Super God

Chapter 1408: Destroy 2 Super 1 Liu Danzong

In the flying world, Tengu successfully controlled the corpses of five half-cent immortals.

Yun Feiyang summoned it and threatened that the soul exploded into the medicine world.

The pharmacist immediately panicked.

Although, in terms of strength, he is better than the half-sen in the stable period.

But if all five souls explode in soul, the power generated will not only frustrate themselves, but also completely destroy the medicine world!

"Yun Xiaoyou!"

The pharmacist quickly said: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, say something!"

Many medicine practitioners were dumbfounded.

Our Lord of the World is so nervous.

Could this guy be so terrified now that the Lord of the Realm is afraid?

If they knew that the strength of the five people who appeared suddenly would be a half-cent and a half-round in a stable period.

It is possible that the soul will explode at any time, destroying the entire medicine world, and it will surely be paralyzed.


Yun Feiyang said coldly: "Today, I am going to destroy the hidden Danzong. Can seniors have any opinions?"

It's almost forced to pretend to be downstairs, otherwise it's meaningless to go down.

The lord of the pharmaceutical world immediately said: "The lord never participates in the sect of the world."

"it is good!"

Yun Feiyang stepped on Song Si's face and said, "Then today I will destroy this hidden Danzong that insulted my soul, and hurt my master!"

The chief of the pharmaceutical industry said: "There is something wrong with the old, let's say goodbye first."

Speaking, disappeared in a hurry.

At this time, he could only pretend not to see it.

At the same time, he secretly blamed himself. If he knew this, he should stop it in advance.

Otherwise, things will not develop to this point.


The lord of the pharmaceutical world sighed.

As soon as he left, Song Si, holding his last hope, collapsed to the ground completely.

Even the Lord of the Territory was afraid, and he and the hidden Danzong really angered an extremely terrible guy.

This too elder finally understood.

Unfortunately, time cannot go backwards.

The matter of hitting the wine half immortal and bullying Lingdanzong has already happened. It is irretrievable and can only withstand Yun Feiyang's anger.

"old man."

Yun Feiyang grumbled: "It hurt my Master, let you live today!"


The screams rang in Tiannan Mountain, which lasted for a long time.

Originally a medicine practitioner who came to watch Dandou, he saw with his own eyes how a Jiuxin Banxian was tortured.

This scene will be forever imprinted in their hearts, and it is difficult to obliterate.

At the same time, I also understand that Yun Feiyang and everything related to him can't provoke!



The whole medicine world is boiling completely.

Yun Feiyang, who has been away for many years, returned again and savaged Jiu Pinbanxian Song Si on Tiannan Mountain for three days and three nights.

In the end, he died in pain, and the first level was suspended above the mountain.

In the hidden world valley, the hidden world Danzong was soon swallowed by a ruthless fire.

So far, the super-class sect that has existed for a long time has disappeared in the runner of the years.

The death of the hidden Danzong did not arouse the sympathy of the drug users, but instead believed that it deserved sin.

After all, it's not good to hide in the world, and the non-existence of the show exists, which has also caused Yun Feiyang.

"I heard that all the masters at that time appeared."

"Yeah, I seem to be afraid of Yun Feiyang, so I left after a short stay."

"My God, that guy is so good."

"Can easily ravage the Ninth Grade Banxian, this person's strength may have reached the Half Fairy Perfection."

The name Yun Feiyang, after a long silence, once again became the hottest topic of discussion in the pharmaceutical industry.


Ling Danzong, inside the room.

Jiu Banxian sat cross-legged, his eyes amazed.

He was wounded by Song Si and his meridians were seriously damaged. Even if he relied on the Elixir, he had to be nursed for three or five months.

Today, it is miraculous to recover after being cultivated only by the attributes of Tu'er.


Yun Feiyang withdrew his life attribute and apologized: "It made you suffer."

He is a man of great affection.

