Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 101: No cure

Because he was in a hurry when he arrived, Xue Haotian certainly did not bring any bodyguards, so he and Cao Taufei were **** soon.

"Xue Zidong, are you crazy!"

Being pressed back to the ground by those martial artists, Xue Haotian stared at Xue Zidong, also gritted his teeth!

"Oh, I'm crazy? I tell you, I'm trying to save the entire Xue family! Do you know how terrible Su Qiubai is? If he comes back, everyone will die! The only way is to use his mother Hostage, this is the only hostage! "

When saying this, Xue Zidong's eyes seemed to appear again before he saw Xue Ba hit and killed.

Similarly, he knew why Su Qiubai came to Beidu.

All because Li Jinghe sent someone to arrest his mother and hurt his father, and I heard that his father was almost dead!

You can guess with your toes, this is a master!

Will he forgive what Li Jinghe did?

Surely not, anyone can guess that Su Qiubai will come to Xue's house again and he will definitely kill him!

The person he was going to kill must be himself, and Li Jinghe!

It is for all kinds of reasons in his heart that Xue Zidong made such a crazy move. At this moment, he has already sent a warrior to the villa to catch Qiu Chunyu!

"When he comes back, he will definitely kill you!"

Caotoufei was even more trembling with anger. He couldn't even understand what Xue Zidong was thinking!

Su Qiubai, how could he be threatened?

Of course, for a lunatic, no matter what kind of explanation is definitely to no avail, the effort of speaking, Xue Haotian and Cao Taufei and his two sons have been **** and then detained.

The hall was silent for a while, and the others were watching Xue Zidong.

Especially the boss Xue Chengfei, when Xue Zidong was asked to tie Xue Haotian's father and son together, he watched the whole process silently beside him.

It can be said that although the Xue family is still full of scenery outside these years, it has actually been torn apart.

So at this moment seeing Xue Haotian being arrested, Xue Chengfei's heart was secretly pleased, and even felt that his opportunity had come!

Xue Chengfei is over 50 years old. The position of the Xue family owner, he has been thinking for more than 20 years!

But Xue Ba has been standing in front of him, and the old and immortal is getting younger and younger, and the force is getting stronger and stronger.

So although Xue Chengfei was quite ambitious, he kept hiding in his heart.

He thought he had no chance, but who would have thought that Xue Ba, an old guy, had actually died at his birthday party!

This made Xue Chengfei ecstatic when he heard the news. Everyone thought that he had come back all the time because of Xue Ba's death, but he did n’t know that his real purpose was actually for the Xue family ’s foundation!

His group of warriors is estimated to be able to rush to the North Capital soon, as long as Xue Zidong is killed, the Xue family is his!

As for what Su Qiubai was, Xue Chengfei didn't even take it to heart.

On the one hand, because he has a lot of trust in his warriors, on the other hand, because he has no idea what happened at the venue, but instinctively thinks that Xue Ba is still his former strength.

The Xue family also started a mess from this moment ...

But at the moment of Long Ruoxuan's villa, outside Su Qiubai's room, Long Ruoxuan and Jing Ye heard very bad news at the same time.

"His condition is dangerous, probably ..."

Looking at Long Ruoxuan, although it was clear that what she said would surely make the opposite Miss Long family unhappy, the doctor brazenly explained the situation.

Sure enough, Long Ruoxuan's face changed, and Jing Jing was a little bit cold.

The doctor then explained the situation carefully.

The doctor invited by the Long family, of course, will not be a quack doctor. The test results did not have any problems. The fact is the same as what he said. Su Qiubai's situation is very dangerous.

If his growth value is left, the system will automatically start helping him recover!

But the most terrible thing now is that Su Qiubai had called Li Yuanba before, so there was no growth value left.

This makes things terrible, but terrible ... sometimes it's luck.

At this moment, in Su Qiubai's mind, the sound of the system began to sound.

"Supersystem brain domain matching in progress ..."

It can be said that even now, Su Qiubai doesn't know what the system he got before, what is the so-called super system after Master Mu Chunxue's ball?

All of this, Su Qiubai didn't know.

It can be said that the system he got before is actually the most ordinary taxi system, and that super driver system is really the thing against the sky!

For thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, many people have obtained this system, but they have not completely tied the system to their bodies.

The real binding is a kind of fish-like feeling. It should be that this system is like the organ of the host itself!

However, the conditions required for that binding are too harsh!

It can even be said to be extremely abnormal!

It is for this reason that this super driver system has only been shuttled and spread in all time and space for thousands of years, but it has never really been obtained.

No one can think of it, Su Qiubai had this luck!

Because of his dying life, and the results of the brain domain detection are extremely excellent, the super driver system ... is really binding!

This kind of binding is a real reborn and can even be said to be opening a brand new door for Su Qiubai!

And the real side of the world will also be displayed in front of him!

The people outside the room did not know what Su Qiubai was going through at the moment. Long Ruoxuan was already contacting the new doctor to diagnose Su Qiubai.

As for Jing Jing, even Long Ruoxuan didn't know where he went.

It was as though when she suddenly noticed that the swordsman had disappeared.

Although strange, at this time Su Qiubai should be the first, so Long Ruoxuan didn't think much.

In one day, almost all the north had some well-known doctors, all came to check Su Qiubai's condition.

But the results were worse than one!

Especially at the back, Su Qiubai didn't even breathe!

His eyes were tightly closed! As if already dead.

When the night fell, all the doctors left, and Long Ruoxuan pushed the door open and walked in.

At first glance, she saw Su Qiubai lying in bed.

Somehow, she felt sad.

Long Ruoxuan is thirty years old this year. She has been emphasizing a word in the past. Many friends have heard that she will not marry any man in this life.

The reason is simple, because she doesn't think there is a man worthy of her!

The fact is the same as what she said. Her excellent performance has made countless people look up, even without the qualification to stand together.

Before meeting Su Qiubai, if someone told Long Ruoxuan that one day she would not eat or drink for a man, and even that heart was faint, and that man was so much younger than her, she would definitely say that People go crazy!

But today, she is like a demon.

When hearing the doctors say that there was no rescue, Long Ruoxuan's heart seemed to be stabbed with a fine needle.

At this moment, she and Su Qiubai were left in the room, but they still felt heartache.

Standing silently by the bed, she suddenly thought of the first meeting between the two, Su Qiubai overbearingly pressed on her, and the first kiss.

Thinking about it, Long Ruoxuan smiled.

That smile can amaze any man in this world, but unfortunately she wants to let that **** see, but her eyes are closed at this moment.

Will he really die?

The smile slowly converged, and Long Ruoxuan's eyes were filled with sorrow again.

Somehow, she slowly approached Su Qiubai, then lowered her head and looked at the face seriously.

No other thought, she just wanted to write down the man's appearance.

At this time, a pair of overbearing hands suddenly held her in her arms!


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