Super God

Chapter 1341: 1 palm out 1 island

With one palm down, an island sinks, and Yunfei's anger and Buddha's anger are terrifying!

Zhuang Boren and other people's faces changed greatly, so that their breathing was still.

This is the ethereal world, and there are extremely strong space barriers. The three of them, nine ranks and half celestial beings, will not be able to sink an island!

The first island on the periphery sank to the bottom of the sea, and a turbulent wave was set off. A golden light flickered and floated in the air. The inside was abducted innocent human beings!

They are not dead.

They are still alive!

However, all who survived were innocent human beings. Those bloodthirsty pirates all buried with the island under the sea.

Nine Zun Tian Tian palms are martial arts of the Buddha, and pay attention to compassion, but this compassion is for the bad, the wicked, and the sentient beings.

But does not include livestock.

Those pirates who assisted in the abuses and took pleasure in killing innocent human beings have lost their conscience, not even beasts.

Therefore, under the repression of Maitreya, they must use death to purify their evil karma.


Yun Feiyang raised his hand and shot Maitreya again.


The golden buddha sound carrying the Holy Light of Buddha was suppressed again, and the second island was directly sunk!



Yun Feiyang threw two palms in succession, and the other two islands sank to the bottom of the sea under the waves.

The four islands disappeared in sight, and Ji Feiya and Guo Heng were stunned one by one.

Yanshuang was cold sweat rising behind him, thinking, "What's wrong with Brother Feiyang, why is he so angry?"

what happened?

If Yanshuang's soul power can penetrate the ghost mist, capture the pirates slaughtering a group of weak people with unrestrained chicken power, strip them of flesh, and use blood and bones to feed the blood array, it will definitely be angry.



Eighty thousand pirates headed by Zhuang Boren flew from a distance, and the whole body was full of rich murderous opportunities, while Yun Feiyang shouted coldly: "Kill me all, don't let go!"


Yanshuang's hands spread out, and the two attributes of ice and fire erupted suddenly. While rushing over, he yelled angrily: "Kill!"



Hundreds of thousands of Supreme-class spirit soldiers exploded into powerful forces, transformed their weapons, and greeted the inhuman pirate.


Yanshuang made a quick step. He first fought against the attacking Zhuang Boren and Zhuang Borui. Sure enough, this guy didn't brag.

Ji Feiya is not willing to show her weakness, locked in the five-owner Zhuang Bohuang, instead of fighting hands, as the 13 arrogant son of the star list, this woman is also very powerful, and instantly suppressed Zhuang Bohuang.

Guo Heng and other backbones of the Tianwei League, then joined hands with the pirate's seven or eight ranks and half cents, and it was difficult to separate them for a while.

The top force of this side fought, and the spirit soldiers of that side also fought against the pirates.

Can't talk.

Instead, absolutely crushed.

One hundred thousand Supreme Spirit Clan soldiers, one by one, brave and warlike, but also cooperated with the tacit understanding, pressed seven or eighty thousand pirates, breathless.



Above the sky, the two attributes of Yanshuang's ice and fire exploded to the extreme, colliding with two of the nine ninth-and-a-half cents, emitting red and blue light.

"Aurora fingers!"

In another area, Ji Feiyashi exhibited nine grades of fairy-level martial arts, directly penetrating the left shoulder of Wu Dangjia.


Zhuang Bohuang screamed, and immediately retreated to the rear, but just a few steps away, he saw a colorful phoenix descending from the sky.

"Shenfeng is coming!"

Yan Shuang, who is playing against two headed men, twitched at the corner of his mouth and said: "This woman's martial arts are too good!"

Simply speaking from the realm, Ji Feiya is not as good as Yanshuang, after all, it is only the eighth peak and half fairy, but on martial arts, Yanshuang is definitely hanging!

To know.

In the Hall of Pride, Ji Feiya has a nickname called task mania. In addition to practice, she is doing tasks the rest of the day.

The more tasks you do, the more points you earn, and the more points you can redeem for all kinds of treasures and martial arts.

Ji Feiya's points have never been used to exchange resources, but are used to exchange martial arts.

After crazy tasks and earning points, this woman has exchanged at least five kinds of nine-grade fairy skills for hundreds of years.

Relying on the powerful comprehension, all the high-end martial arts skills are thoroughly comprehended, challenging the pride of the star list, and promoted to the star list all the way!


The Shenfeng, which carried the power of terror, directly hit Zhuang Bohuang and struck it several miles away.

"Dungeon cage!"

At this time, Ji Feiya once again exhibited another nine-grade fairy-level martial arts, seeing the void, and quickly showing a piece of mud mountain!


With a wave of both hands, the mud mountains suddenly joined together, and Zhuang Bohuang, who was hit hard, was bound in it.

"Lao Wu!"

Four headed Zhuang Borui shouted angrily. However, he was so distracted that he was immediately seized by Yanshuang and took a big step.


A powerful fire punch penetrated Zhuang Bohuang's abdomen, and the blood in his body suddenly evaporated, causing him to scream.


Yanshuang pulled his hand back suddenly, and he saw a crystal nucleus in his palm!

The role of the earth inflammation can not only form a terrorist combat power, but also instantly condense the energy core in the martial arts body!

"Ninth Grade Banxian's martial arts crystallize, this is a good thing." Yan Shuang grinned.


Zhuang Borui spurted his blood and fell pale to the sea. At this moment, he not only suffered a heavy blow, but also lost his martial arts crystallization.

Even if it does not die, it is equivalent to abandonment.

He will die!

Because Yun Feiyang had ordered that no one should stay, Yan Shuang's hand waved, and the fire of the earth flew out, swallowing Zhuang Borui and burning nothing.

So far.

The pirate group is the four masters, die!

"Fourth brother!"

Zhuang Boren "Yu Yanshuang appeared behind him and smiled: "That guy was just distracted and killed. Do you have to follow his footsteps?" "


Zhuang Boren growled: "Stop me!"


During the speech, condensed the power of life, turned around and blasted, but unfortunately Yanshuang was faster than him, flashed behind him again, shook his head and said: "True dish."


Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind.

Yanshuang and Ji Feiya looked at each other and saw the fifth island, which was sunk by Yun Feiyang.

"It seems that I will solve this guy while Fei Yang sinks all nine islands."

Yan Shuang's eyes were cold, the fist of condensed flames bombarded the past, and lost the assistance of the four heads.


After Zhuang Boren fought against Yanshuang again, his eyes swept around, and his heart suddenly became cold and cold.

In a very short time, seven or eighty thousand men were wiped out by the group of supreme massacres, and they were about to be surrounded.


Zhuang Boren immediately did not hesitate, and showed his way and fled towards the main island.

"Run?" Yan Shuang sneered, immediately condensed the strongest flame, and fired a fire fist in the void!


The hot flame blasted directly on Zhuang Boren's chest, piercing the chest and the heart inside.


He shouted angrily, and when his thoughts had not been wiped out, he directly chose the soul to explode!

"not good!"

Yan Shuang and Ji Feiya's complexion changed.


Above the Skull and Archipelago, a mushroom cloud rises, and the islands of the East China Sea, thousands of miles away, can be clearly seen.

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