Even though he was in the realm of the world at that time, the actual age was older than the Sword Emperor of the Four Seas, but he willingly recognized him as a teacher.

Needless to say, Jiu Banxian.

Without his gift of Shanggan Xiangong, Yun Feiyang will certainly not have a half-central state.

"A piece of cake."

Jiu Banxian smiled and said: "It's just a little injury."

It is the most gratifying that the Tuer can break through to a state that he dare not imagine.

Yun Feiyang took out two bottles of Pill Medicine: "Master, this is Sanpin Kaiqiao Jindan, which will help you improve your state."

Jiu Banxian surprised: "You made it?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

The corner of Jiu Banxian's mouth was slightly pumped, but he quickly recovered.

It seems nothing strange to me, my demon, to break through the half-cent immortal consummation so fast, and refine the third-grade Dan Emperor's Elixir.


Jiu Banxian said: "Go to Shanggandan Palace, all your younger brothers are also injured."

Yan Sanxing and others resisted, but they were brutally beaten by Song Si.

If Fei Pangzheng promised Dan Dou immediately, Shanggan Dan Palace would be seriously injured even if he was not destroyed.


Yunfei got up and left.

Jiu Banxian took out a panacea and watched it for a while, or swallowed one.

The elixir entrance is instantaneous, and the nine tricks are all opened.


The appearance of the wine half fairy changed greatly, and then he was ecstatic.

As a half immortal, he can feel how much he can improve the comprehension of martial arts and the absorption of heaven and earth by taking Sanpin Kaiqiao Jindan!


Jiu Banxian immediately sat down and began to practice deeply.

At the same time shocked by his apprentice, he made such a terrible panacea!


Yun Feiyang came to Shanggan Dan Palace and found Yan Sanxing, the palace master who was healing, and many elders.

Relying on the attributes of life, in just one hour, everyone recovered.

Yun Feiyang still has things to do, and he will leave after treatment, but he was given a bottle of Sanpin Kaidan Jindan before leaving.

When he was in the palace, he practiced a lot. There are still seven or eight hundred bottles in the flying world.

"Oh my God!"

"This medicine is so amazing!"

"Nine tricks are all open!"

Yan Sanxing and others are all strong players in the Dao Dao. After taking Kaiqiao Jindan, they were deeply shocked.

More is ecstasy.

Because of this immortality ~ ~ break through to the half fairy realm, just around the corner!


Divine City.

It is the strongest super-class sect in the pharmaceutical industry, and is located here.

After Yun Feiyang raised the injuries for his teachers, he came here alone and stood on the Yanwuchang.

"It turned out to be Yun Xiaoyou."

Beimingba hurriedly walked out of the hall and smiled: "Come from afar, there is a loss to welcome."

Said so on the lips, but in my heart was worried.

He was afraid that this person would learn that he had instigated the hidden Danzong, which triggered a series of events.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I will just walk around."

Between the speeches, a huge handprint descended from the sky, directly destroying the Great Hall of the Immortals.

Beimingba's face changed greatly, saying: "You..."

Yun Feiyang raised his eyes coldly and said: "In Yuehuadan Palace, I only aimed at Xuan Jiuzhong one person, and did not cause trouble to Shendan League."

"And you."

He paused and said: "But he didn't know what happened, colluded with the hidden Danzong, and bullied me."

As soon as this remark came out, Beimingba collapsed on the ground.

It turns out that this guy already knows that today my **** pill alliance might be destroyed!

Not afraid.

Rather, there will be a disaster of extinction!


The sound of the bombing passed through the Shendan City, and the look of many medics changed greatly.

Before long, Yun Feiyang left.

The ten thousand years of Shendan League, and the leader Beimingba were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The next day.

The news of the extinction of the Shendan League was passed wildly in the pharmaceutical world.

For a time.

Many medicine practitioners were shocked.

Shocked, Yun Feiyang understated the understatement and wiped out two super-class Danzongs!

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