Super God

Chapter 1153: God's legacy, see my god!

Han Letian was directly squeezed by Yun Feiyang and turned into a blood mist, making the worlds silent.

Middle Heaven.

In a very short time, how powerful and shocking it was to be wiped out by that guy!


This is a demon!

The warriors of all circles have been completely conquered by Yun Feiyang, and they fully understand his horror.

The warriors of the Lingwu Realm in the Tianxiong City were horribly disappointed when they witnessed Tianzun being bombed on the spot in the middle.

After Han Letian appeared, they were very excited, thinking that the presence of reinforcements, Yun Feiyang will definitely die.

But in the end, things went against the wish. In the mid-term, the Tianzun not only killed Yun Feiyang, but was killed by him!

The other two Tianzun, after seeing Han Letian killed, their eyes expressed deep fear.

At the moment, without any guts and courage, they went out of town to fight Yunfeiyang!

In the Lingwu world, the warriors who were originally very angry, and very excited, have now been collectively silent.

Twenty Supreme.

Five Elements Supreme.

Ouyang Martyr, Fifth Chase.

Nowadays, Tianzun mid-term Han Lotte.

Time and time again died in the hands of Yun Feiyang, hitting them in the face and trampling their self-esteem again and again.


The Lingwu Realm Master was difficult to suppress, and a burst of blood spattered out when anger erupted.


He held his fist and growled angrily: "Yun Feiyang, the Lord must kill you!"

The voice passed in the Lingwu Realm and reached the ears of the warrior, and he thought secretly in all fear, the master of the realm is very angry now, very angry!

"Send Tianzun in the later period, or Tianzun's consummation, enter the extraterritorial battlefield and kill Yun Feiyang!"

"Be sure to let this boy pay for his blood!"

The warriors of the Lingwu world are angry one by one, and wish to eat Yunfei's flesh and drink his blood!


It was impossible to send Tianzun in the later period, or even Tianzun's consummation.

According to the rules of the extraterritorial battlefield, the two warring parties can only send five Tianzun-level strongmen within a year, and the total number cannot exceed five.

It is only two months since Ouyang Marty entered the extraterritorial battlefield. Fifth Chase, Han Letian and two Tianzun entered, just reaching the limit!

If you want to send Tianzun into the extraterritorial battlefield again, you have to wait ten months.


"call out!"

When the streamer flashed, the merit badge representing Han Letian flew into Yunfeiyang's hands, and he easily earned a thousand merits.

Counting the 10 Supreme Masters of Huaying Realm, as well as Ouyang Shi and Fifth Chase, this guy earned a total of 3,000 points.

This speed is not unsatisfactory.

of course.

The warriors of all circles know that if Yun Feiyang succeeds in siege, and take the army to wash the Celestial City, the merit will be horrible!

Can it be washed in blood?

This question came to mind in everyone's mind, without thinking about reason, and following the feeling.

They think they can!

"The five Heavenly Venerable places in the Lingwu Realm within one year have been used up. It is impossible to send stronger Heavenly Venerable. Yunfei Yang will wash the Tianxiong City. It should be no difficulty."

The strong said.

"Not necessarily."

It was also said: "Although the Spirit Martial World can not send Tianzun level strong, but it can send the supreme and God-like warrior."

"If the Lingwu Realm Master, at all costs, uses human sea tactics, he can certainly be killed."

"Not bad."

Other strong people agree.

Undeniably, Yunfeiyang is very strong.

But in the end there is a limit. If the Lingwu Realm condenses a thousand, two thousand or even more supreme, with two Heavenly Venerables, it can also kill him.

In such a large-scale engagement, the personal combat power is definitely far behind in front of the human sea tactics.

The warriors of all circles guessed.

In the formation of Tianxiong City, the streamer flashed wildly, and a famous warrior appeared.

They are the warriors who came with Han Letian, and the number has reached 500,000, including a lot of supreme-level predators.

"Lingwu Realm Master, really angered, kill Yun Feiyang at all costs."

Outsiders said.

no no.

This person is not a price.

They were just the first batch of reinforcements to enter the battlefield outside the territory. They were sent before Han Letian died.

The angry Spirit Martial Realm Master has once again ordered that all first-class families and super-first-class families in the world enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

how many people?

One thousand of supreme level.

The Great Divine Realm is 30,000.

More than one hundred thousand gods.

Millions of warriors below the gods!

Although it is not the mobilization of the whole world, it is also a very terrifying force. Even if the last battle of the Four Realms was not sent such a lineup!


It is the leader of the Lingwu Realm who killed Yun Feiyang at all costs.


When the first batch of 500,000 warriors in the Lingwu world appeared, Yun Feiyang had integrated into the Feiyang mainland.

Although manipulating the Nine Respected Towers and using the second change of the three changes of the God of War soul, it is only extremely short, but it also brings side effects.


It's not long.

It's about two or three days.

According to the acceleration of fifty times, the battlefield outside the territory is only about an hour.

"call out!"

After Yun Feiyang recovered, he once again appeared in the extraterritorial battlefield. The warriors in the Lingwu world have not even discussed how to attack.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, the sky behind the Ling clan army, a stream of lights flashing at a rapid speed, the number of as many as more than 10,000.


Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

Soon, headed by a supreme great consummation, nearly a hundred martial artists flew by first.

They fell outside the station of the Ling clan army, and showed their ardent admiration. They knelt down on the ground with a trembling voice: "The bright mainland people, see my god!"

"Bright mainland?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.

He remembers this continent, a very high-level plane under the leadership of God Realm.

However, the light continent is not too far away from the **** realm, it should have been swallowed by the dark vortex, why are there survivors?

Although puzzled.

But Yun Feiyang still smiled.

Since this group of people sees themselves, it must be for their own sake.

A supreme consummation.

More than a dozen junior middle school supreme.

The remaining more than 80 people are all in the perfection of God Realm, which is also a strong force!


In the distant sky, there was another Supreme Great Consummate who brought hundreds of martial artists and flew at a rapid speed.

Like Hai Rusheng, they fell on the ground outside the army and bowed in unison: "Rich people of the mainland, see my god!"



More supreme-class powerhouses ~ ~ with the mainland wiped out, the surviving martial arts flew by.

They knelt on the ground, seeing their god, their faith.

"The good people of the mainland, see my god!"

"Shock the mainland people, see my god!"

"Qingtian mainland people, see my god!"

The sound of scorching adoration was resounded in the sky outside the battlefield outside the territory, and passed on in all circles, making all the warriors awe-inspiring.

They looked at Yun Feiyang, thinking in their hearts, this guy, in the end, where is the sacred, it would make such a supreme, so many warriors of the **** level, willing to bow down and bow!


Because, he is Yun Feiyang.

Because, he is the God of God Realm, God of War!

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