Super Driver

Chapter 1461: parting

"Brother, if you don't let me out, I'll go crazy!"

As soon as he came out of the system space, the second poison lay directly on the ground.

If it weren't for that intelligence to inform them all, Su Qiubai is at a very critical moment, and it is estimated that he will not be able to stay. complete

Actually, the old driver at this moment has not reached the level of the devil, and cannot expand the system space, so it is really not very big. phase

Compared to the second drug, everyone's condition is quite good. "

Here is ... the Qianshan Kingdom? "

Soon, everyone determined that this was the Qianshan Kingdom.

Three months ago, at the last moment, they were all staying in the cemetery of the gods, watching Su Qiubai summon all the sleeping corpses, and then entered the system space.

Therefore, everyone is not very clear about what happened later. Su

Qiu Bai immediately told them what happened in the capital, and after speaking, everyone was stunned, almost like a dream.

But soon, this horror turned into excitement.

Especially for the second poison, Su Qiubai looked around several times, and his mouth sighed that he was not human. with

However, the big guy said that the evaluation was quite appropriate.

"We may be leaving soon."

After a few words of laughter, Su Qiubai's expression became serious again. he

If so, everyone also looks dignified.

I was almost able to leave before, but eventually gave up because the monster invaded. Present

Now, it is indeed time. "

When will we leave? "


After thinking for a moment, Su Qiubai made up his mind. "

Brother, do you really want to leave? Go to earth? "

The two poisons seemed reluctant. After going through so much together, they would now feel separated and always feel sad.

"It's time to leave, but rest assured, I'll come back and visit everyone when I have time." Mouth

The corner was smiling, Su Qiubai looked at Erdu and Yingying. on

When the second poison planned to continue to speak out, the guard from the city came to the door, telling them that the king had everyone who invited Su Qiubai and the earth.

After thinking about it, Su Qiubai also felt that it was always good to meet King Qianshan.

Although he is about to leave, the two poisons and Yingying are here, including the chasing Zen master and Xiaoyuan, so if the king can help take care of it, it is also a good idea. when

That is, a party went into the palace.

Here, the banquet has already been prepared. King Qianshan is in a good mood. He intends to take this opportunity to match the three princesses to Su Qiubai and leave this genius forever. This

He had already asked the third princess about this. three

The princess' reaction was very surprised. She did not expect her father to think so, but she was indescribably shy and happy to follow.

The other princesses are also very happy, and their sisters can find Ruyi Langjun, which is a happy event.

The queen was also very satisfied with Su Qiubai, so the entire palace was greeted by Su Qiubai in such an atmosphere. Correct

At this banquet, Su Qiubai was somewhat surprised, especially the enthusiasm of King Qianshan, which made him somewhat caught off guard.

The eyes of the three princesses made the old driver feel strange, too. It seemed that there was something more than before. on

So the banquet began. Wait

When the atmosphere reached the warmest moment, King Qianshan planned to express his thoughts, and the princess and queen were very much looking forward to it.

However, Su Qiubai was the first to stand up. "

Lord King, taking this opportunity today, I want to say goodbye to you. "

In a word, the entire palace became silent. very

As for the third princess almost standing up, she seemed very anxious, as if she knew what she would lose most important things.

"I don't know ... where are you going?"

Frowning, King Qianshan was silent for a moment, and then asked out loud.

"Going back to my hometown is very far away from this star field." Su

Qiubai didn't realize what was wrong, and then gave her own answer. turn

In my eyes, I have been here for almost a year.

Over the course of this year, too much has happened to him, most notably his strength has improved a lot.

Similarly, there must have been a lot of things coming to the earth. each

Once I think of it, Su Qiubai will have a sense of urgency, there are too many people he cares about, it is time to go back, he misses those people very much. "

Earth? How do you leave? "

The expression was more serious, King Qianshan asked.

His momentum created a strong sense of oppression, which made many people in the scene nervous subconsciously.

But Su Qiubai was still calm, eyes fixed on King Qianshan. "

I have my way to leave, and today is to leave. "This

A moment, King Qianshan no longer spoke, and the whole person was significantly more depressed. he

It is conceivable that he was planning to marry his daughter to Su Qiubai today and let him stay here today.

As a result, the boy said that he was leaving without even giving himself a chance to speak. "

Father, Mr. Su is leaving, we should bless him! Mr. Su ... I hope everything goes well for you! "Knot

Guo, no one expected that the three princesses stood up at this time, even more so in their mouths.

Her words made many people stupefy.

Especially those who already knew that the king intended to match her to Su Qiubai had an incomprehensible horror in his eyes. complete

After Su Qiubai left, the blow to the three princesses should be the biggest. where

Afraid of being a soldier at the border of the Qianshan Kingdom, all knew that the three princesses had waited for three months in front of the statue. three

For months, she never left. can

It was now that the man she had waited for so long had returned, but Zhangkou was about to leave. Say

While talking, the three princesses were looking at Su Qiubai, with a smile on her face, nothing else. Su

Qiu Bai also looked at the girl and felt quite surprised. She would help herself at this time. "

Thank you, Princess Three. We will meet again in the future. "

Nodded slightly, the old driver said. three

The princess still smiled and nodded in the same way, but looked very hard, followed by directly picking up the wine glass on the table, and drank the drink inside. gas

The mood was even more tense, because King Qianshan could not see any smile on his face, and even became cold.

When everyone speculated that he might explode, it suddenly turned into a long sigh.

"Since Mr. Su intends to leave, I hope to see you again in the future." He

I want to understand, I want to understand that my daughter is just infatuated, I want to understand that people like Su Qiubai cannot stay with King Qianshan at all. he

It's as if the eagle on the high mountain is always fighting higher.

All the people in the vein of the earth followed their breath.

They thought they had just saved the Qianshan Kingdom, and they were about to start. feast

It will continue, but without the previous enthusiasm, most people no longer speak, but most of the time, King Qianshan chats with Su Qiubai. most

In the end, the banquet ended after everyone who saw the veins of the earth left. "

Stop thinking about him, he is not for you. "on

In the palace behind, King Qianshan said looking at his daughter. this

The three princesses who came a little dazed, just smiled like this, and said nothing more, but left alone. thousand

King Shan could only sigh again. ...


This evening, Su Qiubai went to see Xiao Yuan and the Master of Pursuit of Life, and the three drank a lot of wine, even Xiao Yuan, because he knew that Su Qiubai would soon leave. on

When all three were drunk, Xiao Yuan said the three princesses who had been waiting for Su Qiubai for the past three months. "

She's here every day, from early morning to evening sun, and never left ... "Listen

At this point, Su Qiubai suddenly choked, and even the jug in his hand almost fell to the ground.

He didn't think about it, and there was no defense at all. but

Yes, there was a scene of a girl waiting alone in front of the statue in her mind.

Instantly, he understood why the three princesses were so strange during the day, and the party was so strange.

Just understood, he was silent. "

Brother, will you come back after you leave? "

Not aware of the strangeness of Su Qiubai, Xiaoyuan continued to ask. "


He shook his head, the old driver said.

The Master Zhunming was always by his side, saying nothing, just drinking. ...

... section

In the early morning of the next day, the three princesses reappeared here unconsciously.

The person she cared about had already taken the earth's veins, and left from the space passage of the graveyard of the gods.

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