Super God

Chapter 1472: decisive battle

Yun Feiyang's cultivation of his son is uninterrupted, so Yun Wuyou's future achievements are bound to be limitless.

After all, having the physique of parents and having multiple abilities, it has been very scary to focus on the shaping of the body and the meridians since infancy.

Young Yun Wuyou didn't know that this benefit would be manifested in the future, so she used the term "miscarrying" to describe her childhood.

Yun Feiyang was not immersed in training his son. He also kept a close eye on the foreign battlefield.

After several years of development, the stock of heavy crossbows and burst arrows and half-cent level armor is abundant.

Zhuge Jin has also been training soldiers, and the use of eternal warfare is perfect.

"It's time for a decisive battle."

Yun Feiyang stood on the tower of Feiyang City, looking at the direction of Tianxiong City, his eyes flashing coldly.


The battle-free card hung next to it, shattering nothingness, means that there is no need for a truce.

"Dad, are you going to fight?"

Yun Wuyou stood beside him, milky and milky.

The little guy was often in the military camp when he was a baby, and he knew more about certain things than children of the same age.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Daddy helped you lay down a city as your birthday gift at the age of three."

"I heard my mother say that fighting will bleed and die." Yun Wuyou said.

Yun Fei Yang said: "The world that respects martial arts, if you want to live, you can't avoid bloodshed."

"Son, remember."

"In some things, don't be kind."

"Because of your kindness, no one can be kind to you."

Yun Feiyang felt that he was a very competent father, but his son didn't answer.


He turned his head to look and found that the little guy standing next to him was gone, but walked to the stairs of the tower.

It was at this time that Xiang Yuan took his five-year-old daughter up.

"Sister Jiayi!"

Yun Wuyou leaned over, took out a mother of spirit stones, winked and smiled and said, "This is for you."

Xiang's daughter's name is Xiang Jiayi, and she hurriedly said: "It's too expensive, I don't want it."

"It is because of the preciousness that it deserves the beautiful Jiayi sister." Yun Wuyou stuffed the mother of the spirit stone.

Xiang Jiayi wanted to quit.

Yun Wuyou said seriously: "Sister Jiayi, you must accept it, otherwise, father will beat me."


Xiang Jiayi knew Uncle Yun, trained Yun Wuyou all day long, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I accept it."

Looking at this scene, Yun Fei Yang's mouth suddenly twitched, thinking, my child is young, but the skill of being a girl is very old.

At this moment, Dou Bi's son Dou Lele ran up and grinned: "Worryless brother, is there any of mine."

"Of course!"

Yun Wuyou took out a piece of spirit stone and said, "Hey, Brother Lele, this is the best!"


Dou Lele collapsed and said: "I don't want to be the best spirit stone, I want the mother of the spirit stone."

Yun Wuyou said: "I'm gone!"

Dou Lele said silently: "You say that every time!"


Yun Wuyou scratched his head and smiled.

Yun Feiyang stood beside him and smiled dumbly. He knew that his son had many mothers of spirit stones and would not give Dou Lele because he was not a girl.


After the battle-free cards standing on the city tower shattered, this made the warriors of the world outside the battlefield suddenly excited.


Someone said: "Who is that little guy standing next to Yun Feiyang?"

"From the appearance, it looks a bit like Yun Feiyang, is it his son?"


Everyone scrambled to look at Yun Wuyou.

The realm of the world is also attracting attention.

As a half-century great consummation, even through the light curtain, they can see the clues.

For example, the most obvious thing is that the little boy is standing on the tower, and there are vague attributes around him.

This situation must be caused by a special constitution!


A real master exclaimed: "This is not easy!"

Yun Feiyang's son Yun Wuyou appeared for the first time in everyone's field of vision, arousing admiration.

If they knew that the kid would not only have a special physique, but also be born with multiple abilities, he would definitely be overwhelmed.


After a few days.

The assembly of millions of spirit soldiers in the flying city was completed. They were dressed in excellent armor and equipped with heavy crossbows.

Zhuge Jin stood on the city tower, waved the battle flag in his hand, the city gate opened, and a million troops came out of the city gate.


"My God, so many?"

The warriors from all walks of life saw the army of millions and killed them with mightiness, and suddenly became excited.

I haven't moved for many years, and I have so many soldiers in one shot. It seems that Yun Feiyang is going to fight a decisive battle.

If Lin Zhixi was pregnant, this day would have been staged as early as three years ago.

Yanshuang, Luo Mu, Yunli and others led their troops and headed towards Tianxiong City.

Years of preparation have made them hold back one by one, and this time when going on expedition, they must turn their opponents back.

"Boom! Boom!"

Millions of troops stepped on their neat footsteps, and the sound formed was shocking.


Yun Wuyou sat on his father's shoulders and saw the mighty army appear, opening his small mouth in surprise.

Although he often enters and leaves the military camp, it is the first time that so many soldiers have witnessed their actions.


The army of Feiyang City was dispatched, and the coach of Tianxiong City received the news and immediately ordered his own soldiers to go out to fight.

Also sent a million troops ~ ~ very well equipped, can be described as a truly elite teacher.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the end, the two million troops of the two realms, ten miles apart, faced each other.

Although the war was not started yet, there was a strong killing air in the air.

The martial arts of all circles witnessed this scene, the blood in the body suddenly boiled.

Engagement on this scale is definitely the most since the Three Realms started, which also means that the two realms are preparing for a decisive battle.

Definitely a decisive battle.

Because the coach of the God Realm Zhuge Jin personally sat down, the coach of the Shenyin Empire also came out.

In fact, they understand that even in small-scale operations, even if the two sides fight for decades, they may not be able to divide the victory or defeat.

The coach of the Shenyin Empire looked at Zhuge Jin and smiled, "Today the old man is going to teach the leader, the girl Zhuge's formation."

Obviously, he knew that the enemy coach was the **** of war, one of the three great gods of war.

Zhu Gejin smiled and said: "Teach me the formation on this battlefield, lose is defeat."


The Shenyin Empire coach laughed: "In this way, the girl Zhuge is very confident in the legion under her command?"

"If you don't even have the confidence to win the battle, are you still a coach?"

Zhuge Jin laughed.

With that, the battle flag waved and ordered: "Arrange!"


Two hundred thousand spirit soldiers marched forward, and immediately displayed her usual goose array.

The coach of Shenyin Empire smiled faintly and immediately ordered to fight with the same force.

"It's about to start!"

"This is definitely a fierce battle!"

Everyone's blood boiled more.

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