Super God

Chapter 1130: Can't beat Tianzun, ran!

After breaking through the Nirvana period, the five-element congenital body was shaped.

Yun Fei Yang's spirited speculation, whether he can fight the early days of Tianzun Realm.


With the answer.

Not at all!

The reason is very simple. The powerful at the level of the Heavenly Realm not only has the power of a real dragon weighing more than ten million.

There are also Heaven Rank martial arts, and Heaven Rank treasures!

What is Yun Feiyang?

He has a colorful rainbow lightsaber, he has a thunder dragon fist, but the quality is only the level, and it is unbearable in front of the heavenly treasure.

of course.

Yun Feiyang has something that can be reached.

That's the Taixu Platinum Warframe, but it's badly damaged and can't be summoned.

If this thing is in your body.

With his defense combined with the artifact defense, the Heavenly Treasure Treasure forms a beam, which is difficult to hurt him.

This is why, after browsing for so long in the Gongxun Pavilion, and seeing the phantom **** stone, Yun Feiyang immediately decided to exchange the item first.

After all, the too-flawed platinum armor has been completely repaired, and with absolute defense, even if you can't beat your opponent, you can save your life!

Realizing that he is not an opponent of the Heavenly Realm who sacrificed the Celestial Treasure, Yun Feiyang decisively chose to flee.

And before the second beam bombing, the banned blood sacrifice was exhibited, which caused a sudden burst of speed and escaped.


Ouyang Marty is the soul moving again.

The nine towers hanging on the sky turn the bottom of the tower and emit the third strong beam again!


Yun Feiyang instantly inferred that it was difficult to avoid the third bombing even if the banned blood sacrifice was performed.


The silver hair instantly turned golden.

In a very short period of time, Yun Feiyang displayed three changes of the God of War soul body, the speed increased again, and finally avoided the third beam bombing.

Twice in a row.

It seems very slow, but it is instant.

The warrior staring at the light curtain never saw Yun Feiyang's hair color undergo two changes.

Because it's too fast!

The third beam failed to hit the target, and Ouyang was also shocked. Immediately he manipulated the Nine Respect Towers and bombarded again.

"call out!"

"call out!"

A beam of light descended from the sky.

Yunfei Yang, who is a gold body, can avoid it by speed, but knows that it can never be sustained.

"Oh shit."

He secretly scolded: "A Tianzun was so strong at the beginning, so I had to use the second change!"

At the same time of thinking, the'Purple Qi comes east' has been inspired, and the blonde hair instantly turns purple.

After entering the second change.

Yun Feiyang's speed was transformed again, piercing the void, causing the space to tremble violently, seeming to shatter!

Just speed.

There will be the possibility of breaking up the space, Yun Feiyang is now really fast.

Since so.

It is very difficult to catch up with the beam of the falling light!

"call out!"


"call out!"


In an instant, several beams of light exploded down, and Yun Feiyang easily escaped and flew away.


I can't beat you, can I still run?

Yun Feiyang did not plan to fight Tianzun, but flew towards the area of ​​Mad Shacheng.

Because under Yuan Nian's envelopment, many warriors from the Lingwu world are coming over, with at least one hundred thousand!


"These are all merit points!"


Yun Feiyang flew away at speed.

When he was close to one hundred thousand martial artists, his big hand waved, and the power of the Thousand Real Dragons erupted!

Thousands of warriors who arrived did not realize that Yun Feiyang rushed at a rapid speed, and even without the idea of ​​death rising, they were bombarded into blood mist on the spot.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Pieces of merit medals flew over.

Ordinarily, with one palm shot, beheaded 5,000 warriors, each point must have 5,000 merit points.

However, only 300 points are available.

This is because most of the 5,000 warriors are in the real dragon period. According to the rules of the extraterritorial battlefield, there is a big difference between the warriors and there is no merit in killing.

"It's okay."

Yun Fei said: "There are still many!"


He waved again, erupted in terror, and bombarded several thousand martial arts warriors on the spot, earning 400 points!

"Three hundred merit points!"

Yun Feiyang blasted again, killing thousands of warriors.

After receiving the waist card, the merit points increased from 2,720 to 3,120 points!


Yun Feiyang turned into a streamer, and flew to Mad City.


Eventually, it fell in the city.

Through the light curtain, the warriors from all walks of life found Yun Fei Yang falling in the city of Kuangsha, twitching his mouth.

Tens of thousands of fighters were summoned from the Ouyang Marty to summon the Heavenly Treasure Treasure Bomb and the 100,000 martial artists who arrived.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't see the clouds flying, they only felt that the streamer was constantly jumping in the sky!



Yuan Nian captures that the guy enters the mad evil city, and Ouyang Si angrily withdraws the Nine Zun Tower.

Two months ago.

Enter the extraterritorial battlefield by the order of the realm master.

He thought it was easy to kill a supreme level. As a result, Tianjie martial arts combined with Tianjie Zhibao, did not leave him, it was a bit collapsed.

"Unexpectedly, this child would be so fast."

Lingwu Realm's eyes were gloomy and said: "Submit the order, let the fifth chase life, enter the extraterritorial battlefield, assist Ouyang Marty, chase Yun Feiyang!"


The order was ordered and disappeared immediately.


Yun Feiyang, who did not appear in two months, killed five Supreme Consummation and tens of thousands of warriors, escaped from Tianzun's hands, and once again shook the warriors of all circles.

"This power is terrifying!"

"I don't know. Has his performance alarmed the All Realms?"

World Realm League.

A non-influential organization.

Their duty is to count geniuses from all walks of life, regularly publish the ranking of geniuses, and is called the list of pride of all realms.

A young man is very good and is called a genius or young handsome.


Is a higher symbol.

Every ten years, the Pride League regularly refreshes the list, and then the light curtain of the list will emerge.

The geniuses who appear on the list have been admired and respected by everyone, and the world they are in is also face-saving.

of course.

The list of princes in the world, to the princes, is not only a dazzling identity.

In the top ten, you can enter the real martial arts domain.

This entry, not the flesh, is in the form of soul.

The aim is to allow the pride to integrate into a stronger plane and realize the world, so as to improve the martial arts faster.

This alone.

Many geniuses with strong qualifications are excited, and they are crazy to improve their rankings.

However, there are many realms controlled by Zhenwu God Territory, and there are also countless enemies like rising stars.

It is extremely difficult to rush to the top ten.

Yun Feiyang doesn't know about Wanjie Pride Wanjie Pride List.

After entering the city of madness, he hurriedly entered the Pavilion of Merit while taking advantage of the side effects of his combat skills.

"Little friend."

The old man at the counter smiled: "We meet again."


Yun Feiyang placed the merit card on the table and pointed to a light curtain. He said, "I want to exchange it, it's too fictitious."


The old man was startled.

Calculating the time, this child seems to have been here for more than two months. So quickly enough to earn three thousand merit points?

With this question.

The old man picked up the merit badge and saw the merit point of "three hundred and twenty" engraved on it, and his muddled eyes were deeply shocked.

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