“This is the ancient tradition of cultivation?”

Su Ping regained his spirit, this thing is the system given, more than half will be no less, fit in front of his eyes, he urgently lacks the cultivation spirit, can be said to doze to the pillow!

“Cultivation Spirit . . .”

“Feeling around me the energy in the heavenly realm, contained in the body of the inner Yuan ganglion cell, then in the inner Yuan Gang, the structure of the vortex resource force, took countless in the cell countless vortex resources, penetrating through the body affecting the outer energy world, thence to the Spirit Of Skill . . .”

This ‘Chaos Spirit Power’ for cultivation was extremely thorough, bringing Su Ping into a whole new world.

At this moment, Su Ping was truly awakened, from an ordinary person, entering to the World Master, seeing the superhuman force used.

Su Ping immediately closed his eyes, his thoughts immersed in the ‘Chaos Spirit Force’ that miraculously cultivated inside.

The first time the cultivation process was difficult, but it was also euphoric, Su Ping cultivated completely.

At the inner static, self-realization, heavenly realization.

Very quickly, Su Ping immediately felt around his body, there was a faint but small spirit power, his consciousness was like a pair of large hands, gently gathered, these spirit forces were affected by his consciousness, slowly directed his body to fly, osmosis advances the outer body of the body, falling into the Inner Ganglion cell.

This process was ten parts favorable, so that Su Ping was astonished again.


In the Nuclei cell, it looks extremely small, but it is like a lake in the universe!

These mists were like the dew of spirit power falling into the Yuan Gang inside, as if falling into another piece of the Void Universe, becoming extremely small.

Su Ping was constantly gathering, the quantity absorbed around the spirit power, but he felt that the force was limited, his consciousness extended to a limited range, the gathering of range spirit power could only extend to the body centered two meters in diameter.

The spirit power gathered at the same speed, slowly, Su Ping himself could not speed up the speed – no matter how worried his consciousness was, it was impossible for the spirit power to pick up the speed of acceleration, on the contrary, it would cause the spirit power to be chaotic, leading to the absorption of the speed becoming slow.


His whole body looked like it was surrounded by spirit power, but the spirit absorbed in Yuan Gang’s body inside, was so small that it could not be seen.

So a little bit of spirit power, how did the Inner Yuan Gang form a vortex, even replenishing the entire Yuan Gang?

At the repeated gathering of spiritual energy inside, Su Ping’s strength also gradually dissipated, he slowly realized, this cultivation spirit power is not overnight, but the accumulation of months and days of love, true difficulty, is perseverance!

Although the gathering of spirit power is very gentle, the cultivation process is not hindered at all, but to cultivate the vortex spirit power, it is necessary to do the same thing every day, repeat the same behavior, this needs to transcend the ordinary patient, and can withstand more and more dry willpower!

This is the ‘Hard’ cultivation!

“The Chaos Spirit Force, originally because of the Pure Landscape, mainly condensed the spirit power in the Yuan Gang inside, formed a vortex, when forming a vortex at the moment, it was possible to develop the Spirit Technique, affecting the outer realm.”

“Second scene, it’s the scene star!”

“This needs to use the spirit power to fill the Yuan Gang, bring the vortex to materialize, at that time in the blink of an eye, the force bursts, like in the body of countless violent stars, especially the body force itself, like the beast humanoid, but the same stage of the enemy beast-shaped force, even stronger!”

“And the third scene, this is too far away for me. . .”

Su Ping slowly opened his eyes, this Chaos Spirit Power Before the two scenes, nothing skillful, it was the spirit energy accumulated and deposited.

In the past, when he cultivated to a tired consciousness, Su Ping found that Yuan Gang inside the spirit power, he was extremely fragile, let alone formed a vortex, it was considered to form a strand of energy, all ten parts reluctantly!

It is impossible not to say, such results let one feel hopeless.

This kind of despair, which is also an obstacle to cultivating ‘Mind Ghost’ will give people discouragement, this is also ‘Difficult’ cultivation.

“That’s right,

I also have three ‘Dan Resources’ sections.”

Su Ping suddenly thought that he had another part to reward, and immediately rejoiced.

This Yuan Dan can increase the cultivation spirit, it must be known, this kind can directly enhance the cultivation spirit item, in the Inner Federation is extremely worth money, normally the rich and powerful people can use it!

This is also because of what those starlight radiant geniuses, normally comes from a family background, that ordinary people want to reach that kind of level, basically a million choose one, as hard as going to heaven!

Su Ping moved his thoughts slightly, the words contained in the space took out.

The three parts of The Dan Force fell into his hands, which were three coffee-colored tablets.

Each one was as big as a thumb, Su Ping gently sniffed, there was a strong aroma.

“Hey how to eat?” Su Ping asked the system.

“Chew on it, so you don’t choke.” The system responds.

“. . .”

How does this feel a little familiar?

Su Ping frowned slightly, threw one to his inner mouth, slowly chewed, and swallowed.

Swallowing the inner process, Su Ping immediately felt a pure energy flowing into his body, gathering into his stomach, then taking the stomach as the center, slowly diffusing to the whole body.

Su Ping immediately found out, the Yuan Gang cell inside the spirit power, clearly increased a lot, before the body was a black piece, only extremely weak spirit power, now more than a hundred times more relentless, forming a thread of spirit power!

“This is a knitting pill, guess you have to fend off me cultivating for a few hundred days!” Su Ping’s aura eyes shone.

He hurriedly closed his eyes, bringing his consciousness to the Primordial Gang cell inside, to refine into strands of energy, braided together, forming an hourglass in the shape of a vortex of a pedestal.


“The spirit power is too little, not enough to form a vortex.”

Su Ping without hesitation swallowed down a Yuan Dan.

All the Fibroblast Cells inside the spirit power were many, each fiber that flooded into the Inner Veranda.

Su Ping used his consciousness to bring these spirit energy together to the hourglass of the inner vortex, braided the outer vortex, but braided to half, and immediately discovered the non-spirit power.

He bit his teeth a little, bringing the last remaining Yuan Dan swallowed it.

Very quickly, this Yuan Force Dan was like scorching, turning into a spirit power poured into all the Yuan Gang cells inside, Su Ping the ancient qi, bringing the remnants of the outer vortex a braided breath.


Su Ping suddenly felt that his whole body was slightly shaken, like the lake and the world collided!

A powerful machine that had never had the force from the whole body of the places rushed to the ground, flooding the whole body of the places, he felt like he could in the blink of an eye tear the tiger’s body!

In his body, all the Primordial Fusion cells inside had an extremely small vortex, and the Dark Yuan Gang inside slowly rotated.

Each time he spun around, he pushed out a powerful force, so that Su Ping felt that the aura was constantly pouring out!

In addition, Su Ping found himself on the outside of his body like bare dust clinging weakly to the spirit power, being led by the vortex to the Yuan Gang inside, absorbing in it, taking extremely slow speed like a turtle, slowly growing the vortex.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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