Super God

Chapter 1506: The Nanmen Family, the Way of Two Swords

Ingesting a fairy stone has brought Yun Feiyang a big boost.

Therefore, in the next time, he would feel at ease in the flying world and continue to ingest two other spirit stones.

Four months later.

The meaning contained in the two fairy stones was ingested by Yun Feiyang.

If this matter spreads to Zhenwu God Territory, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

First of all, they were shocked by the fact that a half-cent immortal at its peak was able to ingest immortal stones that only quasi-cents can ingest.

Secondly, I will be deeply envious.

After all, fairy stones are too scarce, and most quasi-senior strongmen only have one or two. When they are not promoted, they dare not easily absorb the intake.

In the peak period, the half-cent immortal consummation level, the continuous intake of three spirit stones without restraint, is really super luxurious.

An empty place.

Yun Feiyang once again exhibited Taiqing sword tactics, the power of which was stronger than before.

"call out!"

Withdrawing the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, he smiled with satisfaction in the corner of his mouth.


Xiaochian laughed loudly: "Once again facing an opponent like Beimensong, there is no need to use a sword array at all, just the Taiqing sword tactics."

"Do not rely on the sword array, want to kill the quasi immortal."

Yun Fei paused and said, "Taiqing sword tactics alone won't work. You have to use the third change of the three changes of the God of War soul."

The little **** stared, saying: "Use the third change, it's a bit chaotic."

Its tone is very solemn, and it seems to represent that the third change of the three changes of the God of War soul is not easy.

"no way."

Yun Feiyang said bitterly: "The gap between the quasi-cent and the half-cent is really too big. If you don’t use the third change, you can’t really rely on the Taiqing Jianjue alone."

Once, he calculated the timing of the third change, which was in the first war of the little god.

Now the strength has been able to hang Beimen Jiu Shao, so Yun Feiyang believes that if you let yourself use the third change, the opponent must also be a quasi-cent.

Xiaochian said: "The side effects of the third change are too great. You'd better try not to use them, don't use them."


Yun Fei said: "I have a sense."

With that, he got up and went to the Iron Bone City. When passing by Luo Mu and Yunli, they suddenly made them dumbfounded.

"I go."

"I haven't seen you in a few months. Feiyang seems to have changed!"

"A little fairy!"

After ingesting the three immortal stones, Yun Feiyang's breath made her feel very unpredictable.


After a few days.

Yun Feiyang appeared again in the vast universe, his eyes locked on the source of devouring.


With a big wave, the magnificent purple lotus fire erupted and began to purify.

Yun Feiyang will not let this harmful thing continue to exist, and it must be removed anyway.


It didn't take long to clear.

He felt a very strong breath, coming from far away.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled, "This Beimen family is really tireless, and it sent a quasi immortal to die."

"call out!"

"call out!"

Not long ago, the cosmic space was blurred, and two majestic middle-aged men stood on the edge of the source of devouring.


Yun Feiyang was slightly startled.

The two men not only differed in decoration from Beimensong, they also had a different breath.

"Not the warrior of the Beimen family?"

"Or, did they ask someone to kill themselves from other places?"

Yun Feiyang secretly guessed.

Among the comers, the taller middle-aged humane said: "In a peak period, the Beimen family actually lost three prospective cents in a row, which is a huge joke."

Another person smiled faintly: "In my opinion, the Beimen family is completely a group of people."

The previous man was quite uncomfortable and said: "If it is handed over to our Nanmen family at the beginning, the task will be finished long ago."

Yun Feiyang heard the words, and he was very happy.

Unexpectedly, these two men were actually the warriors of the Nanmen family.

Their breath is not weaker than that of Beimensong and Beimenhe, and there must be hidden in the space ring different from the four door classics of the Beimen family.

After gaining a deeper understanding of Taoism, Yun Feiyang became more and more aware that the Four Classics from the hands of Immortal Emperor were very powerful.

If the four sacred scriptures controlled by each of the four gates of the east, west, south, and south are put together to form a complete formula, it will definitely be of great help in raising the state in the future.

"very good."

Yun Feiyang smiled secretly: "It's time to deliver something again."

The two Nanmen warriors apparently did not expect that the young man in front of him was very excited, and looked at his eyes as if they were looking at a big fat sheep.


The middle-aged man headed was named Nanmen God, and he said coldly: "Show your sword array, let us know."

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "How can I know that I have a sword array?"

More than the South Gate family.

All the warriors in the world know that he has a sword array that will kill the quasi-immortal.

Nanmen God added: "If you don't show it, I'm afraid the chance to fight back is gone."

This statement is arrogant.

"no no."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "You don't need to use a sword array to deal with garbage like you."

On madness and arrogance.

Yun Da cheap **** will never lose to others.

However, Nanmen God's face suddenly gloomed when he heard the word "trash".

The Nanmen Family Warrior named Nanmen Paradox next to him said with a cold face: "Brother God, without further ado, kill him and go home to receive the reward."

"That's fine."

Nanmen God agreed, and then raised his hand, a rather generous epee appeared in the void.

The Nanmen family of the four families in the Imperial City is mainly engaged in the practice of kendo, and is particularly good at using extremely rare heavy swords.

"This sword is even wider than the Hunyuan Qiankun sword."

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

The Hunyuan Qiankun sword is also in the category of But compared with the trait Epee of the Nanmen family, it is significantly thinner.


Nanmen Paradox also called out his own Epee.

From the perspective of materials and light, the two-person weapon is at least the early standard of quasi-sen.


Nanmen God said coldly: "My brother and I have been enlightened on the way of the two swords in our life, and we have always shot together against the enemy, so we can't blame me for being more and less bullying."

"call out!"

The Hunyuan Qiankun sword flew out of the sky and hung in front of Yunfei. He smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, I am also practicing the way of double swords."

Not double swords, but double cheap!

"is it?"

Nanmen God said with a sneer: "Then my brother and I are going to teach you, your swordsmanship."

During the speech, he stepped out in the void, his arms waved violently, and the broad sabre swept with a heavy force.

At the same time, Nanmen paradise a sword in the same way.


In an instant, two powerful sword spirits roared like a fierce beast out of the cage.

From a bystander's point of view, this is the two men's swords one after another, but from a higher level, the two sword qi are interlinked and closely related.

"It should be the way of two swords."

Yun Feiyang didn't dare to dare to dare, immediately running the Taiqing sword tactics, wielding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and cutting out a strong sword spirit.

The morality contained in this sword shocked the two Nanmen warriors.


At this moment, a loud noise came.

Yun Feiyang's Taiqing sword gas collided with two heavy swords. The horrible sword was like a sharp blade, tearing everything around the tearer.

Even the finest dust in the universe is annihilated in the sword-swept.

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