Super Driver

Chapter 1395: Gu Nantian

The eyes of everyone in the audience were bright. After all, everyone was waiting for them, and finally came out of the shed.

It seemed very angry, the second poison rushed towards Huang Shou's position, and after standing, a sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Everyone was taken aback, and the atmosphere became more tense.

It seems that the discussion between the two people should make the second drug very unhappy, otherwise it would not be like this.

As for the old driver here, he looks as usual. Do not

Too secretly, he passed a message through Ronaldo as fast as possible.

"There is only one minute to run. When the signal is received, everyone flees!"

It's that simple, without any corners. All

All miners become nervous and excited. For one minute ... For a warrior of this level, if he rushes out, he can completely escape the range of the mining area. After all, he is at the boundary.

In addition, when so many people fled and fled, even if these guards wanted to arrest, they would not find a suitable target.

So, this time it is really possible to escape! yellow

Keeping this side, watching the second poison's hand holding the sword, my heart relaxed a lot. complete

For him, as long as the young master doesn't commit two crimes, it's better to leave everything else to himself. on

When Huang Shou planned to start the killing directly, he did not notice that the second poison handed a look to Su Qiubai at this time.

"go to hell!"

The next moment, as if the angry second poison, roared loudly, Huang Shou beside him felt that his ears were almost deaf.

Of course, the worst thing happened later. Imitate

The most horrible locust plague broke out in an instant. The miner in front of him suddenly exploded, and ran away in all directions.

Huang Shou was completely stupid. He had no defense at all and this happened!

Worst of all, the entire army on the side of the mine is unprepared, and countless miners have rushed over. Wait

After Huang Shou responded, he jumped on the spot and immediately issued a command. At the same time, he planned to start the defense system to kill him. Knot

As a result, he was stupid to follow him. What

What happened? Why does the system fail at this time?

Don't make mistakes early, don't make mistakes late, but this time make mistakes! Such as

The crux of the matter is that once these miners escape, the consequences will be disastrous!

Instantly, Huang Shou just felt cold all over. but

He can do nothing for the situation at the moment.

Countless miners, he could not chase back several people at all, even if it was all the guards, they could only stop in one direction. but

It was stopped here, and they would immediately run away in the other direction. Finish

It's all over!

In despair, Huang Shou suddenly thought that at least he should catch Su Qiubai, so it would be better to make a difference.

But when he remembered it, it was too late ... where was Su Qiubai's shadow in front of him!

One minute ... That's it. mine

Only a small part of the work was left. The defense system returned to normal at this time, but it was too late!

"Huang Shou, I'm really sorry, I couldn't do anything for you. I will tell my father if something goes wrong with the system, hoping to help you reduce some of the punishment."

The poison came to Huang Shou at this time and said very seriously. This

For a moment, Huang Shou couldn't help himself.

But what he didn't think of at all was that after the second poison had finished saying this, he turned around and smiled.

Sure enough, he is a genius!

This kind of thing can be done, who else!

The situation is irreversible. The situation is that the mining area is completely dead. Not only did these miners escape, but they also took away a lot of ore. "

chase! All these miners must be taken back! "

Within a short period of time, Huang Shou had issued an order and made the greatest possible remedy. He himself, along with the second drug, reported the incident to the town general. ...


Besides the old driver, after getting the news of the second poison, he took the warriors of the earth and left directly. This

Once, he summoned his old friend who had not fought side by side for a long time, the invincible chariot!

Today's invincible chariot has been completely transformed into a big killer by Rondo, even in this endless starry sky, it can be called powerful!

Everyone sat down in the invincible chariot and felt that the warship was moving forward quickly, as if dreaming.

The experience of that mining area is almost like a dream, which makes people think it is not real. very

As for many people, including Long Ruoxuan, they felt that they would die, and probably could never escape from that ghost place.

But who would have thought that Su Qiubai would wake up at such a critical moment and save everyone.

"Mr. Su, that young master ... do you know?" Chen

Kaida suddenly remembered this and asked Su Qiubai aloud. when

Although things in the past are said to be between electric light and flint, in retrospect, it is not difficult to find the strange ones, especially the emergence of the second poison.

Nodded, Su Qiubai did not hide anything.

He did not expect that he would encounter the second poison in the mining area, nor did he expect that the second poison would save himself.

The crowd was clear, and all followed was relieved. "

So where do we go next ... "just

Having just escaped from a desperate environment like mines, this issue soon came to everyone.

This time, Su Qiubai said nothing without hesitation.

"Go and find Gu Nanshan!"

In Gang just now, he has learned what kind of place Lou Xi is through Long Rado.

In simple terms, it is actually a strong tribe in the Qianshan Kingdom. in

This place, where two people decide, completely determines the entire tribe. One

One is the general of the town and the other is the blood waiting for Gu Nanshan!

All the opinions of the two people are opposite, and there is also very fierce competition. press

Judging from the star field spanned by the west of the building, Su Qiubai probably did not escape from this place, and they would be found again by the generals of the Town National Assembly. complete

Such a big incident in the mining area would not be easily forgiven, even enough to make the general of the National Assembly of the Town completely crazy.

In this case, Erdu's words are not wrong at all, they simply have no place to stay, it is better to go and see what kind of guy Gu Nanshan is!

In fact, at this moment, the direction of the spacecraft is already the area where the blood is located. to

No one knows what will happen after going there.

But at the moment, this is probably a pretty good choice! three

In the days of the journey, the invincible chariots were always moving at full speed. Fortunately, no one who had been the General of the National Cheng Kung University had caught up with them. Su Qiubai also reached the **** site safely. ...

... "

The blood waiting army recruits! ""

Hurry up, the blood waiting army is expanding again, everyone goes! "a few

It was that Su Qiubai had just stopped their spaceship, and the news had already reached everyone's ears. What

What is it? It is this feeling that passers-by who were walking on the streets immediately rushed to the same direction after hearing the news.

So much so that Su Qiubai's group stayed in a place full of warships, but they couldn't react.

"Let's go and see." Most

After thinking for a while, Su Qiubai said quietly to everyone.

Just came to this place, everything is very strange, so you have to be careful, otherwise you may fall into a dangerous situation if you are not careful. on

In this way, a group of people followed the other pedestrians, intending to see what the blood waiting army recruited. this

At this moment, in the Blood House, the legendary Gu Nantian looked at a report in front of him seriously. "

Are you sure that guy already has twelve warriors participating in the demon hunter intermediate combat? "

After pondering for a long time, Gu Nantian looked up and asked his subordinates.

"Yes, Lu Huasheng's men do have so many geniuses!"

Nodded, the subordinate said immediately.

Lu Huasheng is the name of the general in the town and the one who hates Gu Nantian most.

Then Gu Nantian was silent, and his brows were also tightened.

"Sir, there are only six of us qualified for intermediate combat, what is half of them?"

The subordinate could not help but asked softly.

Then, Gu Nantian's eyes fixed, it seemed that he had made up his mind!

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