Super God

Chapter 1480: Exotic Flowers

Looking down from above, you can clearly see that an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles is sunken, as if bombarded by a huge meteorite.

The Lingwu Realm Master lying in the deep pit is now a broken meridian, destined to hang a thread.


The same is the pinnacle of the half fairy.

He would be so far away from him that he would fight so hard that he would fall so far.

The seriously wounded Lingwu Realm Master couldn't figure it out, but the painful heart was more of a despair.

He knew that he would die without doubt today.

"so amazing!"

"With one punch, the Lingwu Realm Lord was bombarded like this."

The realm of the world is shocked.

At the same time, he also has a new understanding of Yun Feiyang's strength.

This horrible young man can't provoke it anyway, otherwise there will be a disaster.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Yun Fei's streamer flickered, landed in the center of the deep pit, and stepped on the face of Lingwu Realm.

"I can't resist even a punch, are you worthy of battle?"

The sound is like a sharp sword, stabs into the heart of Lingwu Realm Master fiercely, making it ‘wow’ spit out blood.

"Cloud... Yunfeiyang..."

He said furiously and weakly: "Shi...the soldier can kill, not humiliating!"

As a Boundary Lord, he naturally has the dignity of the Boundary Lord. He can accept death with confidence, but he will not accept humiliation.

"When you killed my woman with a palm, how could I let you die so easily?"

Yunfei Yang Lengsen said.

If it is just a general enemy, he will give a happy.

But this realm of hostages had a deep hatred, after all, he had killed Paulie.


Yun Feiyang lifted his foot and stepped on the ground, forming a strong force, projecting the Lingwu Realm Lord into the sky.

He quickly caught up and restrained it in the sky with his soul.

Those tense spirit martial arts creatures, who were already nervous, saw their masters seemed to be seriously wounded, and their hearts were heavy one by one.

The storm just now seemed like the end of the world.

Now that his own landlord is so embarrassed, it seems to indicate that the Lingwu Realm is afraid of great difficulties.

"Spirit of this world."

Suddenly, Yun Feiyang's voice resounded through the sky and passed into the ears of every living creature: "Give me a serious look and see how your landlord died!"


During the speech, the horror immortal erupted madly, and instantly invaded the consciousness of the spirit martial master.


The sound of screaming, rippling between heaven and earth.

The creatures in this world are horrified and their faces are horrified.

It is hard for them to think of what kind of torture the Lord Lord has experienced before they will utter such a heart-breaking cry.

The most terrifying torture in the world comes from the soul.

In particular, Yun Feiyang's quasi-central level of soul power, once madly devastated, is absolutely like being in hell, not as good as death.

outside world.

Those realm masters hiding in the dark, listening to the screams of the spirit martial realm masters, became cold in the back one by one.

They did not expect that Yun Feiyang would so devastate a landlord.


The screams of the Lord of the Lingwu Realm still passed on, and the voice gradually weakened.

Now, if he has the opportunity to choose, he will definitely choose death, rather than being so humiliated by Yun Feiyang in front of his own soul.


Three days later.

The Lingwu Realm Master is still shrouded in soul power, suspended in mid-air, with long hair scattered and extremely pale, and extremely pale.

At this moment, although he still has consciousness, he is only one step away from death.

The reason why he is still alive is because of a very strong attribute of life, which flows through him and forcibly continues to hit for this master.

To be honest, he was so madly devastated for three days, the spirits of the spirit martial world were released.

Because of this time, Yun Feiyang has abused him and abused him, and the body's gas has gone a lot, and he has given up his plan to destroy this world.

The souls of all continents are innocent.

The spirits in the Lingwu world are also innocent.

In fact, Yun Feiyang, who is not a good person, still has a bottom line.

It is inevitable to have revenge and complain, but it will not be crazy enough to involve innocent people and let them be buried with the enemy.

It is this mentality that in many cases, Yunfei's destruction of the gate or the sect only slashes the enemy's high-level forces and destroys the sect or the mansion.

of course.

Now Yun Feiyang not only has to kill the Lingwu Realm Master, but also to meet the Korean family, because this group of people who lives in the projectile land and lives in the "big" group is very interesting.

Yun Feiyang penetrated ordinary human memory with a gentle soul force, and learned a lot about the Korean people.

The Korean people, attached to the Chinese people all year round, have no glorious history of their own.

Later, the Huaxia family experienced invasion by foreign enemies and experienced 100 years of bullying. This group took advantage of the opportunity to cling to other groups, and it was considered to have grown.

However, the cultural heritage is extremely poor, and it is destined that this ethnic group must use various reasons to make up for its deflated historical breast.

So much so that the saints and celebrities of the Chinese people have become their celebrities.

Recently, there have been many Korean people who, after a hundred years of research and investigation, have declared to the outside world that the human ancestors of the Lingwu world are their Korean people.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Many forces and sects in Lingwu Realm scoffed at such shameless ethnic groups.

In the room, some people joked that if the Korean people are in the Zhenwu God Realm, maybe it will not take a few years, and all Immortal Emperors may be their descendants.

Even the entire universe and the whole world were created by the Korean people.


Yun Feiyang laughed: "It's shameless."

As a self-proclaimed shameless god, in front of the Korean people, they can only admire the disadvantages.

So, anyway, go to the meeting and ask for advice.

"call out!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, Yun Feiyang appeared in the projectile land near the sea. First of all, he saw an area with many strange and strange buildings.

This is the Sabie defense system that Koreans are proud of, and it is now completely paralyzed.


Yun Feiyang said lightly.

"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, this area formed a series of explosions, and Sabie's defense system was completely wiped out.


Yun Feiyang was slightly's more comprehensively shrouded projectile area, and found that the women of the Korean family have good looks and smooth skin like jade.

However, everything seems to be carved out of a mold.

"It turns out that this ethnic group not only likes cosmetic surgery for shrivelled history, but women also like Yirong."

"It's just that they are all dressed up like one, and the level is too inferior."

Women love beauty and it is normal for Yi Rong.

The most unacceptable thing is that most of the men of this race are also easy-going, one by one, tender and tender, without the masculinity of men.

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly and said, "It's a wonderful race."

During the talk, he fell in Hancheng, the family city of this family.

And those tribes living here looked at Yun Fei with horrified eyes, and the corners of their noses and chins were completely deformed.

Obviously, Yi Rongzhi's skill is not clever, and he is exposed when he is nervous.

The goose bumps that Yun Feiyang watched burst out and said: "Even if the appearance of Yirong is bright, it can't hide the ugliness hidden inside."

During the speech, he raised his hand and said: "Since you like to be proud of the origin of human beings from the Korean family, then I will complete you today and let you be proud for generations."

"call out!"

In a moment, it exists in the projectile land near the sea and disappears in the Lingwu Realm.

The tribes who lived here were transferred by Yun Feiyang to the desolate plane of birds without shit.

Since then, they are really the first ancestor of this face.

It's just that there is no heaven and earth attribute, and it will continue to multiply, and it will completely miss the martial arts and become the most common and inferior family *S. The Korean family and the Huaxia family are purely fictional in this book, such as an absolute coincidence with reality.

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