Strange story player

Chapter 237 Villain Protagonist

The occurrence of the story line means that every line of dialogue written by [the continuation pen] will appear. What was written after that?

Chen Zhiyuan knocked his head hard, he couldn't remember...

Qin Manjiang didn't give him any time to continue thinking. Guan She's malice was completely undisguised. His eye sockets were bulging rapidly, and each eyeball was growing.

"Hey! Stop being dazed!"

Qin Manjiang pulled the hem of Chen Zhiyuan's clothes and pulled him hard, finally bringing Chen Zhiyuan back to his senses.

"Run quickly!" Qin Manjiang pulled Chen Zhiyuan and turned around and ran away.

Guan She didn't care at all. His eyes seemed to be looking at two mice, with a hint of contempt in his teasing.

For him, Qin Manjiang and Chen Zhiyuan are a good dessert in his endless reincarnation of the movie life, and he doesn't mind tasting it slowly.

Qin Manjiang pulled Chen Zhiyuan's clothes and ran while thinking of a way. It was impossible to go down. There were all dead bodies outside the building, so he could only find a place to hide in this building.

But hiding all the time is not an option...

"Chen Zhiyuan, can you still run?" Qin Manjiang asked.

Chen Zhiyuan nodded.

"Okay, you go grab Guan She's attention later, and I'll go back and get the medicine."


Chen Zhiyuan simply agreed.

Although Qin Manjiang knew that Chen Zhiyuan would not ask anything, his direct agreement without asking any questions about the reason actually put a lot of pressure on Qin Manjiang.

If he killed such a person, he was worried that he would not be able to sleep for the rest of his life.

If you leave this kind of thing to Shen Kui, he might not feel any pressure.

"Is the medicine still in the ward?" Chen Zhiyuan asked.

"Here, it's on the bedside table next to the hospital bed. I saw it just now."

Qin Manjiang's probing around was not entirely out of fear. He scanned the entire ward and naturally saw where the medicine was.

"Listen, we will separate at the top of the stairs in a while. You wait for him at the top of the stairs. I will run down first and see him chasing me. You run upstairs again. I heard the sound and went back to get the medicine. I got the medicine. Let’s go to the third ward to find Li. Now we have to let Li take the medicine again to break the fourth wall.”

"But how do you get through the swarm of corpses outside?"

"Idiot, isn't there a ready-made worker here? Get ready, let's start!" Qin Manjiang said.

Chen Zhiyuan failed to understand what he said, but he quickly followed it.

He stopped at the entrance of the stairs and waited for Guan She to catch up. As for Qin Manjiang, he ran downstairs first.

Qin Manjiang stood downstairs and gasped for air. Although his energy had improved a lot, his physical strength was still not enough. He was so tired that he could hardly stand up straight. If he was used as bait, he might not be able to run. If you go out ten meters, you will be caught by a ghost.

He couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, Chen Zhiyuan was a good person, or...most of the players in this game were actually pretty good. So far, Qin Manjiang had not seen the ugliest side of human nature.

Maybe this is a good tip for a male belt?

No matter... Anyway, at this moment, a trustworthy teammate is more important than anything else.

"Chen Zhiyuan, you can't die..." Qin Manjiang murmured.

At this time, his eyes changed, something was wrong...

Why are there cries from upstairs?

And it’s a woman’s cry…

Wait, sort it out again!

Guan She, like Li, was once a player involved in this game, but they failed to escape [Ping An Hospital] and were left permanently to play their roles. However, such a permanent confinement is not absolutely safe. They have no self. In my memory, I only know that I am a certain character in [Ping An Hospital], and there is a possibility of being replaced at any time.

According to Qin Manjiang's speculation, being replaced will not only mean that the current role is gone, but the actor behind the role may also be eliminated!

The sea of ​​blood has become a sea of ​​suffering, and I wish to be with ghosts in this life.

Bone Mountain leads to Yin Mountain, and different people will live together in the next life.

It’s about the world view of [Ping An Hospital]! That is the world view in this movie.

For outside players, cracking this is a movie, and counterattacking with this as the core is the real way to survive.

And for the ancient players who have been trapped in [Ping An Hospital], this is their only chance to preserve their sanity!

Qin Manjiang thought about it and discovered an extremely terrifying trap.

If you start looking for a way out based on the opening remarks, you will completely fall into the world view of "Safety Hospital"!

There is a high probability that everyone will be obsessed with mountains of bones, seas of blood, and corpses, grand and mysterious things that have great visual impact, but in fact, the specific origins cannot be found at all.

Even if he persists until the seventh day, when faced with the final choice, he can only act according to the opening words, and the opening words are obviously one thing... kill all the travelers and stay with ghosts.

Thinking of this, Qin Manjiang suddenly understood why these characters were played by previous players.

Whether it's Li, Lian Yan, or Nurse Liu, the "actors" behind these characters are all players who experienced [Ping An Hospital] in the last round and chose to be with ghosts in the end!

They either actively or passively killed their companions. They thought they had found the last way to survive, but what this game left them was a quota.

A place to play one of the characters in [Safety Hospital].

You can never find yourself again, and you will always sink into it.


Thinking of this, Qin Manjiang was startled. It was wrong... the person was wrong, and Guan She was wrong too!

If all the roles in [Safety Hospital] are played by the "players" behind it, then there will only be one "actor" at most in a strange story about "Safety Hospital".

Then they couldn't have come in at the same [Ping An Hospital] ghost story!

In other words, every time a new "actor" comes in, an old "actor" will be eliminated. Qin Manjiang is not aware of the rules by which such elimination will be carried out, but there is no doubt that there is one One way to ensure that you will never be eliminated is... in the current [Ping An Hospital] Weird Story, kill all the players!

As long as it is ensured that no one survives to the stage of choosing to be with ghosts, there will be no new "actors".

But why did Guan She come to Erdong to kill the "walking corpse syndrome" patient?

This is a movie, and his behavior goes against the logic of this movie...

Other patients have not attacked the "NPC" with the same position, unless...

Qin Manjiang was shocked, the character "Lian Yan" was the protagonist!

Villain protagonist!

Then his behavior of killing other characters with weird abilities will only have one purpose... He can use all the weird abilities for his own use.

He wants to be the only character who "partners with ghosts". This is the purpose of "Lian Yan" and also the purpose of Guan She!

At this moment, the terrifying atmosphere upstairs has spread to downstairs!

Drops of blood seeped from the ceiling. How many patients had Guan She killed?

No, if you let Chen Zhiyuan deal with Guan She in this state, he will die...

Qin Manjiang gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed upstairs!

Update is coming!

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