Super God

Chapter 1456: Break through the crazy city!

Tianlong Realm is well-known for its formation method, but after two rounds of bombing, the defensive border was still broken.

There is no way, not anyone, has Yun Feiyang like the sky, can create a formation blessed by ten thousand warriors.

The madness of the city was broken, the city was exposed to the outside world, and it lost its absolute defense. The little warrior in the world was shocked and his legs became soft.

They have no doubt that the army of God Realm will definitely launch a siege battle after breaking through the formation. Once the city is broken, they will certainly be unable to survive.


At this moment, Yanshuang sneered.

Ten thousand iron-blooded vanguards standing outside the city pool, leaped by Yang Yue's sword, rumbling sounds reached the ears of low-level warriors, his heartbeat accelerated, and his breathing almost stopped.

However, it is the Dragon Realm who is responsible for guarding the city pool. Although the defensive enclave is broken, there is still no panic.


The commander of Tianlong Realm shouted immediately.

Nearly 200,000 defenders standing on the tower, all released their bows and arrows, and arrow rain came quickly.

The crossbows they equipped are of very high quality and have the ability to explode. However, in the face of the Iron-Blooded Pioneer Group wearing armor, it is like a mosquito bite.

"Ding! Ding!"

Numerous arrows hit the Ling soldiers who rushed in. Although they produced a dazzling explosion, they still did not force their charge back.



The soldiers of the Iron-Blood Pioneer Group had already fallen on the city wall before the Dragons of the Dragon Realm filled the arrows. The long swords fluttered and formed a brilliant sword spirit.



In an instant, thousands of guards were beheaded and blood was splattered and stained on the ancient city wall. The rich **** smell spread and diffused.

The spirit soldiers below, after smelling the smell of blood, tremble their huge bodies, and their eyes flash red, like a mad beast!



Ten thousand iron-blooded pioneers all flew up, they were like sickle of death, harvesting life frantically.

As the ace masters, they are not only good at fighting, but also proficient in assassination and beheading the enemy troops. They are all deadly!

The warriors of all realms witnessed the guards of the Tianlong Realm being harvested like a straw, and the corners of their mouths all twitched violently.

It can even be concluded that this is like a professional-level killer's army. I am afraid that it can kill 20,000 defenders in the city with 10,000!

to be frank.

The Tianlong Realm was elite yesterday, and the defenders in the city were not only 200,000, but also the realm and equipment were poor.

The Iron-Blood Pioneer Group alone is enough to wipe them out, destroying the city and announcing the defeat of the Dragon Realm.

But after all, it is a super world, and the realm in the Tianlong Realm immediately dispatched troops.

When the city wall was fighting, the outside of the city was constantly flashing, and a large number of high-level legions rushed out to come to support.

For this, Zhuge Jin had already expected, so Yan Shuang immediately ordered 300,000 troops to attack as directed.



Ten legions of the Tianlong Realm, 100,000 troops have just assembled in the formation, and have not yet recovered, and countless spirit soldiers have swept through like a tide.

In the face of a powerful war machine with a large number of people, the result of 100,000 reinforcements fell one after another, providing Yun Feiyang with 100,000 merits!

Tianlong Realm did not give up, and mobilized the army again to go to the extraterritorial battlefield to support, but each time the assembly was completed, the Spirit Clan army would kill, and the result would be the death of all.


The warriors of all circles collapsed.

At this moment, they have seen it.

The God Realm broke through the defensive border, and only sent 10,000 legions to enter the city wall to fight, its purpose is to wait for the Tianlong Realm to rescue troops.

Tianlong Realm Master also knew that when he was furious, he still sent reinforcements to the station.

And for the third time, a million troops were directly dispatched!

The number of people is large, but the average strength is only in the early and late days of Tianzun. There is no way. The army of Tianzun's consummation level is completely destroyed outside the flying city.

"Tianlong Realm is to use human sea tactics to fight with Yun Feiyang." Some people exclaimed.

There are a lot of people in Tianlong Realm, and the strategy of hitting the sea is definitely no problem, but the key is, can millions of troops consume Yunfei's troops?

If it was before, it is absolutely possible.

But now, the spirit soldiers wearing the second-grade half-central level armor are walking defense shields, not to mention one million, even five million may not be consumed!

"come on."

Yun Fei raised his eyes and said: "My merits!"

It is his plan to break through the defensive barriers of Mad City, and there is no swarming to take the city. After all, such a good opportunity does not earn much merit, it is a waste.

It's just that Yun Feiyang didn't expect that two batches of reinforcements in Tianlong Realm were destroyed, and even continued to send people in, still as many as one million!



Under the command of Yanshuang, the spirit soldiers who were waiting for Yan Zhen shouted slogans that shattered the world and formed a sharp array.

A large-scale battle of up to 1.3 million began, and a horrific killing was also staged.



The spirit soldiers rushed into the crowd and faced the encirclement of dozens of enemy troops. They fisted furiously, their limbs and blood spattered and splashed in the mud.

Tianlongjie soldiers, countless warriors in the middle and late days, survived for the first second, and fell in the second.

Witnessing a large number of Tianzun class powerful people fell under the bombardment of alien soldiers, which made warriors from all walks of life unable to look at the light curtain.

This battle.

Only played for three hours.

When the war was over, there were dozens of miles outside the city, corpses everywhere, blood gathered, and it looked like a lake from a height!

This campaign.

The million-strong army of the Tianlong Realm was completely wiped out by 300,000 Ling clan soldiers, and the loss was heavy. At the same time, the small God Realm Warrior in the city was desperate.

The coolest thing is Yun Feiyang.

Because when the Ling clan soldiers slay the ring, the identity waist card has been shaking.

Until the enemy was annihilated, he also gained a million merit points, which is quite rewarding!

The third million troops dispatched were annihilated.

The real-minded Tianlong Realm Master finally finally calmed down.

At this moment, he already knew that if there were no more elite legions, even if he sent millions of troops, he would only be abused.

In desperation, he chose to give up and no longer send reinforcements into the extraterritorial battlefield.

The Yanshuang, who was outside the array, waited for a long time and determined that the Tianlong Realm no longer sent reinforcements, and immediately ordered: "The whole army siege!"



Five hundred thousand spirit soldiers stepped on the deafening footsteps and rushed towards the madness city.

For a moment, standing in the battlefield outside the territory, the ancient city gates of countless years were smashed by powerful forces.

There were only tens of thousands of internal guards killed by the Iron-Blood Vanguard. All they could do was surrender and become a captive of God Realm.


The martial arts from all circles sighed.

When the alien soldiers dressed in battle armor entered the mad evil city, they knew that the small **** realm headed by the Tianlong Realm completely declared defeat.

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