Super Driver

Chapter 1464: Energy Ball Story

This shadow really appeared, leaving everyone without any precaution. especially

It was Guo Zixuan. After all, he was attacking with all his strength at the moment. Suddenly the target became another person.

But almost immediately, Guo Zixuan had already reacted, but there was no meaning to stop. he

Don't even care who this person is, and stand in front of yourself to prevent him from killing A and B, then it must be the enemy. Don't even think about it!

For the enemy, his only solution was bombardment!

However, just looking at the shadow in front of him, he waved his hand, and then he left with Jiayi and completely escaped from Guo Zixuan's attack. "

who! "just

Just after landing, Guo Zixuan's voice sounded.

He was very angry and had no intention of covering up.

At this time, he dared to stop himself from killing A and B. He really thought his life was long. and

Soon, Jiayi appeared again, but there was a young man beside him. This

The guy stood there, looking very calm, as if he had no idea what terrible death threat he was about to face. "

Su ... Su Qiubai! "on

At this time, Guo Zixuan heard a slight sound.

Then, as if it were a chain reaction, more and more people knew the identity of this young man, and basically all had the same reaction. Dwell

Su Qiubai!

Everyone thought he had run away, at least not at this time.

After all, his strength is too weak, and with A and B in front, this time is naturally the most important life.

As a result, who would have thought he would appear at this time! and

And, with a huge question, how could he save A and B from Guo Zixuan's hands? "

Are you Su Qiubai? "This

This name made Guo Zixuan really have some interest, so he stopped and looked at the kid in front of him and asked. Of course

However, in the face of Guo Zixuan's problem, Su Qiubai seemed to have heard nothing. anti-

However, he looked at Jia Yi next to him.

"Teacher A, I'm back."

This sentence made Jia Yi's face smile.

Although he doesn't know what Su Qiubai experienced after leaving Galaxy Galaxy, but he can clearly feel that this boy has changed greatly, at least it is different from the past. "

Look for the dead boy, after today, the Galaxy Galaxy will not have a living again! Su

Qiu Bai's attitude completely annoyed Guo Zixuan and even said in a cold voice in front of A and B.

This time, the army of the galaxy immediately rioted.

Everyone was very scared. Now when they hear such a sentence, they feel cold all over. Guo

The strength of Zi Xuan's fifth-level peak. If he said this, he would probably do it like this, no one can stop him! with

However, Guo Zixuan didn't mean to wait any longer. The shadow behind him suddenly became large. Everyone had an indescribable sense of suffocation, which made his attack in front of Jiayi and Su Qiubai. "

Haha, die! All die! "

The sound of madness sounded in everyone's ears, followed by a shock wave that seemed to destroy the world.

This is the strength of the fifth-level peak, which makes everyone feel terrible. First

For a while, A and B planned to rush out.

Subconsciously, he felt that Su Qiubai could not cope with Guo Zixuan's attack. After all, this guy was the owner of Laoshan and the leader of the Wusu City Army. Fives

At the peak of the king of war, this is a very terrible concept, at least A and B do not think that Su Qiubai can deal with it now.

However, Su Qiubai stepped forward at this time without any intention to retreat. most

Strangely, his steps clearly seemed to be inevitable, but they completely blocked Guo Zixuan's shock wave.

Followed and saw that he extended his right hand.

Time seemed to stand still at this time, no one had any changes, all eyes widened.

The weird thing happened in front of me, the terrible shock wave, and now in front of Su Qiubai, motionless. Guo

Zi Xuan's eyes widened, and the whole person was struck by lightning. This

The shock wave, but he showed it with all his strength, how terrible he was more than anyone knew. can

In this way, Guo Zixuan is even confident that he can kill opponents of the same level.

But now, I saw a ghost.

How could this kid block his offensive? Is it ... the brain

There were a lot of thoughts flashing in the child, but all were rejected by Guo Zixuan.

Su Qiubai's age was probably not even reached by the King Wu, let alone comparable to his own strength. that

So why is that?

At this time, he saw a more terrible scene.

Su Qiubai stood still, his right hand slowly clenched into a fist. Companion

Along with this process, the powerful shock wave from Guo Zixuan also condensed into an energy ball.

From five to six meters in diameter, it finally became as big as a ping-pong ball. but

Fools can see how terrible energy is condensed in this energy ball. with

It also shows how terrible Su Qiubai's methods are. end

As a result, Su Qiubai stopped. that

Energy ball, jumping on his finger.

"I'll give it back to you!"

The voice was low, followed by Su Qiubai, and the next moment he came to Guo Zixuan. can

Pity this contestant from Wushan City Laoshan, his whole body seems to be completely imprisoned, he can't move at all! Of course

Later, Su Qiubai directly inserted the energy ball in his hand into Guo Zixuan's mouth. can

Pity the owner of Laoshan, the blood red eyes at this moment, was completely scared.

He can fully imagine what he will be like next.

He couldn't withstand such terrible energy shocks.

Then, he was still unable to move, following Su Qiubai's right hand, an energy ball appeared on each finger. This

Each of the five energy spheres is stronger than Guo Zixuan's one, and even just the coercion of the energy that permeates it, there is an indescribable horror.

Without hesitation, Su Qiubai shoved all five energy **** into Guo Zixuan's mouth. all

Everyone in the field, even the warriors of the Galaxy Galaxy, felt that their backs were cold.

This is simply a demon, the kind that is about to kill. use

Toes can guess what Guo Zixuan's end will be like.


A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Su Qiubai said these two words softly, then turned directly. boom! This

It was the last voice heard in Guo Zixuan's life, coming from his own body. fire

As the sky soared, a five-level peak strong man was directly blasted into powder, completely disappearing without a trace. and

Moreover, this horrible explosion spread within a short period of time, causing the entire army of Wusu City to fall down a large area. From

Upon his shot, Su Qiubai planned to give these people a little color. silver

The Hexing field is the star field where the earth is, and A and B have paid so much to preserve the earth's veins and orcs! All

Therefore, Su Qiubai's heart was grateful and angry at Wusu City.

In the past, the tremendous power of the Northwest Starfield was very desperate for him. but

It is now that this despair is gone. thousand

This trip to the mountain kingdom, the old driver can definitely use the four words to reborn, he is a brand new himself!

Even now when he returns, even if he has already sensed the coordinates of the General Bull Rhinoceros, he does not have any confusion.

At this moment, he just wanted to tell everyone that he was back! Such as

Today, he has absolute confidence and ability to face all crises that may occur.

After the explosion, there was silence all around. No

Some people dare to believe their eyes, and even dare not to believe that terrible fifth-level peak powerhouse, was killed by Su Qiubai in this way. and

Moreover, the devil did not mean to stop.

"Ning!" Yi

Always standing in place, Su Qiubai held his right fist, and his voice spread accordingly.

After that, the entire army of Wusu City was imprisoned.

Today, Su Qiubai, for these warriors, can definitely be described in terms of terror, plus all the cards in his body, no one can threaten him. "

I'll give you three seconds, the surrender can live, or die! "non

It is often a simple sentence, but after speaking, all the strong men in Wusu City are very anxious.

Because, the entire space has begun to compress!

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