Super God

Chapter 1139: Shen Xiaoyu, run away!

"what happened?"

"Why does the light curtain explode for no reason!"

Looking at the disappearing light curtain, the martial artists from all walks of life have their eyes wide and small.

Yun Fei raised his hand to kill the fifth chase, and the other party's soul exploded. Only in a moment, they didn't see it at all.

Those with strong respect for the realm of heaven have dignified expressions one by one.

Although they are not very clear about the situation, they can judge.

Directly causing the explosion of the light curtain, the area where Yun Feiyang and Lingwujie Tianzun are located must have experienced a strong explosion.

The explosive aftermath was terrifying enough to smash the shadow formation on the sky.

What strength is this power?

Many Tianzun realm strongmen, the first thought, the soul explodes!


The soul of the goddess level explodes!


At this point, many powerful people took a breath.

From the previous picture, they have guessed that if the soul explodes, then the detonator must be the fifth chase, after all, he is seriously injured!

Yun Feiyang from Little God Realm.

It turned out that it was really unimaginable to explode a soul that Tianzun forced!

of course.

They still regret more.

So outstanding, even the young Junjie who has the qualification to become an arrogant, eventually fell to the extraterritorial battlefield.

No one would doubt that Yun Feiyang could survive the soul explosion.

After all, in the early days of a Tianzun, at the cost of thousands of calamities, the final glory was born.

Even if Tianzun is in the middle, he must be hit hard!


The powerful in all circles are only speculation, the fifth life-hunt may be the soul burst.

Lingwu Realm Lord, but enough to be sure.

Because, as a strong man of his level, he can capture every move on the battlefield through the light curtain.


The Lord of Lingwu Realm said angrily: "A cloud fluttering in every area has actually lost a Tianzun in our realm."

The Tianzun Realm Powerhouse is a top powerhouse in any realm, let alone one, even if one is hurt, it is also very distressing.


The Lingwu Realm Master again said: "It can be counted as revenge for my son to make this child crushed."

He also determined that Yun Feiyang will definitely die, so even if a Tianzun is very distressed, he will be revenge.


Inside the main city palace of the little god.

Seeing Yun Feiyang being engulfed by the explosion caused by the self-explosion of the Tianzun class soul, the acting little **** master was always tense and finally stretched out.

That guy is finally dead!


Acting little **** Lord laughed heartily.

Once, he longed to fight God of War, but now he is very happy.


Because, he was afraid!

He was afraid to give Yun Feiyang a hundred years to grow at a speed of terror, and in the end he was not even a rival.

Only when he is dead can he rest assured.

It can make the acting little **** Lord so daunted, it can be seen that Yun Feiyang entered the extraterritorial battlefield, how terrible the performance is.

"Brother Yun..."

Shen Linfeng frowned.

Although he wanted Yun Feiyang to be alive, in the face of an explosion comparable to Tianzun's mid-term power, reason told himself that it was a little too difficult!

"call out!"

At this moment, on another light curtain, a stream of light flew towards Yun Feiyang's engagement area at a rapid speed.

It was Shen Xiaoyu who had already entered the battlefield outside the territory.

At this moment, Liu Liu's eyebrows were tight, her small face was covered with frost, and a terror breath erupted all over her body.


Shen Linyuan flew over, looked at Shen Xiaoyu on the light curtain, and exclaimed: "Xiaoyu, the girl, has unlocked the Kowloon attribute in her father's seal!"

Shen Linfeng was bitter.

The daughter must know that Brother Yun has fallen, so she will run away and unblock the terror forces hidden in her body.


Shen Linyuan eagerly said: "I have to enter the battlefield and bring her back, otherwise, it will interfere with the battle between the two realms."


Shen Linfeng stopped him and said, "Don't go, let Xiao Yu go crazy once."


Shen Linyuan was stunned.

Shen Linfeng said: "In this way, she will feel better."


Shen Linyuan shook his head.

Although he has just arrived, he also witnessed the scene where Yun Feiyang was affected by the explosion of Tianzun's soul.

"Light rain."

Shen Linyuan looked at the light curtain and said, "It's enough to help Brother Yun to take revenge. Don't destroy the battlefield outside the territory."

In the woods.

Shen Ming and Shen Hui squatted on the branches and looked at Shen Xiaoyu's angry look and said, "This little Nizi, is crazy."

"Spiritual warriors in the Lingwu world outside the battlefield will be buried with Uncle Yun."

"Not only." Shen Hui said: "It is very likely that even the little God Realm Warrior among them will be buried with him."

"Damn it."

Shen Ming shook his fist and said: "As long as we know this, we should enter the extraterritorial battlefield together with light rain, so that Uncle Yun will not die."



On the sky outside the battlefield, under the envelope of Kowloon, Shen Xiaoyu flew away quickly.

As Shen Linfeng said.

He already knew that Yun Feiyang was swallowed up by Tianzun's soul.


When Yun Feiyang appeared, fighting against the fifth chasing wind, she captured his existence with a powerful Yuan Nian.

"Huh, **** guy, you made this girl easy to find!" Shen Xiaoyu said at the time.

She desperately wanted to see Yun Feiyang as soon as possible, eager to show off to him, after breaking through the Kowloon ban, her realm improved a lot!


Witnessing Yun Feiyang's early tumble on Tianzun, Shen Xiaoyu suddenly looked dull and collapsed: "I haven't seen him in a few years, why did he improve so fast!"

Little Loli, was hit hard.


Still want to see him.

Even if I saw him, I couldn't beat him, and I would scold him with my face, and it was quite comfortable.

With this thought in mind, Shen Xiaoyu showed his way and hurriedly approached.

"Huh, huh, that guy will be surprised if he sees me, will he be very happy..."


The deafening explosion interrupted Shen Xiaoyu's thoughts, and a tingling pain came from her heart.

"Cloud...Uncle Yun..."

Looking at the area shrouded by the light, Shen Xiaoyu was eclipsed. She and her father thought, faced with such a terrible soul blew, Yun Feiyang must be dead!

"Ah!" Shen Xiaoyu seemed to go crazy, rushing towards Yunfeiyang.

At the same time, the terror force inside the body suddenly broke the seal, and roared into the meridians, turning into nine dragons with virtual and real", the space shattered, and even spread thousands of miles ahead. !

Anger, mania, and two emotions occupied Shen Xiaoyu's knowledge of the sea, and his eyes flashed with horror.

This loli.

Today, runaway!

"Oh my God."

"Who is that woman!"

Witnessing Shen Xiaoyu flying in the light curtain, the people were not there, the space thousands of miles away was completely broken, and the martial arts of all circles were all appalled.


Shen Xiaoyu, who was flying at speed, said madly: "The warrior of the Lingwu world, I Shen Xiaoyu, want you to be buried with Uncle Yun!"

A sharp, angry voice was rippling in the ears of the martial arts warriors, and there was a faint pain. The look of a powerful Tianzun was horrified and said: "Heaven... Tianzun is perfect!"

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