Strange story player

Chapter 235 The Last Medicine

"Okay, let's go!"

Jiang Du said with a smile.

Chen Zhiyuan was still immersed in what he just said and didn't react for a while.

"Where to go?"

“Breaking the fourth wall, of course.”

Just as Jiang Du finished speaking, he suddenly frowned and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable.

" do we break the fourth wall?"

"There are many ways. Once we knew this was a movie, the advantage was completely in our favor." Jiang Du's voice was not loud, but he was extremely confident.

Chen Zhiyuan suddenly seemed to see Yang... No, the sense of security brought by this Jiangdu was even stronger than Yang.

"The first thing that needs to be clarified is the definition of the fourth wall." Jiang Du said as he went downstairs. "The initial performance is on the stage. The set usually only has three walls. The front needs to be left for the audience to watch."

"The only side facing the audience is considered the fourth wall. It does not exist, but it does exist throughout the performance. It separates the actors from the audience, making it impossible for the actors to 'see' the audience and becomes the story. The one in it.”

"There is no fundamental difference when it comes to the screen age."

Jiang Du said slowly.

What he said was quite simple and easy to understand. Chen Zhiyuan listened carefully and finally understood the concept.

In other words, the fourth wall is the invisible wall that separates the actors from the audience. It is transparent to the audience but opaque to the actors.

In a play, movie, or stage play, the illusion of a real stage should be created. The audience knows that they are watching a plot and that everything is just a fictional performance, while the actors are enclosed in the fourth wall and live as characters. On stage, in movies.

"So, the key to breaking the fourth wall is not us, but... those 'actors'."

"The people in the play know the camera, know the audience's existence, and interact with the audience through the camera, they can break the fourth wall."

Jiang Du fully stated his reasoning.

At this time, he and Chen Zhiyuan had already gone down to the stairs on the first floor.

The door on the first floor was destroyed, but the resurrected "corpses" just wandered in the cement ground outside and did not come in.

But even if they didn't come in, they couldn't get out.

There is a large mass of corpses in the darkness outside. If you really want to count them, you should be able to count how many there are. But if you want to rush through this dense group of monster corpses, it is better to lie down on the spot and have a dream.

"You mean, we are going to find those six patients?" Chen Zhiyuan glanced outside, "But... there is no way to get out now."

"That's true...but there is another person who should be able to do it." Jiang Du raised his head and looked upstairs. "Having Head Nurse Liu break the fourth wall can also break the strange story in front of her."

"But, will they do it? Their consciousness can only be awakened briefly after taking the medicine. Now that the medicine has been taken, we can't wake up the real them at all."

Chen Zhiyuan revealed the biggest problem.

There were a total of six pills distributed the next day. Qin Manjiang, Wen Liangsheng, Xinxin, and Jian Cunxin each took one back. The remaining two were left at the nurse station. One was consumed by Head Nurse Liu, and the other one was consumed by the nurse. Qin Manjiang took it himself and called out Jiangdu.

There is no pill that can summon another personality. In other words, at this moment, the actors in [Ping An Hospital] will only believe in the absolute reality of the world they live in, and will never listen to their nonsense.

"So I chose to go downstairs instead of going upstairs to find Nurse Liu. If nothing else happens, there should be one pill left." Jiang Du said with a smile.

Chen Zhiyuan was startled: "Is there a seventh one?"

Jiang Du shook his head: "No, Mr. Wen Liangsheng should have been killed last night. The patient's special ability allowed him to maintain a zombie state for a period of time. Therefore, the man who came to collect the pills this morning has already been killed." It’s a ghost.”

"Do you think... the ghost will listen to Nurse Liu and take the pills back for 'himself' to take?"

After Jiang Du sorted it out like this, Chen Zhiyuan suddenly realized!

yes! The patient in charge of Wen Liangsheng probably hasn't taken the medicine yet, so... the pills are probably still in Ward No. 2!

" are we going to get to Ward No. 2 now..."

Chen Zhiyuan looked at the group of corpses waking up outside and felt tremendous pressure.

"It's okay, keep observing, there will always be a way." Jiang Du said, he always seemed so optimistic and confident.

He looked at it for a long time. The corpses on the concrete square outside were distributed completely irregularly. How could he get past them?

Chen Zhiyuan was also thinking hard. Although he felt that his thinking was getting slower and slower, if he gave up thinking because he became stupid, what would be the point of living?

"In the movies I've seen, when you encounter a bunch of zombie-like monsters blocking the way out, the protagonists either have a truck next to them and they drive straight through them."

"Or you just happened to kill a monster and smeared its blood all over your body to get out..."

Chen Zhiyuan felt that these resurrected corpses were very similar to the zombies in the movie, so he subconsciously told them how to deal with them in the movie.

The same words made Jiang Du's eyes light up. He looked at Chen Zhiyuan with a smile: "Mr. Chen Zhiyuan, you are amazing."

"Me?" Chen Zhiyuan looked at him confused.

"If this is a movie, the camera at this moment is probably focused on us..." Jiang Du looked outside the dark building, "This movie has probably reached the final stage. The protagonists have discovered the way to pass the level." Clues, but surrounded by monsters..."

"Do you know those rules of vulgar horror movies?" Jiang Du suddenly asked.

Chen Zhiyuan shook his head.

Jiang Du smiled: "When the protagonists say that the success rate is as high as 99%, the attempt will fail."

"But when the success rate is less than one percent, they often succeed."

"I don't quite understand what you mean." Chen Zhiyuan said blankly.

"I mean... as long as we find a slightly suitable reason, we can rush over and reach Ward No. 2." Jiang Du said firmly, he had even found the reason, "Lend me your mobile phone." , okay?"

Although Chen Zhiyuan was puzzled, he still handed the phone to him.

Jiang Du turned around and went up to the second floor. He opened the ward closest to the stairs and went to the window. Within two seconds, he turned on the flashlight and music.


Jiang Du threw the shiny, noisy mobile phone out with all his strength!

Now, Chen Zhiyuan understood what he was going to do.

In the concrete square, a group of corpses turned their heads and stared at the mobile phone flying across the sky, rushing towards it crazily.

"Let's go."

Jiang Du said hello, and the two of them rushed to the second ward while the corpses were swarming away.

Chen Zhiyuan's heart was pounding. Jiang Du's every idea surprised him, but he succeeded.

This can only show that Jiang Du has indeed fully grasped the "hidden rules" of this strange story.

The two rushed into the second ward. Chen Zhiyuan was about to go upstairs to find the walking corpse patient, but saw Jiang Du suddenly stop.

But before he could ask what was wrong.

Jiang Du turned around helplessly and smiled at him: "Remember what I said, you must tell him that you want to enter the Eye Realm."

"What’s wrong with you?"

"The kid is awake. Leave it to him next."

Jiang Du's voice stopped suddenly, and Qin Manjiang's body fell softly to the ground.

Update is coming!

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