Super God

Chapter 1235: Misheard!

Yun Feiyang finally started alchemy, but the flame of the call was still a congenital fire.

Qiu Yishui was speechless.

At this juncture, don't hurry to use the purple lotus fire to catch up, what the **** is he thinking?

In the view of Qiu Yishui, Zhen Deshuai has entered the step of forming a pill. At this time, Yun Feiyang must use a higher flame.

Otherwise, it is difficult to catch up.

"This kid is only practicing alchemy now, and he must be powerless."

"If you practice alchemy from the beginning, you won't be so passive, he just asked for it."

Many spectators whispered.

All in all, they did not believe at all, Yun Feiyang now alchemy, can catch up with Zhen Deshuai.

However, under the optimism of everyone, Yun Feiyang gently waved, and the innate real fire instantly enveloped the red furnace.


A palm lined up on Dan's table, bursting out secretly, shaking all the herbs listed above.

brush! brush! brush!

As soon as the thoughts moved, the medicinal herbs suspended in mid-air flew towards the Dan furnace.

"Lying trough!"

The spectators who saw this scene widened their eyes.

Yan Sansheng and many elders in the main hall also looked dull.

A product of 100 kinds of medicinal herbs Zhendan, the input of medicinal materials is extremely particular, this guy throws in all at once, are you afraid of direct fryer?

"Maybe I know I have to lose, so I will go to extremes."

"How brave."

Several contestants nearest to Yun Feiyang subconsciously stepped back a few times, and their eyes became distraught.

So many high-level medicinal materials are all stuffed into the dan furnace, and after the flame is burned, there is an explosion. The power is definitely terrifying!

Disappointed them.

Hundred kinds of medicinal materials merged into the Dan furnace, and did not explode after half an hour of innate real fire smelting.

"how is this possible?"

Yan Sanxing was shocked.

With so many medicinal materials entering the furnace at the same time, they did not explode under smelting. Is it all under control?

Theoretically, it is possible to control 100 medicinal materials, but the soul power is extremely tested.

After half an hour, the Dan Furnace did not explode, only to show that the guy had controlled all the medicinal materials with soul power.

Think so far.

Yan Sanxing took a breath.

If this is the case, that is to say, his soul is so strong that it is so terrifying!

"Not bad."

Jiu Banxian grinned: "It's worthy of Tianzun's great consummate soul."

If Yun Feiyang knew that the strength of his soul was seen by the old man, he would be surprised.

After all, it has been working against the sky all the time, and no one else can see through it.

Zhen Deshuai, who is making Dan, realized that Yun Feiyang was simultaneously manipulating 100 medicinal herbs to make alchemy, and secretly startled: "How is it possible!"

At the same time, he invested a lot of medicinal materials to make alchemy, he can do it, but he can invest a hundred strains at once.


Yun Feiyang directly put hundreds of medicinal materials into the Dan furnace and gradually refined it, which deeply hit the self-proclaimed Zhen Deshuai.

of course.

This method of refining is not used for show, forcing, but for saving time!

Only one hour.

Hundreds of materials melted under the control of Yun Feiyang's powerful soul power and began to merge.

Soon, a turbulent smoke emerged from the Dan furnace, carrying fragrant fragrances. Obviously, it was the sign of Jie Dan!

"Oh my God!"

"This... is this too fast?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Zhen Deshuai, who made the panacea, was once again hit hard. After all, he used five hours to form a pill, and the other party only used one hour!

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Yun Feiyang's hour was five times faster than Zhen Deshuai's five hours. This injury was absolutely critical, absolutely strong.


After all, Zhen Deshuai was not an ordinary panacea. He stabilized his mind and continued to refine panacea.

What is the use of Jie Dan Kuai?

As long as I practiced the Elixir first, it is the first place and the winner!


The purity of the two flames of darkness and light has once again increased, and Zhen Deshuai has also entered a state of concentration.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang laughed.

As soon as this remark came out, Zhen Deshuai almost failed to stabilize his mind and directly caused the fryer.

how is this possible?

In the last step, this guy can even speak?

Everyone present was stunned, looking towards Yunfeiyang, as if watching monsters!

"Are you surprised that at the final stage of Dan Cheng, can I speak distracted?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Zhen Deshuai said nothing. At this moment, he must maintain absolute concentration, or even Dan Cheng, the quality may not be high.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I thought you could bear a lot, but that's not the case."


Everyone was speechless.

Yan Sansheng said solemnly: "It is possible to control 100 medicinal materials at the same time, and then at a crucial stage, distracted to speak, this son's soul strength has reached at least the late Tianzun!"


The elders were shocked.

Their Dan Dao level is above the seven or eight ranks of the Dan King, but the level of soul strength is only Supreme Perfection.

"At a young age, he has such terrifying soul power. How did he do it?"

An elder was shocked.

This issue is unknown to everyone, but it can only be read on.

Zhen Deshuai heard Yun Feiyang's words, and his anger rose, but it could only be forced, because with his soul power, he could not speak in the key alchemy steps.

May be shocked by Yun Feiyang.

With continued alchemy, Zhen Deshuai's forehead had oozed sweat beads.

Qiu Yishui shook his head secretly.

The guy just used innate real fire, but the result was easy, making a Dan Dao genius with the flames of light and darkness so embarrassed.

"so horrible!"

"If that guy had alchemy in the beginning, I'm afraid this Zhen Deshuai won't have any chance at all."

Yun Feiyang's performance made the observers who had questioned him all changed his mind.

Now they all agree that Zhen Deshuai is not an opponent. If Yun Feiyang let him practice alchemy first, he must have been crushed long ago.

Father, like son.

Zhen Deshuai now does not realize that in front of the breezy Yun Feiyang, he can't compete at all.

Still thinking, speed up, faster.

You can win the victory by first refining the Summon Spirit Pill!


Time passed by.

the next day.

Zhen Deshuai, who has been refining for more than a day, has excitement on his face, because immortality is about to be released.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Suddenly, a clear sound came out.


Zhen Deshuai laughed: "Chengdan!"


Suddenly ~ ~ Dan furnace exploded, and black smoke fluttered up.

Zhen Deshuai smiled and said in disbelief: " is it possible, how could it be fried..."


Yun Feiyang said lightly.

Zhen Deshuai turned around hurriedly, and then he saw the guy holding up the pot and pouring out potions of potions.


His body suddenly stiffened.

Zhen Deshuai now understands that Dan Cheng's voice was originally from Yunfei Yangdan furnace.

I heard it wrong!


Zhen Deshuai spurted out blood, and the man fell to the ground, sorrow and death.

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