Super God

Chapter 1334: I took this task

The top of the earth star list challenged the thirty-sixth star list, and it ended after half an hour.

During this period, Yun Feiyang, who defended all the way, just punched and punched Zhong Chen in the martial arts field.

The arrogants who came to watch the battle were very depressed. This match was really not exciting. The battle with the prince was completely incomparable.

At the very least, the two displayed a bullish martial art.

Why is this happening?

Everyone was always thinking after they retired, and finally wanted to understand that the reason why Bidou is not exciting is that, first, Yunfeiyang's defense is too strong, and secondly, Zhonghen is too weak.

Thirty-six on the Stars chart, such opponents are weak in front of Yun Feiyang, this person is also too strong.

"This Yun Feiyang is too powerful, and the limelight is not weaker than the prince who had just arrived at the beginning of the year." Everyone admired.

the next day.

A loud and strong voice sounded again: "Yesterday, the top of the earth star list Yun Feiyang defeated the star star list by 36, so it was promoted to the star list."

Everyone was not surprised about the change of ranking. It was just how long did it take to come to the Hall of Pride, first to sit at the top of the earth star list and then to enter the star list.

The speed is so fast, there is no one before!

"Into the thirty-six star list, your points will be increased from 10,000 per month to 20,000." Ji Feiya said.

"It's still slow."

Yun Fei said.

20,000 a month, 240,000 a year, still slow? Ji Feiya completely speechless, thinking to myself, this guy is really not satisfied.

"Are there any good missions?" Yun Feiyang asked, rankings must also rise, and missions must also be done, so that the martial arts resources can be exchanged faster.

Ji Feiya said: "Today is the first day of the month, the task refresh day, there should be a good task, let's go and see."


In the southwest of the pride temple, there is a quite magnificent building called the mission pavilion. The pride sons want to get points, and they must come here.

According to regulations, on the first day of each month, the tasks will be refreshed again, and the dazzling tasks will be dazzling.

"Wild land, hunting five grades of fairy-level poisonous bees and scorpions, 10,000 points, are there any partners!"

Yun Feiyang had just walked into the mission pavilion with Ji Feiya, and heard a arrogant child shouting holding a mission card in front of the door.



In the blink of an eye, three or four prides gathered around and said one after another: "I'm going!"

Such as this scene, can be seen everywhere in the mission cabinet, but the tasks done are not difficult, and the points are between thousands and 10,000.

Ji Feiya said: "The mission of the mission pavilion is divided into five levels, namely entry, simple, ordinary, difficult, and hell."

"Introductory missions, suitable for 1st, 2nd, and 5th cents, simple for 3rd, 4th, and 5th cents, generally suitable for 5th, 6th, and 5th cents, difficulty for 7th, 8th, and 5th cents, and **** for 9th, 5th, and 5th cents."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "So, the mission we went to the Valley of Flames was a **** mission?"

Ji Feiya shook her head and said: "We are doing a difficult task, but I did not expect that there will be a fire thunder dragon king in the valley."


Yun Feiyang responded.

It was at this time that the two reached the end of the mission pavilion. On the wall in front, the streamer flashed, and the dense tasks were listed.

Yun Feiyang's review, the first task to introduce the eyes is-[Getting Started] to send a letter to Huihao City, and you can get 300 points.

Such as such wonderful, there are some to go to some areas to clean, or to repair the roof and the like.

Yun Feiyang said silently: "Such a simple thing is a task?"

However, what made him even more speechless was that there were still a few arrogants who rushed to grab.

Ji Feiya said: "Although the points given by the low-level tasks are few, they are very simple, and someone will definitely do it."


Yun Fei said: "What are we doing?"

Ji Feiya smiled: "Given your previous performance, you must do a hell-level mission."

In the battle with the prince, how could she not see that Yun Feiyang is very strong, especially comprehending Jiu Zun Tao Tian Zhang, I am afraid that there is a Jiu Pin peak level.

"Must." Yun Fei said: "If you don't do **** missions, it's not fun at all."

It is absolutely impossible for him to sweep the floor and send things. After all, the points range from a few hundred to one thousand. This must be sent to the year of the monkey to save millions and exchange for valuable martial arts resources.

"Wait." Ji Feiya said: "There will be a **** mission."


The tasks on the streamer light curtain are constantly being taken away and constantly refreshed. During this period, there have been many ordinary and difficult tasks.

From the end point, Yun Feiyang has roughly judged that the difficult tasks are almost between 80,000 and 100,000.

Most of the people who dare to take difficult tasks are in groups, and the minimum number must be more than three.

"The difficulty is between one hundred thousand, I'm afraid **** will be higher." Yun Feiyang murmured.


Suddenly, the streamer light curtain flickered slightly, and a ‘purple’ text appeared slowly.

"Hell mission!" The proud sons who often came to the mission pavilion to take over the mission exclaimed.


At this moment, Yun Fei stepped forward and stood in front of the task elders, shouting: "I took this task!"


The audience was silent.

Ji Feiya, who was standing next to her, twitched at the corner of her mouth, thinking, what is this guy anxious about, such a difficult task, basically no one will grab it!


The light curtain mission is thoroughly presented. The content is: [Hell Mission] Go to the Skeleton Sea area, and wipe out the Skeleton Pirates. You will get 500,000 points for completing it.


"I go, so much!"

Many prides were shocked.

According to their experience, most of the hell-level tasks range from 200,000 to 300,000, and the reward of 500,000 points is still the first time encountered!


Ji Feiya frowned, the higher the number of points, the more difficult it is to complete the task, and 500,000 points are comparable to two **** tasks!

"Skeleton Pirates..."

Some people were shocked: "I think of it, this is an organization that has risen 100 years ago. There are five main heads, all of them are nine and a half cents in strength, and they are 100,000 men. They are entrenched in the sea of ​​skeletons. ."

"Five, nine, and a half cents?"

The corners of the mouth of many prides twitched.

The warrior who said before: "I heard The head of the Skeleton Pirates, I am afraid that it has reached the peak of the Ninth Grade strength."


Everyone's mouth twitched more severely. These hell-level missions are the most terrifying and difficult one they see when they come to the Hall of Pride.

"It's over, it's over."

Ji Feiya clutched the show forehead and collapsed.

If dealing with one or two ninth-grade and half-cents, she still has hope and can face five, and one of them reaches the peak of the ninth-grade, which is really difficult.


Yun Fei said.

"Why do you go?"

Ji Feiya's eyes widened.

Yun Feiyang turned his head back and smiled wisely: "Of course it is to do tasks, 500,000 points."

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