Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 137: News from Temple City

I have to say that today's old driver is indeed catching fire. He is not talking about fun, and the killings have now permeated the eyes.

The opposite Kabulda never felt so close to death, he felt very clear ... this guy really wanted to kill himself!

He is not kidding!

"Rao ... forgive me ..."

After exhausting all his strength, Kabuda finally squeezed a word out of his mouth.

In the end, the old driver finally controlled himself and threw Kabuda out.

"Farther away from Lao Tzu, or I will kill you!"

Then, he turned and walked towards Xiaoqing again, but Elder Li spoke again.

"Sir, help us, I am willing to get your forgiveness if I die."

The old man seemed to really regret it, and his voice had a certain resolute meaning.

As a result, Su Qiubai simply ignored it and continued to walk towards Xiaoqing.

Finally, hug Xiaoqing.

"You die if you want to die. I have already paid so much nonsense where I owe you. Don't think that what you say will make me dying ... I am not your father, as if I was afraid you would die! Why didn't I think so when I launched ... "

Talking leisurely, Su Qiubai left without Xiaoqing without any stay.

After walking about ten meters away, Xiaoqing waved at Nika.

"Sister Nika, goodbye ..."

Her words stopped Su Qiubai, and Nika smiled bitterly, and then waved at Xiaoqing.

Finally, he looked back at Nika, and then Su Qiubai put Xiaoqing in the car and jumped in to sit in the cab.

Followed, the car was started by him.

At the last moment when he left here, Su Qiubai saw the veiled Nika again.

I don't know why, he felt like he had seen such a shadow, but he couldn't remember it again and again.

Eventually, the car left here and hurried towards the direction of Temple City following the navigation.

I went there because, on the map, it looked like it was the nearest town.

Speaking of which Su Qiubai has just arrived in this world, many things are completely unknown, so it is still necessary to find a town to inquire about.

After he left, Nika's team also reorganized and set out.

It's just different from before. At this time, the whole team has a feeling of lifelessness, as if everyone's heart is pressed with a heavy stone!

Especially Nika, the closer she got to Temple City, the more nervous she became.

This time ... I don't know if I can come back ...

Kabulda did not separate from Nika anymore. After coming out of Su Qiubai's shadow, he began to pursue Nika again.

However, because of the black wind thief, Nika had already seen his face clearly, so he turned his back on all kinds of hospitality, and even Elder Li was unwilling to ignore him.

It is for this reason that although Kabulda is still staying with Nika's team, a lot of careful thoughts are born in his heart.

Even after thinking about how to get revenge after Temple City.


At this moment, in Temple City, everyone was excited because of a sudden news.

Before talking about this news, briefly introduce Temple City.

There are many cities in Heifenggang. Except for a few large cities with limited number, most of them are medium-sized cities like Temple City. Many people come and come from all walks of life.

In this Temple City, there are nobles with different levels!

The Ban family is the very famous high-ranking family in Temple City.

"Dad, when will that Miss Nika arrive?"

In the luxurious living room, a gorgeously dressed young man looked at the gray-haired old man across from him and asked.

"Coming soon, the news came that the estimated number of days will come."

The old man looked at the young man, his eyes were full of petting!

This old man is called Ban Yun, and his son is called Ban Huichao. Speaking of which, this son Ban Yun did have a hard time. Otherwise, he would not have reached the age of 70, and Ban Hui Chao was only in his early twenties.

Before, based on the status and power of the class, he told his son a loved one. The woman was called Miss Nika, and she heard that she was pretty.

According to the previous agreement, Miss Nika was able to come to Temple City in the past two days, so the dialogue between the father and the son just appeared.

"Does she really look so good?"

Obviously a young man in his early twenties, Ban Huichao's face was full of strange paleness. Obviously, there was some absurdity on weekdays, so this was the case.

Asking this sentence at this moment, his face was showing some **** smiles again.

"Miss Nika is beautiful, you'll know when you come."

In the face of his only son, Ban Yun didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only let him go.

Just when the father and son were silent, a servant suddenly ran in from outside.

"Master, I just got the news that the adults in the Dark City have arrived, and the contest will start tomorrow!"

Perhaps because he was too excited, the servant's face all turned red.

After hearing this, the father and son stood up at the same time, and their expressions were filled with irresistible joy.

"Is the message reliable?"

"Exactly, there are banners everywhere!"

Fearing that Ban Yun would not believe it, the servant reiterated it again.

"Let's go out and have a look, and immediately send a message to all the young people out there and let them all come back! When the family needs them to win ... it's time!"

After saying this, the two of Ban Yun's father and son already ran outside quickly.

Almost at the same time, the same thing is happening elsewhere in Temple City.

The previous news that adults in the dark city would spread around, but it has not been confirmed.

As a result, the news was suddenly confirmed now, and of course everyone in Temple City would be excited.

As long as one thinks that the game that has waited for countless years will finally be held here at this moment, every family sees the supreme glory and hope!

This is why Ban Yun will quickly send the news to let all the young people outside come back. Once someone can make an appearance in this game, it is an opportunity for the entire family to fly yellow.

Just after the father and son came out of the house, a middle-aged man also emerged from a small yard opposite.

However, compared to the gorgeous clothes of the two men of the father and son Ban Yun, this person looks much more downcast, and much more daunting.

The yard where I live is also tattered, and even the words "Demolition" are written outside the wall!

Almost as soon as he saw this person, Ban Yun's footsteps stopped, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know where Boss Liu intends to go? Could it be that your small noodle shop is so hot?"

As soon as the sound came out, it immediately attracted the eyes of many people around.

However, after clearly seeing the father and son of Ban Yun and the dismal middle-aged person opposite him, they shook their heads helplessly.

"I don't need you to control where I go. The dog slave of the seller seeking honor, I really think I am so great now!"

This middle-aged man is called Liu Kun. He has spent a long time in this Temple City. In the past, he was also an aristocracy in the city, but after something happened, it became so downcast.

Those who know the inside story know that Liu Kun has become what it is today. It has a lot to do with Ban Yun. It can even be said that it is Ban Yun who made Liu's family look like this.

When Ban Yun here heard Liu Kun's words, his face suddenly became much colder.

"Well, it seems that you still don't have a lower-level enlightenment! I should have heard the news, I told you Liu Kun! This game ... I will make your Liu family a complete disaster!"

In a word, many listeners took a sharp breath.

Everyone knows what this game represents for some downcast families. Liu Kun was so excited before because he thought he could turn around.

But if Ban Yun deliberately targets him, it is really a bad news!

After all, today's class is far from being comparable to Liu Kun!

Eventually, after his words, His father and son left, and the onlookers also saw Liu Kun's stubbornness, but there was no other way. Many times this is the reality.

When everyone left, Liu Kun suddenly took a small stick out of his arms.

Then, without knowing what to say in his mouth, he closed the eyes and threw the stick into the sky.

"Bless you! The ancestor of the Liu family, this is the last hope!"

While whispering, he opened his eyes.

Then the first time I looked in the direction pointed by the stick.

Seeing this, it was also stunned.

There were only two people in that direction, an ordinary young man, hugging a little girl and looking around blankly.

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