Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 591 The Ultimate Nightmare

He did not have any physical advantage, but the young German soldiers took the lead in the attack. Political Commissar Petrov, who was brave but really powerless, was the first to be hit in the face with an oncoming fist, as expected, and was knocked unsteady. He fell on his back instantly.

The German soldier who succeeded in the blow kicked his nose to the face, and continued to rush forward, directly riding on the chest of Commissar Petrov, who was lying on his back, and tightly strangling his opponent's throat.

"Uh, drink, cough."

The force of the young hands that strangled his throat was so strong that Commissar Petrov, who had no time to breathe at the next moment, felt that he could not breathe, had difficulty breathing and almost suffocated.

Commissar Petrov's head was already dizzy, and his whole face quickly turned deep red. The German soldiers who used all their strength obviously wanted to kill Commissar Petrov without mercy.

The huge force of both hands not only made Commissar Petrov unable to breathe, but even his throat was almost crushed by the German soldier who was struggling to press down.

Political Commissar Petrov struggled in vain. At first he waved his right hand desperately to push away the German soldier riding on his chest, but the weight of the German soldier including the equipment on his body must be at least 180 kilograms. Everyone could tell that he was a sturdy Germanic man covered in tendons and nearly 1.9 meters tall. Political Commissar Petrov, who was nearly fifty years old and had already passed his physical prime, was simply beyond his capabilities.

The strength of the struggle was rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just ten seconds later, Commissar Petrov had almost no strength to struggle. The right hand pushing on the chest of the German soldier was already struggling to even hold the opponent's clothes. .

Will I die here like this?

Commissar Petrov did not know.

But the only thing that is certain is that Commissar Petrov did have a moment to recall many things in the past.

Chernyev’s face, Kirill’s father’s face forever fixed in the memory of his youth, those comrades who have fallen forever on the road to lifelong struggle for their ideals

In a moment that cannot be accurately measured and defined in time units, all the past memories surged crazily from the deepest part of his heart like a flood and flooded into Commissar Petrov's mind. The slide-like flashback of the playback screen can almost make people stunned. His will was forcibly broken.

The final moment of life and death has arrived.

Just when Commissar Petrov had lost all the strength to hold on to the opponent's clothes, and lost his strength, he let go of his right hand and lowered it, an unexpected figure suddenly rushed out before anyone could react.



Political Commissar Petrov would not have thought that Andrei, who also lost an arm, would suddenly rush out without any bandage for the wound, with blood still falling from the wound on the broken arm like a crazy man. Like a bull, he knocked the German soldier riding on him to the ground with his head.

Andre, who had overturned the German soldier, immediately rolled down and struggled with him, inextricably linked.

Political Commissar Petrov, who recovered his breathing in an instant, was breathing heavily as if he had been reborn. The big-brimmed hat on his head had been blown away to an unknown place at this moment. When his blurred vision gradually became clearer, he was basically breathing again. After arriving, political commissar Petrov, who did not dare to neglect, immediately grabbed the things beside him, stood up and ran away staggeringly with one hand on the ground.

"Damn Fasis! Bastard, bastard lackey!"

Platoon leader Andre, who was cursing the enemy loudly, was able to suppress his opponent at first.

But similar to the situation of Political Commissar Petrov, the German soldier realized that his opponent was actually a broken arm. He quickly pulled out an arm and punched Andrei's broken arm mercilessly.

In an instant, Andre grinned in pain and stopped punching the German soldier with one hand. The German soldier who seized the opportunity pushed him to the ground with his backhand and punched him in the face.

No one would have expected that a man with only one arm could hold a rifle with a bayonet and charge. Just like the German soldier who beat Andre so violently, he never expected that he would be attacked from behind. And like death.

The bayonet that had already killed one German soldier stabbed through the chest of the second German soldier. The German soldier whose heart was pierced by the knife opened his eyes wide and could not even scream, with a look of disbelief and helplessness on his face. The man who looked back with an unwilling face tilted his head and fell to the ground.

Holding the Mauser 98K rifle with a bayonet that had been pulled out from the back of the corpse as a crutch, Commissar Petrov, who was still breathing heavily, struggled to speak to Andrei, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

"Stand up! Comrade Andre, don't tell me you really fell!"

His pale face, which had lost too much blood, frowned slightly as if in response to Commissar Petrov's words. Feeling that he had lost most of his life, Andrei sat up on the ground with one hand, and the shouts of killing around him were still loud. The ringing scene made his nerves, which had been tense, not dare to slack off at all.

"Fasis, damn Fasis! I can kill more fasis!"

No one can doubt the authenticity of these words, which were almost whispered in a roar, just like no one can doubt the firmness of the faith of Commissar Petrov's oath of allegiance under the red flag.

Two partially disabled people who also lost their left arms leaned on each other and supported each other.

Political Commissar Petrov tightened his grip on the enemy weapon with a bloody bayonet in his hand. Andrei, who had been holding the empty Bobosha submachine gun across his back, had already completed reloading with one hand, and the black hole in the muzzle of the gun was Pointing in the direction of facing the enemy.

Around them, the German soldiers who had killed quite a few militia fighters once again surrounded the two men. The German squad leader, who still had ammunition for his submachine gun, was the first to raise his weapon.


The sound of a cannon without any warning tore through the silence that seemed to be suspended in time.

The German squad leader, who had just raised his weapon and had no time to pull the trigger, was blown into two pieces on the spot. His upper body flew backwards and directly hung upside down on the wreckage of a German Panzer III tank that was destroyed at an unknown time. The bloody intestines flowed across the ground for several meters, which looked quite eye-catching.

Heading towards the village, Malashenko, who had already crushed and destroyed the German tanks that rushed into the village, was commanding a vehicle riddled with bullets to rush in at a high speed.

The blood dyed the 177 number on the white armor on the front of the car body into a scarlet interlaced color. The IS1 prototype turret, which had been hit by countless rounds of German armor-piercing bullets, was scratched like a shooting target. The roaring diesel engine was roaring with powerful force. Momentum signals the arrival of the final outcome to everyone present.

This battle-scarred steel behemoth will become the ultimate nightmare that will be difficult to erase for the rest of their lives for all the surviving German soldiers who have witnessed this scene.

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