended in failure."

City Master Mu looked forward and said: "The City Master will wait for the news to come."


At the Sixth Army Corps camp, Mu Shengnan was walking anxiously.

She is wearing a female-specific armor today, and the whole person reveals a heroic spirit.

"Father is really."

Mu Shengnan kicked the gravel off the ground with one foot, very unhappy: "Why do you have to wait for that guy to come."

As for the fact that Whelan City was attacked, she had long been informed that she had volunteered to lead the Sixth Army to battle.

But Mu Cheng was rejected, the reason was to wait for Zhen Deshuai to come back and discuss it separately.

"I am the general."

"He is just a deputy general."

Mu Shengnan felt more and more depressed.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

Mu Shengnan turned around and saw Yun Feiyang standing in front of himself, smiling and saying, "The master of the county puts on the armor, which is more charming."

Mu Shengnan, who was originally unhappy, heard a smile from his lips.

After all, it’s a woman who likes to listen to nice words.

Yun Feiyang withdrew his gaze, then shouted loudly: "Gather!"

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---




As soon as his voice went down, the soldiers in the tent drilled out and quickly formed a formation.


Li You saluted: "The Sixth Army, the assembly is complete!"

Yun Feiyang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "The whole army set off and headed to Huilan City!"


Li Youdao: "Start!"


Binggui fast.

Yun Feiyang led the Sixth Army to Huilan City without any delay.

On the way, he took out the map, carefully observed it, and determined the opponent's intention to detour Whelan City.

Yun Feiyang soon discovered that Whelan City is a city with no strategic significance from any point of view.

"It seems that the enemy attacked this city only to disperse our forces."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

This tactic is a bit interesting, but in his view, it has no effect, because it is very easy to get a group of enemy troops attacking for a long distance.


At this time, Li You, the lieutenant general, leaned on and said, "Whyland City has lost its guard when there is a war report."

"How much strength does the opponent have?"

"Thirty thousand."

"It's quite a lot."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Mu Shengnan was not good-tempered: "Li You, I am a general. How can you report to him first if you have a report?"

"This one……"

Li You was suddenly embarrassed.

Although the city owner redefined Yun Feiyang's rank, in his and the soldiers of the Sixth Legion, Yun Feiyang was still a general, and he still regarded him as the leader.

Mu Shengnan also realized after taking over the legion, so he has been unhappy.

Obviously he is a regular general, but the result is the treatment of a deputy general, which is certainly not happy for others.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "If something happens in the future, first return to our General Mu."

" Li You hurriedly and retreated.

Yun Feiyang whispered: "Sovereign, now is a very special time, don't care about the details."


Mu Shengnan gave him a blank look and went on his way.

This woman was just unhappy, and she still recognized Yun Feiyang.

After a few days.

The Sixth Army rushed to the Whelan City area.

The opponent this time was not thousands of disguised robbers, but 30,000 regular troops, so Yun Feiyang did not launch an offensive. He first concealed the soldiers and began to observe the situation in the city.

Mu Shengnan's voice said: "Shall we use heavy crossbows to blast open the city gates and kill them directly?"

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched slightly: "Sister, do you think my burst arrows are inexhaustible, do you use them inexhaustibly?"

The explosive arrows equipped for the Sixth Legion cost him a lot of crystal nuclei, and now the number of soldiers in hand is not very large.


Yun Fei said: "You don't need a burst arrow to deal with this group of enemy troops."

Mu Shengnan pouted, said: "Without bursting arrows, how are you going to attack the city?"

Yun Feiyang pointed to the forehead: "Of course, I will use this to siege."

He said, looking around, and finally fixed his eyes on the mountain more than twenty miles ahead.

"There is a way."

Yun Feiyang immediately led the Sixth Army to the high mountains ahead.

After occupying the high point.

The interior of Whelan City is clearly visible.

Yun Feiyang found that there were many old men in robes in the city who were setting up defensive formations.

"did you see."

He pointed inside and said to Mu Shengnan: "People have set up formation enchantment. If they are bombarded with a heavy crossbow, they will only waste burst arrows."

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