Super God

Chapter 1581: This face is too violent!

The night is coming.

The main streets of the night city are brilliantly lit.

At the entrance of Drunk Moon Tower, Ye Bingshan is patiently waiting for Yun Feiyang to arrive.

An immortal stone trainer is very important to the family, especially a small family like Yejia.

If you are successful, you can get more fairy stones in the future.

If Ye Bingshan does not take into account the identity of the city owner, he may go to the Xianshi shop in person to invite people.

"Isn't this the Night City Lord?"

"It looks like it's waiting for someone!"

Many warriors passing by found Ye Bingshan shocked.

It's definitely not easy to make the lord of a city wait at the door of the restaurant.

Who are you waiting for?

Could it be Mrs. Cui?

It should be impossible.

This younger brother from Wangcheng had already left yesterday.

Everyone couldn't figure it out, so they didn't leave.

They want to know who they are, so that the master of a city can wait at the door of the restaurant regardless of their identity.

"Daddy Cui was not in the banquet."

Standing at the side of the night hills secretly said: "It seems that the identity of the VIP should be more noble than the guy named Zhen Deshuai."

Because he was beaten twice, he remembered the nasty guy deeply.


Suddenly, the Eye Hills narrowed his eyes.

Because he found out that there was a pretty young man on the street walking slowly.

And this man is exactly what Zhen Deshuai he just wanted!


The night hills were overjoyed and said: "This guy really came at the right time!"

At this point, I haven't waited for my father to speak. First of all, he said loudly: "Yang Gongzi, what a coincidence, we meet again!"

Ye Bingshan stunned and said in secret: "My son knows him?"


Yun Feiyang, who was approaching, also saw the night hills and smiled, "It's you."


My son and little friend Zhen know!

Ye Bingshan was overjoyed, thinking that since the two knew each other, it would be easier to get around.

"Zhen Gongzi."

Night Hill laughed: "Are you going to the Drunk Moon Tower?"


Yun Feiyang came over.

Night Hill said with a smile: "It just so happened that my father is going to feast on the guests today. If you are free, you might as well accompany him."

Ye Bingshan heard the words, even more delighted.

He knew that his son was not sure that the VIP he wanted to feast on was Zhen Gongzi.

But being able to say something to accompany him is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is very good.

The night city master misunderstood.

This is the third time the two have met, not even friends.

The reason why the night hills want Yun Feiyang to accompany him is also to find an opportunity to crack down on him.


Are you noble?

Come and let you see, the VIPs invited by my night house are also very unusual.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I also came to the banquet today."

"Are you going to the banquet?"

The night hills were suddenly upset.

The day before yesterday, Grandpa Cui had just invited, and today someone asked, what the **** does this guy have to do.

"Night City Lord."

Yun Feiyang arched his hand towards Ye Bingshan.

The night hills heard the words and immediately stood up and said: "It turns out that Master Yang knew my father."

The word father is intentionally raised.

Yun Feiyang naturally heard what it meant, and pretended to be surprised: "Is the Lord of the City your father?"

"Not bad."

The night hills proudly said.

At this time, he was very angry.


Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to be so noble, so dare to ask your surname?"

Ye Bingshan almost fell.

This is my son, do you still need to ask?


Yun Feiyang patted his head and said, "Oh, I'm confused. The son of Yechengzhu must be named Ye."

The night hills were too lazy to talk to him and said, "Your son Zhen, let me go first. The VIP invited by my father is coming soon."


Ye Bingshan laughed: "Yan Xiaoyou is the honored guest for his father's banquet."

At this time, there is no need to conceal it, you must surprise your son to let him understand that the person he invited is his friend.


When the hills were heard by his father, the expression on his face froze.


He couldn't believe it: "You... what did you just say?"

Ye Bingshan thought his son was too excited and laughed again: "Yan Xiaoyou is a VIP."


The night hills were struck by lightning, and the whole person was in the same place. The heart tingled from the heart, as if punctured by thin needles.

This is not a surprise, this is a shock!


Ye Bingshan found not good, said: "What's wrong with you?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Yugong may have learned that I am a VIP invited by the owner of the night city. I'm too excited."


Ye Bingshan smiled and arched his hand: "Zhen Xiaoyou, please."


Yun Feiyang immediately entered the Drunk Moon Tower.

When he and Ye Bingshan left, the night hills murmured secretly: "Why is he, why is he..."

Originally wanted to combat Yun Feiyang.

I never thought that the distinguished guest of my father's dinner was actually him!

This blow is too big.

This face is too violent.


In the luxury private room on the second floor.

Yun Feiyang and Ye Bingshan frequently toasted and drank, and had a great conversation, while the night hills sat beside Mu Ne, with a look of trance, without saying a word.

He was completely uninterested in eating and drinking, and his heart was extremely dark.


Ye Bingshan said: "Since you and Zhen Xiaoyou are quite two glasses of wine are indispensable."


The Night Hills responded with a toast and said, "Please."

The whole process is very stiff, and even the slightest expression is not revealed.

"Night City Lord."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Yugong seems unhappy."

"no no."

Ye Bingshan hurriedly explained: "After a while, my son will get married. During this time, he has been running around, a little tired."


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Marriage is a big event, congratulations."

Marriage is indeed a happy event.

However, when the battered night hills saw Yun Feiyang, their mood suddenly fell.

If his father were not present, he might have slapped his **** and left.

"Night City Lord."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Which girl should your son marry?"

Ye Bingshan laughed: "Non-Night City locals."


Yun Feiyang responded.

He inferred vaguely that the woman who was going to marry in the night hills might be Bai Liyan.


Ye Bingshan raised his glass and said, "Ye Mou has a cup of honor with Zhen Zhen."

"you are welcome."

Yun Fei raised his glass and swallowed it.

After three tours.

Ye Bingshan throws the topic vaguely, and Yun Feiyang's answer is rather vague, that is, neither refused nor agreed.

Drink it for a while.

Yun Fei Yang got up to say goodbye, Ye Bingshan personally greeted him.


After Yun Feiyang came, Ye Bingshan said unpleasantly: "Your performance today makes the father very dissatisfied."


The night hills wanted to explain, but closed their mouths.

Ye Bingshan said: "This Zhen Deshuai is an apprentice of Wu Tongyu, and he will definitely become a fairy stone trainer in the future, and my night house must be enveloped."

The more the father cared about the guy, the more painful his heart and face were.

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