Strange story player

Chapter 481 Checkmate (Added update for leader Cold Puppy)

Before the state was locked, Shen Kui found a comfortable position to sit in. Seeing this, he understood everything.

"Hey, if everything goes well, Chen Zhiyuan will be here long ago."

Qin Manjiang rushed upstairs without any further delay.

Shen Ku was right. This man had long known how to distinguish between players playing the role of "ghosts" and real ghosts. The reason why he left the idea of ​​gathering in the coffee shop was purely for the sake of other people.

Although in Qin Manjiang's knowledge, Shen Kui would not normally do such a thing, now Shen Kui did indeed do so.

But Chen Zhiyuan didn't come...

Something's wrong...

Something happened!

Qin Manjiang rushed out of the coffee shop. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the escalator above had started!

The person on the escalator right now is none other than Chen Zhiyuan!

Chen Zhiyuan also fell on the escalator that suddenly started, but he quickly climbed up. When he turned around, he found that Nie Yunzhen did not follow him down, but turned around and rushed into the stairs of the fifth floor.

He raised his head and looked towards the seventh floor. A pale figure was heading towards the fifth floor very fast!

And... looking at the movements of the ghostly white figure, it was going directly to the stairs and not coming down the escalator...

Although Chen Zhiyuan is no longer able to think deeply about problems due to the impact of the permanent props on his head, his fear instinct still exists. He is extremely afraid of that white twisted figure, but...

In Chen Zhiyuan's mind, the incident where Nie Yunzhen pulled him into the cleaning tool compartment reappeared.

There weren't many things he could think of. He just realized briefly that Nie Yunthen entered the stairwell on the fifth floor, and that the ghost entered the stairwell on the seventh floor. It was more likely to chase Nie Yunchen than to chase himself.

In that case, no!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiyuan directly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and waved his hand upward.

At the same time, he shouted: "I'm here!"

The cry was so loud that not only the ghosts heard it, but also Nie Yunzhen, Qin Manjiang, Zheng Jun and Shen Kui...

Nie Yunzhen's heart trembled and he gritted his teeth.

Zheng Jun faced the ceiling of the corridor, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Qin Manjiang rushed towards Chen Zhiyuan without saying a word.

Shen Su sat stiffly in the coffee shop. Although he couldn't move his body, two words came out of his mouth: "Idiot."

The ghost really didn't realize the clone's ability and chased Nie Yunzhen in the stairwell, so he couldn't chase Chen Zhiyuan on the escalator.

It can only choose one of the two for the time being.

But Chen Zhiyuan's voice changed the situation instantly.

The ghost's first move was indeed to chase Nie Yunzhen. If Chen Zhiyuan's survival rate just now was 90%, Nie Yunzhen's was only 10%.

After this operation, Chen Zhiyuan reduced his survival rate to 40%, while Nie Yunzhen... had 60%.

Because the ghost's attention did return to him.

Qin Manjiang had already run to the third floor. Seeing Chen Zhiyuan still standing on the fourth floor, not moving at all, he felt a little anxious and shouted: "Chen Zhiyuan!"


"Hiss...roar!!!" To Chen Zhiyuan and Nie Yunzhen's ears, the sound was clearly a ghost's scream.

Chen Zhiyuan turned his head and glanced downstairs. When he saw a white figure that was exactly the same as the one on the seventh floor, Chen Zhiyuan also shivered in fright.

He ran up to the fifth floor.

Qin Manjiang's brows twitched wildly, and he resisted the urge to be violent. It was best not to make any sound.

At this moment, Nie Yunzhen did not want Chen Zhiyuan to do this. Although he did have good intentions, it would not have much effect at all.

What's more, Nie Yunzhen had his own ideas when he chose to go to the stairs!

She took out the broom and broom from the cleaning tools compartment, stood at the stairs of the fifth floor, and threw them down the stairs of the fourth floor.

In the closed stairwell, the sound immediately echoed.

She didn't run down the stairwell as everyone expected. Instead, she threw some things in to make a noise and hid close to the stairwell!

This is extremely risky. If the ghost doesn't follow the sound, but instead goes down to the fifth floor and comes out of the stairs on the fifth floor, you can see her when you turn your head!

