Super God

Chapter 1611: Cui's home

The power struggle of the family is far less fierce than the battlefield, but it is also very cruel. Yun Feiyang wants to help Cui Xingtan win the position of the head of the family. He must understand and plan well.

The tragedy is that although his brother, the Cui family, is the three generations of eldest sons, but in the family, there is no help at all, even helpers.

On the other hand, the three competitors either have a lot of staff or have their own industry.

At this point, Cui Xingtan is at an absolute disadvantage.

Even more tragic is that the ten elders of the Cui family were all surrounded by three competitors.

The highest ruler in a family is the owner, but once the owner is gone, the elders with real power have enough weight.

Judging from the current situation, Cui Xingtan is an orphan in the Cui family. It is completely impossible to win the title of the owner from the three major competitors.

Cui Xingtan knew it well, so he decided to come to Yunfeiyang after a long struggle.

In his view, the eldest brother can quickly manage the prosperity of the Yunji firm in a short time, and he must have the ability that others can't.

Don't say it.

Cui Xing Tan Zhen found the right person.

Let Yun Feiyang go to fight against the strong in the fairyland, he may not be able to fight.

But to talk about playing routines, fighting for power and profit, not to mention fighting the fairy, even to fight the fairy king.


Yun Feiyang seriously said: "Even if your competitors control the 90% energy of the Cui family, even if he is the fairy king, this master will help you grab it."

He must help Cui Xingtan.

There are brotherly sentiments among them, as well as business factors.

A large family like the Cui family has many people and martial arts, and the martial arts resources are also very expensive.

Helping Cui Xingtan control the Cui family and form a cooperative relationship with his own business firm will certainly bring great profits.


Yun Feiyang decided to help Cui Xingtan.

What he should consider first, how should he help?

This is not a battle between warriors, and they came to power with their sleeves pressed, but many factors have to be considered.

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "The three competitors must be resolved in the shortest time. Let's start with Cui Xingshi."

According to Cui Xingtan, the third cousin Cui Xingshi is the weakest of the three.

After trying hard to get him done, Yun Feiyang decided to punish him from the business.

Cui Xingshi has been involved in the family industry for a long time. After many years of hard work, there are many shops in Guanfeng City, and his network is very extensive.

The elders of the real power of the family supported him and valued it.

After all, the hostage who can bring absolute profits to the family is also a very good choice.

of course.

Yun Feiyang knew.

Cui Xing is able to win over the two elders with real powers, and it certainly has no shortage of benefits.

the next day.

Yun Feiyang came to Hengtong Commercial Bank.

He found Wang's shopkeeper and learned from his mouth that 80% of the ore raw materials of Cui Xingshi's weapon shop traveled from Hengtong.

For apparel stores and jewelry stores, there are also some sources from Hengtong.

"The king's shopkeeper."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Let's consider ourselves old friends."

"of course."

The shopkeeper Wang hurriedly laughed.

In his heart, Yun Feiyang's status surpassed his friends and was the biggest gold master.

After all, obtaining so many high-quality Zhongpin Xianshi also brings enough profits to Hengtong Commercial Bank.

Yun Feiyang took a sip of tea and said, "Zhen Mou has a relentless request."

The shopkeeper Wang said: "Mr. Zhen, please speak."

Yun Feiyang put down the tea cup and stared at him: "I hope your business will cut off all business dealings with the Cui family."


The king's shopkeeper was suddenly ignorant.

I thought, isn't Zhen Gongzi a good relationship with Grandpa Cui? How can I suddenly cut off Cui's business?

"of course."

Yun Feiyang said: "Hengtong Commercial Bank will compensate for the loss of Hengtong Commercial Bank."

The shopkeeper Wang smiled and said: "The business transaction between Hengtong and Cui's family is not large. I will immediately contact the store in the city and cancel all orders with the Huo family."

"Thank you."

Yun Feiyang took out a space ring and said, "This is a loss. Please also ask the shopkeeper to collect it."

The shopkeeper Wang couldn't quit, but could only accept it.

And when Yun Feiyang left, he looked at Xiannian, and suddenly his eyes widened, because there were a thousand middle-grade fairy stones in it!

Hengtong Commercial Bank cut off the business relationship with the Cui family. Even though there was a loss, it was only a small amount.

Yun Erfei took out so many middle-class fairy stones, and immediately made Wang's shopkeeper realize that this was to be determined, and go to Cui's house.

"Cui family, Cui family."

The shopkeeper Wang murmured: "How the **** did you provoke this God of Wealth?"


He didn't know.

Yun Feiyang is not trying to adjust Cui's family, but helping Cui Xingtan.

If he can be promoted to become the new owner of the Cui family, not to mention the loss of a thousand middle-grade fairy stones, even if he loses 10,000.


Cui family.

Inside a chic courtyard.

The two elders are whispering with a young man, the former is the two real elders of the Cui family, the latter is Cui Xingshi.

After Cui Tianming left, the three often kept close meetings, and the subject of discussion was naturally the head of the family.

"Star power."

Six Elders said: "Although we are not as promising as Xingzhu in terms of strength, many of our stores have cooperation with Hengtong Commercial Bank, which is the capital for the title of the family."

Cui Xingshi nodded.

Although he also has influence in his family, he relies more on industry.

The eight-Elder, who was always silent, said: "Star power, have you ever visited Baijifei in Yunji?"


Cui Xingshi said.

He has long heard about Yunji.

When I learned that he was a friend of the lobby brother, I was not interested in going there.


At that time, Cui Xingshi did not look at Yunji Firm.


Eight elders said: "You have also experienced strong winds and waves in the business field of Guanfengcheng. Why didn't you think about visiting Baili in the past?"

Cui Xingshi said helplessly: "I didn't expect that the Yunji firm, whose name doesn't survive, would hit the world in the city so quickly."

"The relationship between Yunji and Hengtong is good."

Six elders said: "Star power, you will visit Baili Feiyang today. If you can establish business contacts with him, the position of successor will be a little more sure."

"it is good."

Cui Xingshi said: "I will go now."

However, Houli was just prepared and has not yet left the A confidant rushed in and hurriedly said: "Three sons, no good, Hengtong Commercial Co., Ltd. canceled cooperation with our weapon store, and many orders were cancelled!"


Cui Xingshi's face changed greatly.

The two real power elders also frowned.

"Three sons!"

Another heart rushed in and said: "Today Xiaoliu took people to buy fabrics at Hengtong, but was refused to enter!"

"Star power."

The six elders solemnly said: "They may have already shot."

"Four Uncle, Second Brother!"

Cui Xingshi clenched his fists, his eyes cold and said: "Cut off the business relationship between my shop and Hengtong Commercial Bank, you are the best move!"

(End of this chapter)

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