Super God

Chapter 1556: Is it appropriate to leave without leaving something?

Use people's money to eliminate disasters?

Bai Liyan heard this sentence, as if she understood something, and said, "You are not here by accident, it must have followed me?"


Yun Feiyang laughed: "You are very smart."

"And I am the person who likes to deal with smart people. I don't need to talk too much nonsense. Just two fairy stones, I will help you solve all the troubles."

This guy is full of fairy stones.

If Yun Feiyang did not suddenly appear beside Bai Liyan, she might have doubts, but now she says: "The deal."


Yun Feiyang laughed and said, "Fresh!"

"call out!"

The space is blurred, and the sword of the Hunyuan Qiankun is sheathed, covered with layers of white cloth.

This is also done to hide, after all, the picture is passed to the real martial arts domain, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword must have been exposed to people.


Yun Feiyang grabbed the hilt of the sword and resisted it on his shoulder. Although the sword didn't come out of the sheath, it suddenly burst into a rich sword.

Such a random move, revealing the value of the full score.

Bai Liyan stood at the back, looking at her back shrouded in swords, and suddenly raised a strong sense of security.


Yan Guiru said coldly: "Are you going to do more business?"

Although it is very surprising how the guy suddenly appeared in front of Bai Liyan, but the realm is nothing but the early stage of the quasi-centenary, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

"no no."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I'm not busy with business, I'm taking money to eliminate disasters for people."


The Yan family next to him sneered, "Don't open your eyes to see who we are, and dare to use the money to help this woman."

Yun Feiyang curiously said: "Who are you?"

Yan Jia's line was suddenly speechless.

Didn't he see the Yan word on his chest, or did he really not know our identity?

As a proud lineage for the family, the Yan's lineage stood up and proudly said, "Have you heard of Xihuai City?"

"Have not heard."

Yun Feiyang has never heard of it.

As far as his current understanding of Zhenwu God Territory is concerned, he only knows Night City.

"In the southwestern area of ​​Zhenwu God Territory, one of the four royal cities, you haven't heard of it. Are you a savage or a fool?"

Yan Jia's family said ironically.

The Yan Jiawu next to him also laughed.


Yun Feiyang was startled.

He knew that among the cities of Zhenwu God Territory, the Emperor City was the strongest, followed by the King City, and the Emperor City Master was the Immortal Emperor, and the King City Master was the Immortal King.

"It turns out that this group of people is the family under the control of the immortal king. It is no wonder that each one has nostrils."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

When Yan Jia's family saw Yun Feiyang's face changed, he sneered and said, "Boy, my Yan family is one of the seven major families in Xihuai City. Can you afford a small repair?"

Mentioning the seven major families, Bai Liyan's body shivered lightly, her eyes full of endless anger and hatred.

"Can't afford it."

Yun Feiyang said truthfully.

He had just come to Zhenwu God Territory, but his strength was not as early as the quasi-century.


Yun Feiyang grinned: "Since I have collected money from other people, even if the enemy is God, I will help him to eliminate disasters, because it is about credibility."

Yan Jia's lineage collapsed.

He felt like he was talking to a lunatic.


Yan Guiru said with a sneer: "Since you are determined to die, then I will fulfill you."



Several Yan Jiawu soldiers were ready to shoot, and their goal was shifted from Bailiyan to Yunfeiyang.


Several prospective immortals shot together, and the power formed was still very strong. However, the big **** Yun was indifferent and let the other party attack.

"Sir, hide!"

Bai Liyan exclaimed.

"call out!"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Feiyang waved his hand, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword wrapped in white cloth pierced the void, and several Taiqing swords shot out.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The sword energy formed by a sword is extremely fast, and it passes through the chest of Yan Jiawu in the blink of an eye, making it one by one on the spot.

A little bit, the area with Yan characters engraved on their chests shattered, revealing a slender sword mark, straight into the heart, and the person had long lost his mind, and his eyes fell down.

Under a sword, four prospective immortals were perished through death!


Yan Guiru's expression changed greatly.

The Yan family is also dull.

The four quasi-cents of their own family were beheaded so easily, which made them never dream of it.

Standing at the back of Yun Feiyang, Bai Liyan saw the four Yan Jiazhun cents fall behind and opened her mouth in shock.


Yun Feiyang withdrew the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, resisted on his shoulders, and smiled: "The warriors of the Yan Family in Xihuai City are also very general."

"Damn fellow!"

Yan Guiru was furious, immediately waving his hands, and the mid-century cultivation was a sudden eruption.

As the leader in charge of killing Bai Liyan, he is the highest among many Yan Jiawu warriors.

"Cut Cloud Hand!"

Yan Guiru rushed at the speed, his hands slashed, and his palms were sternly stamped, swept like a sword.

Cut the cloud?

As soon as Yun Dachen heard the name, he suddenly became angry.


He waved the Hunyuan Qiankun sword again, and said with a cold: "Destroy Yan Jian!"


The cold sword energy exploded, and the power was obviously stronger than before, and contained a very strong sword spirit.


It was just a sword, and all the palm prints were smashed. UU reading

Taiqing Jianqi didn't dissipate, carrying terror aftermath, and rushed.

"not good!"

Yan Guiru was shocked and immediately evaded to the side.

It's a pity that the sword spirit of Taiqing Jianyi has locked him and suddenly turned and cut from behind.


A loud noise came and shook the forest.

Yan Guiru, who was chopped with a sword behind, flew out, planted on the mountain, and shattered many stones.

Yan Jia's family and others saw this and were dumbfounded.


Yan Guiru stood up in the gravel pile, endured the hot pain behind him, and exclaimed: "You... you are not in the early stage of the quasi-centenary, you are in the mid-term of the quasi-centenary!"

"I have said, am I in the early stage of quasi-centenary?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

He didn't say it, but the counter-heaven tactics revealed that the realm exposed was the early quasi-centenary.

Yan Guiru said coldly: "Dare to ask your Excellency, honor your name!"

From the sword just now, he judged that this person is the same as his own, but his strength is above himself.


Yun Feiyang once again chicly put the Hunyuan Qiankun sword on his shoulders, saying: "If the elder husband can't change his name, he can't change his surname.

It's shameless to say this.

Yun Feiyang was clearly named, and he kept saying that the elder husband would not change his name or sit on his surname.

"Hundreds of miles?"

Yan Guiru said with astonishment: "Are you a descendant of the Baili family?"

The Baili family he said refers to Bailiyan's family, but Yun Feiyang's answer was: "I won't tell you."

Yan Guiru said coldly: "The green mountains will not change, the green water will flow for a long time, and there will be a period in the future!"

With a wave, he said, "Let's go!"


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of Yan Guiru. The Hunyuan Qiankun sword wrapped in white cloth rested on his neck and smiled lightly: "It's appropriate to leave without leaving something."

End of this chapter

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