Super God

Chapter 1099: I wait for you, take me back to 9 sec

After the resurrection of Paulie, the power of teacher love still exists, and even if it can compete with Yun Fei in the later battle of the Supreme, it is difficult to contend.

The most important thing is to be happy to make your own woman beaten and change to someone else.


The door was kicked open, and Paulie came out with a cold face, biting her silver teeth and staring at Yunfeiyang.

She is very angry.

Because, awakening the memories of the previous life, I learned that when I first brought my clan to God Realm, I was accidentally killed by Yun Feiyang.


Bao Li said with a sullen face: "This king has experienced untold hardships and traversed countless planes before he came to an unknown world, but because of you, he fell to the end of the destruction of the whole family!"

Yun Feiyang was bitter.

This kind of thing cannot distinguish right from wrong.

After all, Yun Feiyang was completely violent at that time, how could he realize that when the war was in full swing, there would be a group of outsiders who broke through the space barriers and appeared in the war zone.


He could also think that the death-stricken eyes were exactly the same as the present Pauli.


Yun Fei stood up and guilty.


Paulie appeared in front of him, pulling on his collar, her beautiful eyes angered: "I'm sorry, can my people be resurrected."


Yun Fei said.

Paulie gritted her teeth and said: "When that time fell, I wish I could break you up!"

"Do it, I will not resist." Yun Feiyang unloaded all defenses.

"Brush!" Pauli raised her jade palm, condensing pure spiritual power comparable to Wu Sheng.

This kind of power is very weak, but it is still easy to kill Yun Fei who has given up all defenses.


Paulie held her palm and kept hitting her. Her eyes flickered, angry and tangled.

The crystal clear tears dripped down her cheeks, and she looked at the man in front of her.

Although the memory of the previous life is restored.

Although inherited the previous resentment.

But it is difficult to start, because hatred happened in the previous life, he is his own student in this life, he is the most concerned person.

Bao Li's love and hate for Yun Feiyang can be described as both love and hate, and the mood is very complicated. In the end, he can only be in his arms.

"Why would I meet you in this life, let me be entangled in love and hate..." She was crying, as if she was aggrieved little girl.

Yun Feiyang gently hugged her, stroking the tender green silk, and said: "I will take you back to the Nine Serpent Demon Realm to avenge you and your clan."

Paulie was startled.

She gently raised her head with tears in the corners of her eyes, stupefied: "You know?"

Yun Fei said: "If you remember correctly, you and your tribe entered God Realm and were already injured."

"Not bad."

Paulie said.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Since you are the demon king of the Nine Serpent Demon Realm, but you came to the God Realm with a wounded clan, there is only one reason, for refuge!"

Paulie was silent.

Because, this man is right.

She held a pink fist and hatedly said: "There are three tribes in the Nine Nether, sharing nine layers of hell, and they are safe for hundreds of thousands of years.

"In just a few years, my demon clan's top strongmen suffered countless deaths and injuries, and the three levels of **** were eventually lost. Tens of soldiers from both clan and besieged demon capital for three months."

"When the family broke down, my father and emperor opened the demon formation with supreme supernatural powers, sent me and the minority out of the Nine Nether, and began to run away."

"Your father and emperor?"

Yun Fei said.

Paulie said: "Nine Nether Demon Lord."

Nine Nether has nine layers of hell, and every three layers are occupied by a race. The demon, ghost, and elite masters sit on one side. Their strength and status are not inferior to the realm master!

The father and emperor of Pauli is the master of the demon race.

Yun Fei Yang said: "You are the princess of the demon race."

Paulie laughed at herself: "A princess who has been ruined by a broken family and flees in embarrassment."

In the previous life, she wanted to die with her father and emperor to protect her home, but for the last blood of the demon clan, she could only escape to other realms.

In this process, they entered many planes, were ruthlessly driven, and were chased and killed by masters of ghosts and elites. After all dangers, they happened to enter the world of isolation from the world.

I thought I would settle down here with the clan, so I could go back to the mountains, and as soon as I came in, I was wiped out.

This is really tragic, and it’s no wonder that Pauli has that kind of deep hatred for Yun Feiyang.

However, hatred did not overcome feelings, so that to restore the memory of the previous life, Paulie chose to die in order to protect him.

In the world today.

The most mysterious and the most difficult to understand is love.

Learn about the past of Paulie's previous life.

Yun Feiyang stuck to her ear and said earnestly: "Relax, I will take you back to Jiuyou, and kill all ghosts and elites!"

Paulie shook her head and said, "There are two groups of ghosts and spirits, masters are like clouds, and there are no fewer than dozens of strong men who can be compared to human heavenly respect."

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "In front of your man, don't say Tianzun, even the realm can be easily killed."

Now, he can't do it.

It does not mean that you will not be able to do it in the future!

As long as there is a higher state and stronger martial arts level in this world, I will fly higher and higher, and I will definitely come to the top, surpass all beings, and become the strongest!

This is not pretending.

This is a strong man, must have mentality.

Paulie gave him a white look and said, "I haven't seen you in years, but you are more and more bragging."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Do you want to bet?"

Paulie froze slightly.

When he entered Tianwu City at the beginning of the year, he made a bet with himself. The gambling could create a twelve-star city pool. The bet was to marry him.

Under the gambling agreement, Pauli did not take it seriously, but, after a few years, he really built the Iron Bone City into a twelve-star city pool.


After he entered the Little God Realm, after several years of development, the Iron Bone City surpassed the twelve-star level and became a holy place for the Continent of All Worlds.

"Perhaps, he can really do it."

Paulie secretly said.

At that moment, the thought of wanting to avenge and return to the Nine Nether Hell emerged. She looked at Yunfeiyang and said, "I wait for you and take me back to Nine Nether."


Yun Fei said: "Yes."


In a lonely courtyard in Iron Bone City, Lin Yifeng held the vigorous and vital hair, and his hands were shaking.

He looked at Yunfeiyang, expressing deep gratitude in his eyes, saying, "Thank you."

Yun Fei Yang said: "You only need to take a to give your woman to wake her up."

"The rest, stay, wait for you to reach the ninth level of the glimpse of the sky, which can help it easily break through to the return period."

Lin Yifeng nodded.

He carried the fruit of life into the room, lowered the ice coffin, and gently opened it. Inside, there was a beautiful woman lying quietly.

She is Jing Yao.

Lin Yifeng loved all his life.

At that time, because of the problem of principle, she had fallen, guilt and sinking.

"Jingyao, you have been waiting for a long time..." Lin Yifeng gently bit on the fruit of life, leaning her head down on the woman who seemed to be asleep.

"After her resurrection, she should be able to inspire this guy to grow up at a faster rate." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Lin Yifeng is the most powerful young man he has seen since his rebirth. He hopes to be strong as soon as possible, to help himself and complete the rebuilding of God Realm.

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