Super God

Chapter 1121: Win and lose!

Tu De finally exhibited the heaven-level martial arts Wulei Yu Lingbo, so that the martial arts of the Lingwu world decided that Yun Feiyang was definitely dying!

Because of this martial arts condensed power, several Supreme Dharma teamed up to contend, and the result was death together!

Just don't believe it.

This guy has the ability to resist hard!

Now Yun Feiyang is indeed unable to resist, and has climbed to the two-million-dollar Wuling Yuling.


Even though he didn't change his face in the face of the power of terror, the guy licked his lips and excitedly said: "Be stronger, it's interesting."

Came to the extraterritorial battlefield, always second abuse.

Very boring.

Now I meet a guy who claims to be ‘Invincible in the Supreme Realm’ and makes him want to see and see how strong he is!


"It's crazy!"

The warriors of the Lingwu world were furious.

In their view, in the face of such terrible power, that guy should not be like this, but the expression of fear of death appeared on his face!

"as you wish!"

Tu De slammed.

The five innate five-element attributes exploded again, blending into the rotating spherical vortex at a rapid rate.


More attributes come together, and stronger forces continue to rise.

Stepped into the weight of 2.2 million, 2.3 million, and finally fixed at 3 million!

Three million weights, what concept?

That is to say, the strength of the five elements of the spirit spirit that Tude is now performing is already comparable to that of the three Supreme Consummation.

And the three Supreme Sovereignty Consummation must also be of the level of Ye Minghui!

of course.

The weight of three million that a warrior broke out is not comparable to the strength of several Supreme Constituents.


The wind screamed and the space cracked.

In front of this power, Yun Feiyang seemed a little small.

"very good!"

He shook his fist and excitedly said: "It is this intensity!"


During the speech, the colorful lightsaber emerged. He held the sword and rushed towards the condensed five-element imperial spirit.


"This guy is dying!"

The martial arts of the Lingwu world laughed.


At this moment, the smile solidified.

Because the flying clouds fluttered and the blonde hair fluttered, it gradually turned into purple, and a strange breath appeared in the sword body, turning into a figure.

"This is, sword spirit!"

Someone was shocked.


The colorful lightsabers ran with the clouds and collided with the ground, leaving a colorful light.

to be frank.

Now Yun Feiyang dragged his sword, his hair turned purple, and behind him the sword spirit condensed and ran to the three-element five-element imperial bombardment.

One word, handsome!

Two words, super handsome!


Yun Feiyang lifted into the air, suspended in midair, his eyes glowing purple, and he held swords in both hands.


The sword spirit formed behind him protruded with both hands, also holding the sword.

In an instant, the powerful sword intention spreads all around.



The strong sword disregarded the five elements to lock the dragon array, and forcibly spread into the radius of thousands of miles. Wherever it passed, stones and branches hung one after another.

The martial arts stunned.

Because in the light curtain, there are too many floating stones and branches, especially exuding a faint luster, like countless stars!


Yun Feiyang raised his sword with both hands.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The stones and branches pulled by the sword were like meteors that cut through the sky. They quickly flew over and circled over him, turning into a great sky sword.

"I... my god!"

The warriors of all circles looked horrified.

That sword is too big, it is bigger than the 20 supreme beheads!


The horror sword intention erupted in the giant sword, which was opposed to the three-million-element five-element imperial bombardment.

Yun Feiyang stood in front of the Great Sword of Qingtian, staring at the earthly virtue below, like a **** above, looking down at a mortal.

"The Supreme Realm is invincible?"

He said lightly: "You are not worthy."

Through the light curtain, the three words are rippling in all realms, revealing a king-like breath.

If you heard this sentence before, the warriors would sneer.

But witnessing the whole body radiating a purple light, the clouds flying together in the sword spirit, standing in the sky sword.

There is a feeling in his heart, he is very strong, so terrible!

If someone is really supreme and invincible, then this person may be him!

The real power is this kind of idea, which only allows many warriors to raise the idea of ​​Yunfei invincible!

Standing under the giant sword, Tu De condensed three million tons of power is also shocked.


The arrow is on the string and I have to send it!

He took a step and yelled angrily: "Boy, die!"


The Five Elements Royal Soul carrying three million weights came flying, and the space was broken wherever he passed!


Yun Feiyang smiled faintly, and lifted his sword and cut down: "If I were a sword, there would be no sword in the world!"

The voice shook the wild.


The Great Sword of Optimus slammed down, and the horror of the sword spread, breaking the space.

Those Kendo soldiers who are far away from all walks of life, although not immersive, feel deeply.


Under this sword, insignificant!



The Optimus Great Sword brought supreme sword intention, and finally collided with the Five Elements Yuling Bomb, the ground collapsed and the space shattered!

Many warriors saw it, and their mouth twitched violently.

Yun Feiyang and Tu De each broke out the strongest card match, giving them a kind of, as if watching the Tianzun Realm Strong!

"too strong!"

One of Tianzun's early strongmen was shocked and said: "With my strength, the two are hard to break out, fearing that they will be extremely embarrassed!"

Yun Feiyang's confrontation with Tude was really terrifying.

Horrible, the warriors in Kuangsha City and Tianxiong City shivered one by one.

"Is Tianzun fighting?"

Just entering the battlefield outside the territory, Zonghuai and the Wandering Fairy, looking at the powerful sword energy and energy fluctuations in the distant sky dome, all look greatly changed.

Come along with him, the Supreme One who is the highest is consummated, and solemnly said: "It should be the Heavenly Master who is fighting."

"Unexpectedly, only a few months after the battle between the two realms, there was a Tianzun-level strongman who couldn't sit still."

"Zong Shao."

The Sovereign Great Sovereign said: "After killing Yun Feiyang, please leave quickly to avoid being injured accidentally."


Zonghuai nodded immediately.

The lost fairy said: "Let's go and find the **** guy."



The two took several Supreme Realms to the Great Consummation, and flew towards the direction of Kuangsha City.


In the area where Yun Feiyang and Tu De met, the dust ended and gradually became clear.

The shocked warriors from all walks of life stared at the light curtain, and now they are more concerned about who wins and who loses!

Soon, the dust fell completely.

It appeared that the terrible cracked red ground was disturbed by the forces of terror.

Yun Feiyang stood in the cracked ground, holding a colorful lightsaber in one hand and clasping it on Tude's neck with one hand.

The Tuzhi Supreme's clothes were broken, her hair was scattered, her hands were hanging down, and the blood was'tick-tick' flowing down into the soil.

All circles are silent.

In this case, they can be sure that the winner is Yunfeiyang, and the loser is supreme!


Tude was defeated.

As the price of will completely lose himself, and the innate five elements of the four brothers and sisters!


Yun Feiyang's soul infiltrated the body of Tude, madly enveloped the real dragon core, and said coldly: "I Yun Feiyang, speaking, do it!"

"Do not……"

Tu De, who was on the verge of coma, made a very weak voice, but he could not stop the seed of the five elements in his body from being relentlessly wrapped.

"call out!"

The true fire seeds were first taken out and hung in front of Yun Fei's eyes.

He opened his mouth and swallowed it.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The rotten wood, backwater, fierce gold, and earth-carrying were successively extracted from the true spirit core, and witnessed by countless eyes, they were eaten one by one by Yun Feiyang!

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