She is betting...

But Nie Yunzhen never expected that although Chen Zhiyuan had become stupid, he still had a good heart.

He was actually willing to use his chance to escape to buy her time.


The ghost that entered the stairwell was about to follow the movement she had just made, but something happened after hearing Chen Zhiyuan's yelling.

Nie Yunzhen broke into a cold sweat!

She pressed her back against the wall at the corner of the stairs, holding her breath and not daring to make a sound.

The green light of the LED lamp should have shone diagonally on the wall frame of the staircase entrance diagonally opposite her, but at this moment, the green light was blocked...

Nie Yun really knew that the ghost, the ghost that came down from the seventh floor, chose to stop at the staircase on the fifth floor after hearing Chen Zhiyuan's voice!

And right now, she was by the wall at the stairway on the fifth floor!

Only separated by a wall...

Nie Yunzhen closed her eyes. All she could do now was pray in her heart.

This ghost was obviously coming out of the nearby stairway to find Chen Zhiyuan.

She could only pray that it wouldn't tilt its head slightly...

She is now like a person hiding by the door during hide and seek, she has reached the most dangerous moment!

As soon as the person from the door comes out, whether she looks to the left or to the right will determine her life or death...

The green light on the wall in front is looming, and the ghost is about to come out!

Nie Yunzhen's heart had never beat so violently.

She doesn't want to die...she can't die here!

Fucheng [Tongjie] has reached this stage, and he cannot fail...absolutely not!


Although human will is useful, in the face of something that is about to become a fact, no matter how strong the will is... it is useless.

Nie Yunzhen was a little desperate. She had been holding her breath since just now. With the speed that the ghost showed before, it should have come out by now, but now it is still at the entrance of the stairs.

This further shows that it is wondering, or...thinking.

This kind of thing really has its own logic...

They are not scary monsters that act entirely on instinct, they are extremely cunning!

But if the ghost doesn't come out, I won't be able to hold it in anymore!

Nie Yunzhen was feeling more and more desperate. At this moment... half of a pale profile was revealed at the entrance of the stairs!

It's out!

Nie Yunzhen's heart was beating wildly. There was less than two meters between her and this ghost!

If it turns its head slightly, it can see her... Don't turn your head, don't turn your head...

Nie Yunzhen prayed.

The ghost's body floated out strangely... It really moved in a floating way.

The vertical toes and pitch-black toenails formed a huge contrast with the bare, pale feet, which made Nie Yunzhen get goosebumps all over his body.

It slowly floated out of the stairs, heading to the left at the beginning without even looking to the right.

Nie Yunzhen was ecstatic, and she held her breath even harder. If she made a little movement at this time, it would be over!

However, just as the ghost was about to go to the escalator to find Chen Zhiyuan, at this moment...


Nie Yunzhen was leaning against the wall. At this moment, a large bright light suddenly appeared on her right side!

She turned around in horror and saw that the elevator... opened.

Yes...there is indeed a box elevator next to the stair entrance.

If Zheng Jun saw this scene now, he would definitely say it looked familiar. He had seen the numbers in the elevator changing before running towards the stairs.

However, for Nie Yunzhen at this moment, the sudden opening of the elevator made her instantly despair.

At the same moment, Li Gui, who had floated to the crossing, quietly turned back.

And in the opened elevator door, an identical ghost stood in the light.

Nie Yun was really desperate.

She watched helplessly as the ghost in the elevator door reached out to her. At this moment, time seemed to slow down, and its movements seemed to slow down as well.

Another ghost roared and rushed over, but its location was three or four meters further away than the ghost at the entrance of the elevator.

But... no matter which one it is, it can kill you. What's the difference……

Who knows, the next moment.

The ghost hand that grabbed her wrist was actually warm.

A force came from the "ghost hand".

Nie Yunzhen felt like he was being pulled closer to the elevator.


The elevator was closed, but she was still alive.

Nie Yunzhen opened his eyes in disbelief, and what appeared in his ears was Qin Manjiang's voice:

"Good evening, chief."

(I’m going to post a lot of posts this week, so I’ll save some articles and update more. Please support me a lot. Good night)

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