Super God

Chapter 1306: Ethereal world

After the injury was completely recovered, Yun Fei Yang was alone and came to Shenmo Mountain, stopping in front of the corpses of the ghost and spirit master. &Le&Art&Fiction{www}.{lw}{xs520}.{com}

Protected by the formation method, the two corpses were not corrupted, and sitting there was alive.

"Master, thank you, the two great treasures left to me." Yun Feiyang murmured.


He sat down cross-legged, the majestic power of swallowing, screaming out, and instantly shrouded the master of the essence.

The matter of Jiu You has been resolved. He wants to ingest the energy of the two bodies and leave.

of course.

Two sets of nine quintessence and half cents, the energy contained is magnificent, it takes a long time to ingest.

The most important thing about Yunfeiyang in the flying mainland is time. It doesn't matter if you absorb it for a hundred years.


The force of engulfing poured into the body of the essence, and flowed to the Dantian, enveloped the majestic energy core, and began to take a long time.

time flies.

It took half a year for Yun Feiyang to fully ingest the elite master energy core, and the realm was upgraded from second grade and half immortal to fourth grade!

The energy of a nine-grade, half-cent, and three-tenth, only allows him to raise two levels, which is a little too little. For other people, I am afraid that it can be upgraded to three or four grades.

Yun Feiyang clenched his fists tightly, feeling the brand-new power, shaking his head and saying: "The realm is improved, but the strength is increased, it seems that it is not too high."

Relying on the power of engulfment to absorb external forces and use it for oneself has a certain degree, and beyond this degree, it will be restricted.

Yun Feiyang had absorbed several generals in succession, but now he is taking another nine and a half cents, which is naturally restricted.

Before the breakthrough, his realm was second-grade half-cents, enough to fight against seven-grade half-cents, but now it has broken through to fourth-grade half-cents, and its strength can only be comparable to eight-grade half-cents.

"It is not omnipotent to devour magical powers, and there is a limit after all." Yun Feiyang was not surprised by the improvement of realm and the limitation of strength growth.

After all, if you are so good, what else to practice, just absorb the energy of the warrior all day to break through.

"If I absorb the energy of this ghost master again, should my realm and strength be brought closer again?"

Yun Feiyang put aside everything, sat down again, and began to ingest the energy of the ghost master Dan Tian.


Pure energy is absorbed by the engulfing magical power, refined by the anti-natural tactics, and integrated into the energy core.

Yun Feiyang clearly felt that his level of martial arts level had risen quickly and his strength had grown slowly.

half year later.

Ghost Lord's energy is all refined.

Yun Feiyang's realm has entered the sixth-grade half-cent, and the strength of strength can only barely be regarded as the nineth-grade half-cent.

At that time, the first grade was comparable to the sixth grade, spanning five levels, but now the sixth grade is comparable to the ninth grade, but the span is only three levels.


Judging from Yun Feiyang's growth pattern, it is indeed a step backward, and the gap between realm and strength has been narrowed a lot.

However, from the perspective of the realm level, Yun Feiyang is not subject to too many restrictions. After all, after the sixth grade, each grade will be more difficult to improve, and its strength will be stronger.

simply say.

The value of the two nine grades and half cents is to make Yunfeiyang's realm improve faster, so that it is not pulled too far by real strength.


Yun Feiyang stood up, his battle spirit flashed in his eyes, and he looked up to the sky.

Reaching the Sixth Grade Half Immortal and having a fighting power close to the Ninth Grade is a cool thing. At least, it is a big step closer to the level of the realm.

"Little God Lord, Lingwu Realm Lord!" Yun Fei looked coldly and said: "It won't take long for Lao Tzu to come to you!"


It has only been three years since the Nine Nethers have been flying in the mainland for more than ten years. In this short period of time, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

In terms of the demon clan, it has completely occupied the entire Nine Nether, and with the help of the spirit clan soldiers, it has repaired a city.

"Thank you."

Youmei stood on the tower and looked far into the distance. She was deeply grateful in her eyes.

Without this person in front of you, the demon clan will not control the Nine Nether, and will only be suppressed forever, and the father and emperor will not rise back to life.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's all my own people, thank you for seeing you too much."

Youmei withdrew his eyes and looked at him, saying: "I want to stay here to rebuild the demon clan, is it okay?"


Yun Feiyang has no comments.

Youmei flicked the blue silk and smiled charmingly: "When my clan becomes stronger, I will go find you."


The next day, Yun Feiyang flew to the sky alone, and the matter of the Nine Nether Realm was resolved, and he should also set off.

The ghost standing on the tower, quietly looking at the increasingly blurred back, his tears gradually getting wet.

She wanted to leave with him.

But his father's injury is not good, the demon clan still needs people to take care of, must stay here.

"Little charm."

The demon came and looked at the sky: "You found a reliable man."

Youmei smiled and said: "Yes."


The vast sky.

Purple jade fairy gourd flying at speed.

Standing in front of the starry sky, Liu Rou said, "Flying, is it time to go to the Hall of Pride?"

Yun Fei said: "Can you find Huoyanyan Realm?"

Before going to the Hall of Pride, he wanted to take Liang Yin to the plane with fire as its main focus.

"Can't find it." Liu Rou shook his head and said, "This plane should be far away from us, and can't appear on the starry sky map."


Yun Fei Yang said: "While looking for the spirit soul, go to the Hall of Pride".


The ethereal world, an ancient plane, has a long history in all realms.

The Wanjie Pride League is located in this area, and the pride palace that many geniuses yearn for is also established here.

On the sky of the ethereal world, there is a huge light curtain with two people on it.

As the picture continued to beat, one of them summoned the purple lotus flame, which marveled the martial arts in the world.

"Unexpectedly, this Yun Feiyang actually has a rare purple lotus fire in the world!"

"Xuan Jiuzhong in the pharmaceutical world, this is going to be a tragedy."

Everyone continued to watch. When Xuan Jiuzhong finally lost, there was no accident.

Picture transformation.

The two people who had previously fought each other launched a martial arts competition. As a result, it was a unilateral absolute crush.

"The first genius in the pharmaceutical industry seems to have reached a first-grade and a half-cent. It is so devastated that Yunfeiyang's strength may have reached second-grade."

"I remember that when he was banned as an arrogant, the guy's strength on the battlefield outside the territory seemed to be talented."

"'s really fast to improve."

"I heard that many arrogant sons in the Hall of Arrogance have already rubbed their hands, waiting for Yun Feiyang to come and fight him."

"After Yun Feiyang defeated the medicine world Danwu genius, it has spread in many circles and is called the most dazzling new star."

"Other arrogances will certainly not be tolerated, and it is reasonable to have a fight."

"That said, it won't take long for us to have a good show?"

When the warriors of the ethereal world were discussing, the corner of the sky was extremely twisted, and immediately saw a huge purple gourd fly by, and the speed was relatively slow.

"Ziyu fairy gourd?"

Someone was shocked.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the purple gourd shrank quickly, turned into a streamer, and fell into the hands of a young man. He looked down at the misty world below and smiled: "The Hall of Pride, I am flying."

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