Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 589 Hell Moment (Part 1)

"Hurry up, come to me quickly."

"If I stay away from you, if I get into trouble."

"If I were in a nightmare."

When our motherland is in the darkest moment of life and death, countless brave soldiers and patriots will step forward one after another to defend her.

Generation after generation of soldiers fighting under the red flag have chosen the same path. This is a path covered with blood, thorns and the corpses of martyrs, but there are still countless young and brave warriors who continue to move forward without hesitation.

Holding the wooden gun butt and the trigger in his right hand with one hand, the seriously injured platoon leader Andre poured out fiery tongues of fire with a ferocious face that stunned even the German soldiers.

A barrage of barrages struck the German infantry who was about to follow the tanks into the trenches by surprise. The Bobosha submachine gun, which is famous for its ferocious firepower, has a powerful output that is almost unmatched by its contemporaries. Platoon leader Andre, who can control the recoil with one hand, is fighting with an attitude that is difficult for ordinary people to imagine, let alone understand.

Before they could cross into the trench, the three German soldiers were instantly mopped down. The two infantrymen at the front immediately raised their Mauser 98K and MP40 in preparation to kill this bold enemy, but they were already waiting for them. The other Red Army soldiers who were already red-eyed obviously would not let them do this and remain indifferent.

Bang - Bang -

Political Commissar Petrov, who stood up from the trench just after Andre, pulled the trigger in his hand before the German army raised his gun.

It only took a second for two consecutive gunshots to cause the two German soldiers who had not even had time to fully raise their guns to fall to the ground.

Commissar Petrov, who had found the enemy in front of him, had no time to think about it. His remaining right arm raised the weapon in his hand without hesitation, just like all the political commissars who fell on the road of charge had done before, raising their arms and shouting.

"Defend the Motherland! Defend Stalin! Attack!"


When the deafening roar sounded again, when countless Red Army soldiers clenched their weapons and jumped out of the trenches.

The faces of the German soldiers who thought their opponents were on the verge of collapse were filled with surprise and disbelief. Just a few minutes ago, they were betting that Stuka would wipe out the last organized resistance force in the village. All their words turned out to be farts. They used blood and iron will. The condensed unyielding spirit once again shattered the German army's existing cognitive concepts into pieces.

The hand-to-hand combat was extremely brutal and bloody.

The German soldier, who also had a bayonet attached to the muzzle, aimed at his opponent's vital point and thrust forward. The militia soldier who rushed up with an MP40 submachine gun that had been exhausted was stabbed on the spot and suffered severe pain in the abdomen. Incomparable.

The German soldier, who thought he had eliminated the enemy in front of him, wanted to pull out the bayonet, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free from the broad left hand that tightly grasped the gun body.

Realizing that the opponent was not completely dead, the German soldier panicked a little. The German veteran, who was already over thirty years old, began to stir the bayonet that had penetrated the opponent's stomach wildly up and down and left and right as he had done before.

No one can bear the severe pain that shatters the internal organs, and then they will let go and fall to the ground to die suddenly, at least according to past situations, this is indeed the case.

But not everything in the world is static. Incredible and incredible miracles happen all the time.

The militia soldier, who endured the soul-rending pain in his belly, raised his head and showed a fierce look on his face. The scarlet blood dripping from the corner of his mouth was full of hatred and anger.

The MP40 submachine gun that had been held tightly in the other right hand and had already been exhausted of bullets was swung with all the strength of the whole body in a backhand posture holding the barrel of the gun and hit the German veteran's face. At the same time, accompanied by There was also that deafening roar of anger with a mouth full of blood.

The steel-connected butt of the gun was deformed and thrown away from the gun body due to excessive force.

He was caught off guard and received the most ferocious blow in his thirty-year life. This German veteran's good teeth were almost completely smashed by the deformed and broken gun butt, and his jaw that could not be closed in time was even more shattered. It was because he used excessive force that he was beaten into a crooked mouth on the spot.

The impact on his face caused the German veteran to instantly lose control of his weapon, and he fell to the ground. He covered his deformed and painful cheek with his hand. Just as he was about to struggle to get up from the ground, he had already backhanded him from his stomach. The militia soldier with his bayonet drawn out almost roared with his last breath and rushed forward.

"Go to hell! Hitler's dog!"

The body that was already unsteady almost lost control and fell forward in a semi-conscious posture. The 98K rifle bayonet in his hand, which was stained with his own blood and organ fragments, plunged diagonally into the chest of the German veteran.

The German veteran who was stabbed through the heart by a knife just stared with a pair of horrified and disbelieving eyes. He took two breaths at last and then died on the spot and collapsed on his back.

On his body, the militia soldier who still held the enemy rifle with both hands was already dead.

The hands that did not let go until death were still holding the gun body tightly, making the corpse stiff like a sculpture. The butt of the gun was used as a support point against his chest to maintain a tight grip to prevent the corpse from falling to the ground. .

Warm blood was still dripping from the corners of the mouth of the lowered head, which had long lost any trace of life. On the face of the German veteran whose body was lying on his back, the unwilling eyes that could not be closed until death were stained scarlet by the enemy's blood that kept dripping. .

The two corpses, which maintained a fixed posture towards each other and no longer moved, seemed to have become a sculpture.

No one paid attention to this very inconspicuous scene in front of the trench where the shouts of killing were loud. All the soldiers involved in this battle were using all their tricks to kill the enemy in front of them at all costs.

Political Commissar Petrov was not a commander who could pick up a rifle with a bayonet and lead a hand-to-hand battle.

Due to his physical disability, Political Commissar Petrov could only use the Tokarev TT33 pistol in his hand to continuously shoot at the surrounding German soldiers who showed signs of approaching in order to defend themselves.

The Tokarev TT33 pistol with a fully loaded ammunition capacity of 8 rounds quickly ran out of magazines. Commissar Petrov had only one arm left. Even changing the magazine, which is easy for ordinary people, seemed very difficult. .

Putting the Tokarev pistol full of gunpowder into his mouth and biting it firmly horizontally, Commissar Petrov had just taken out a spare magazine from his waist before he had time to load it. Two people saw Petrov The political commissar husband was screaming strangely from behind his big-brimmed hat, but the German soldiers who rushed towards him were already in the face.

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