Super God

Chapter 1603: Even if the sheath is not out, you must see the blood

"is it?"

Huo Hairen sneered.

Yun Feiyang didn't bother with him, but said again: "There is still something to do when the new store opens, let's get started."

"it is good."

Huo Hairen said: "Your sword doesn't come out of the sheath, so don't blame yourself for bullying others."

"call out!"

During the talk, the dragon sword in your hand shook, and the strong sword intention instantly filled.

It is worthy of being the ninth descendant of the Wangcheng family's descendants. The sword intentions that spread out alone are also very strong.



Huo Hairen staggered his steps, his wrists were waving, and You Longjian was still waving.

At that moment, the sword spirit around him seemed to turn into a lifelike dragon beast, showing a roaring trend.


"Father Huo, the control of You Longjian is perfect."

The senior members of the family were amazed.


When they looked at Yunfeiyang, they were also quite stunned.

Because of such a powerful sword, Baili Feiyang is still standing in the same place, indifferent.

"Did you give up?"

Everyone shook their heads secretly.

Warriors of the same realm compete with equipment and martial arts.

Huo Hairen's swords and sword skills are very good, and there are extraordinary comprehension. In their view, Baili's inability to parry is also reasonable.


In the distance, Prince Wang shook his head and said: "The person in charge of Yunji, but so."

Another family member next to him smiled and said: "If he loses this time, even if he has an ally like Hengtong, it will be difficult to gain prestige in Guanfeng City."

"Shao Wang."

A family heir said with a smile: "You so instigated Huo Hairen, and it turned him out of the limelight, didn't you think?"

Prince Wang frowned slightly, but also smiled: "Gao Shao, Huo Gongzi wants to find some face for Huo's family, and he will challenge Baili to fly, how could I instigate it."

The younger brother named Gao Shao suddenly understood that Wang Shao was confused and immediately smiled: "Good, good."

Several people whispered.

Yun Feiyang, who was in Benleitai, was very clear.

"These elder brothers seem to be reading my jokes."

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

At the same time, Xiannian was locked on the king.

This person's strength is obviously stronger than Huo Hairen, and the state should reach the level of quasi-central consummation.

From their simple conversation, Yun Feiyang speculated on the approximate.

Huo Hairen, who stood on the stage, was nothing more than a stunned man, who was set up and challenged himself silly.

Behind the scenes, you must be the son of the king.

to be frank.

Yun Feiyang is never afraid of any enemies on the bright side.

But he is very annoying, those who claim to be very smart and like to hide behind the scenes.


Prince Gong frowned slightly.

Intuition tells him that someone is staring at himself.

Looking down the feeling, I suddenly collided with Yun Feiyang on the stage and looked at each other.

Prince Gongzi's heart shook, and he immediately withdrew his eyes.

The moment he looked at Yun Feiyang, he felt as if he had been seen through by the other party, and a faint feeling rose again.




On the Lei Lei platform, the sword spirit rose.

Huo Hairen holding a sword and wielding it, has condensed a strong sword spirit, and the whole person seems to have turned into a dragon.

However, when he discovered that Yun Feiyang looked at the audience, he was suddenly angry.

Ben Shao showed his martial arts here and formed a strong force. This guy is still interested in seeing others!

Chiguo's humiliation!

Huo Hairen raged into the sky, then waved his sword violently, shouting: "You Long Slash!"


A dragon made of sword gas erupted from the sword's will.

This sword, Huo Hairen's long accumulation of power, is also full of anger, and his power is also very powerful.

Many of the quasi-century spectators who watched the game changed their faces, and they would have no doubt that if this sword attacked themselves, the result would be death or injury!

"Let you perform for a long time, and condense such a little power?"

Yun Feiyang turned his head, quite dissatisfied.


The audience was silent.

The powerful dragon attacked, this guy even disliked the lack of condensed power, it is too arrogant!


At this moment, Yun Feiyang took a step forward, waving the Hunyuan Qiankun sword with one hand.


In an instant, the horror of swordsmanship came out like a roaring river, not only pervading the Ben Lei platform, but also spreading frantically to the audience.

After feeling the sword intent, many quasi-central powerhouses were shocked, even the powerhouse of the fairyland was very surprised.

Huo Hairen's sword intention was already very powerful in the same realm.

However, when Yun Feiyang's evildoer exploded the sword, it was easy to kill it in seconds.

"how is this possible!"

Huo Hairen's eyes were horrified.


Suddenly, a cold wind with a sword-intention blew, and the condensed dragon was suddenly blown apart.


On the Lei platform, the sword dissipated.

Huo Hairen was stiff and stood stupidly.

Just now, the powerful dragon slashed and condensed 90% of the strength, which was extremely powerful, but it was broken by the sword of Yun Feiyang!

It is normal for the warriors to fight against each other and be broken.

But what makes Huo Hairen unacceptable is that the guy just broke his sword and formed a gust of wind, so he broke his moves!

Not bad.

It’s blowing—broken!

For a warrior majoring in Kendo, this is really a shame!

Under the thunder, the waves were calm.

The warriors watching the battle witnessed that a gust of wind blew, and the raging dragon cut into nothingness, and also looked dull.


Yun Fei Yang closed his sword and shook his head: "I thought, Huo Huo was very strong. I didn't expect to be so weak, disappointed, disappointed."


Huo Hairen's eyes were split.

However, just after saying a word, Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in front of him, laughing: "Father Huo, before the start of Bidou, there is another sentence I forgot to say."


The Hunyuan Qiankun sword fluttered lightly.

This sword is very slow, but Huo Hairen is shocked.

He wanted to hide, but he simply avoided.

In the end, I could only watch the sword wrapped in white cloth, contacting my chest and penetrating directly.


The Hunyuan Qiankun sword pierced Huo Hairen's right chest, blood stained on the white cloth at the tip of the sword, and dripped dripping.

Yun Feiyang leaned over and smiled, "If you don't get a sheath, you must see the blood!"


Huo Hairen screamed in pain ~ ~ brush! "

Yun Feiyang pulled the sword out and stood on the stage with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a figure flew over very quickly.

That's the Huo Family Fairy Powerhouse hidden in the dark. His own heir was pierced in the chest and he couldn't look down.


It was at this time that Wu Tongyu also flew over.

The two fell on the Benlei platform at the same time, one protecting Yun Feiyang and the other supporting Huo Hairen.

The Huo Jiaqiang did not shoot, but picked up Huo Hairen and said coldly: "Bai Lizi, your sword, I have written down the Huo family!"

(End of this chapter)

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