Strange story player

Chapter 150 Statement of Interests and Interests

"Classmate Qin..."

When they met at the school gate, Qiao Ziru was a little at a loss.

Qin Manjiang looked at her and handed the bun in his hand over: "Would you like to eat it?"

Qiao Ziru shook his head and looked at him nervously: "Classmate Qin, are you looking for me because of that game?"

Qin Manjiang ate the bun in one bite, turned around and said, "Follow me."

Qiao Ziru's nervousness was visible to the naked eye, and he had already guessed.

Qin Manjiang also planned to explain things clearly to her first. This was just a novice level. Be mentally prepared and it shouldn't be too difficult if you are bold and careful.

After finding a bench next to the sidewalk nearby, Qin Manjiang and Qiao Ziru sat down here.

"I know everything I say next sounds hard to believe, but I can guarantee that it is true."

Qin Manjiang looked at her and said seriously: "There are ghosts in this world."

"Currently we don't know the origins of ghosts, nor do we know what's special about the chosen ones. In short... we are all the same, we are all chosen by ghost stories."

Qiao Ziru's eyes slowly opened wide: "Weird... talk?"

"This is a game, but it is deeply related to the real world. Once the game starts, that area will be completely blocked and will not be unblocked until the player dies or clears the level."

"You..." Qin Manjiang wanted to say that it was not your fault that you were chosen, it was just unlucky. But it suddenly occurred to him that the reason why Qiao Ziru got involved in this kind of thing was entirely because of himself.

Then he changed his words and said, "Don't worry, I will help you."

Qiao Ziru listened blankly, as if he couldn't fully digest so much content at once.

At this time, Qin Manjiang had already sorted out the most important thing for her to do now.

"Your game location is Baihong Building, right?" He confirmed.

"Yes." Qiao Ziru nodded quickly. Qin Manjiang's words were too bizarre for her to believe completely, but the weirdness of the [Ghost Story Game] and Qin Manjiang's extremely serious attitude at the moment made her have no choice but to believe it.

"What about the opening remarks?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Opening statement?" Qiao Ziru looked at him blankly. Suddenly she remembered something, turned on her phone and opened the game interface, "Is this it?"

She handed the phone to Qin Manjiang.

[Strange story: Lost things. 】

[Some strange things have happened recently in Baihong Building in Fucheng Central District. 】

[Some employees always hear footsteps, sometimes on the ceiling, sometimes in the corridor after get off work, sometimes in the toilet, and sometimes in the elevator car. 】

[The footsteps are slow and wandering, as if looking for something. 】

[Maybe you are looking for something. 】

Qin Manjiang glanced quickly and nodded: "That's it. All you have to do is analyze useful clues from these descriptions. We can't fight the ghost head-on, but we can find rules to restrict it, or ways to pass the level."

"What do you think these sentences are talking about?" He glanced at Qiao Ziru and asked aloud.

Qiao Ziru has read the opening speech many times, although at that time she didn't know it was an opening speech or its function.

"Ghost...Ghost is looking for something?"

Qiao Ziru was a little unsure.

Because it was too obvious, she didn't think Qin Manjiang would ask her such a straightforward question.

"anything else?"

Sure enough, Qin Manjiang didn't seem satisfied with this answer.

"Sound?" Qiao Ziru thought for a while and then said: "Before it appears, there will be footsteps..."

"..." Qin Manjiang glanced at her, "Think again?"

Qiao Ziru felt that Qin Manjiang's eyes seemed to think she was a bit stupid...but suddenly he thought that he was not really smart, and his ability to get into Fucheng University was basically due to hard work.

That’s why it is said that learning is the most convenient way to change your life. It is different from entering society. Even if you have average intelligence, you only need to put in enough effort. As long as you work hard enough, you can defeat 60 to 70% of people. peer.

Once you enter work and life, the importance of hard work and innate intelligence will begin to decline, and things like background, relationships, and so-called "emotional intelligence" will begin to teach you how to behave.

Qiao Ziru is a typical hard-working type, which means she is an educated person, but not a very intelligent person.

After he realized this, Qiao Ziru felt a little discouraged: "I don't understand..."

"Look..." Qin Manjiang held her mobile phone and pointed at the opening words like teaching to primary school students, "What appears in the description? Employees, right?"

"The employees described often heard these strange footsteps, but they were fine and just dismissed it as a weird thing."

"This shows that the ghost has been wandering in Baihong Building for a long time, but the employees cannot see it, and it has not killed anyone. Do you think there is information that can be used?"

After Qin Manjiang said briefly, he looked at her and asked.

Qiao Ziru's eyes lit up: "It can't harm me in front of others?"

Qin Manjiang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was a little stupid and could be saved.

"This is just a conjecture. Just remember it. Don't rely too much on it. If you really encounter a situation where you can't escape, you can give it a try." Qin Manjiang said.

At this time, he glanced at the time and said to her: "Let's go and have a look at Baihong Building."


On the way there, Qin Manjiang and Qiao Ziru searched a lot of information about Baihong Building on the Internet. It was only at this time that Qin Manjiang knew that Baihong Building was not the property of a certain group, but a long-established rich man in Fucheng-Baihong Building. home building.

The Baihong Building was no longer used by the Bai family ten years ago. It was leased to various merchants. There are different companies on each floor, ranging from leisure and entertainment, to catering and office, and there are even daily necessities on some floors. Small supermarkets and the like are simply a large vertical complex.

"There is no news about the accident in Baihong Building in the recent news..." Qiao Ziru carefully read through the relevant reports. Qin Manjiang was also doing the same. If he could find out what happened to Baihong Building recently and where he died. Someone, etc., may be able to determine the information about Li Gui's life, and there will be more clues to find a way out.

But just like Qiao Ziru said, there were no reports of any accidents in this building.

At this time, the car had stopped at the entrance of the building.

The two got out of the car. It was just noon. The game's prescribed time was afternoon. There were people coming in and out of the gate. It was very lively, but Qiao Ziru still felt a chill.

"I feel...someone is looking at me..."

Qiao Ziru whispered.

"Of course someone is watching you," Qin Manjiang said, "Me."


Qiao Ziru turned his head and realized that Qin Manjiang had indeed been staring at him, his eyes straight, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"Qin...Classmate Qin, you..." She didn't know what Qin Manjiang wanted to do.


Qin Manjiang withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

He just suddenly thought that no matter whether he lived or died this time, passed the level or not, the squad leader had also completely said goodbye to his normal life.

I always feel a little sorry for her.

"are you hungry?"

"Ah?" Qiao Ziru looked at him doubtfully, "Don't we... need to go into this building?"

Qin Manjiang shook his head: "Before the game starts, don't be too smart. Learn from past mistakes."



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