Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3041 Kissing and killing horses

"Your Excellency, this Russian is right behind us. I'm afraid it's too dangerous to stop at this time. Isn't it too dangerous? Please think again, Brigade Commander!"

The adjutant was sincere and sincere, but what he got in exchange was Morishima Kurouchi's indifference.

"You worry too much, Yamashita-kun."

"First we must understand our enemy and understand the battlefield situation, and then you can make accurate judgments."

"I predict that the Russians must be concentrating their efforts to defend the beachhead and build pontoon bridges. There is a reason why they bombarded us with such heavy firepower and carried out air strikes and artillery to suppress various troop assembly points and positions on the front line."

"The Russians are worried that we will launch a beachhead counterattack against them and drive them down the river. The ideas of the people at the Kwantung Army Headquarters are good and their ideas are correct, but the entire combat plan is a mess and they have ruined the good news. opportunity. Now is the time when the Russians are most vulnerable, and we can only turn in."

Putting on a look of pain and sorrow as he sighed and wished he could drink from the Majiang River, Morishima Kuronei changed the topic and finally revealed his ultimate goal.

"So, there is no need to worry about the Russians coming now. Before gathering a sufficient force, I expect their main energy will be focused on beach defense."

"Even the Russians on the beach are now worried that we will attack after the artillery fire ends, and they are guarding their positions and waiting. In "The Art of War", this is called "taking the enemy by surprise." On the surface, although we are retreating, in fact "We just changed the direction of attack. This is a transition, not a failure."

In the military terminology of the Japanese army, the word "transfer" was written seriously on paper.

The meaning is very simple, let's change the direction and move on.

You say retreat? Doesn't exist, first let's redefine retreat.

If the so-called retreat is just to change the direction and continue to advance, then this cannot be called a "retreat" in the military sense. This is called a turn-in.

Morishima Kuronei's meaning is obvious.

I predict that the Russians will not be able to attack right now, so just keep your mind at ease and execute the orders when they are necessary. It is not a big deal to take a ten or fifteen minute break.

Having served Morishima Kuronai for such a long time, the adjutant already had a clear idea of ​​the temperament of his immediate boss.

Knowing that nothing could be done, he stopped trying to persuade him. Instead, he began to persuade himself that the brigade commander was right. The adjutant who followed the order said "Hi!" and went to inform him.

As soon as the adjutant stepped away, Morishima Kuronei began to rub his teeth in pain again in the car.

Cursing that damn war horse, it happened to hit him by accident, hoping that he would be able to stand up again after a treatment.

Seeing that the team that had stopped moving had begun to rest, Morishima Kuronei, who was planning to use nicotine to relieve the pain, just took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, before he had time to light it.

But he saw that the adjutant who had just left not long ago was already trotting back with a hurried look on his face.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, you have just received an urgent message from the Kwantung Army Headquarters, asking about the status of our offensive. Please take a look."

The adjutant had the right to read the telegram and then deliver the message on his behalf, which was authorized by Morishima Kuronei himself.

After hearing this, his face suddenly condensed. Morishima Kuronei, who had sharp eyes, took the telegram without saying a word and read it quickly at a glance.

If it hadn't been for the temporary radio station that was set up under the order of rest, Morishima Kuronei wouldn't have been able to read the telegram at this moment, but now he was so angry at the content between the lines that he cursed on the spot.

"Baga! Are these idiots out of their minds!? They actually asked us how many enemies we had killed and whether we had captured the beachhead!?"

On one side, they were beaten to the point of doubting their lives, and were defeated and killed along the way. On the other side, they were still hoping to defeat the enemy and bring good news.

I have to say that the gap between the two sides is really too big, and they are simply two extremes.

After reading this telegram, ordinary people might think that the Kwantung Army Headquarters was thinking too much, thinking too highly of themselves, but they were slapped in the face without even thinking about it.

But Morishima Kuronei felt that this was not the case. When he thought about it carefully, he felt that the Kwantung Army Headquarters did this on purpose.

This group of people did not provide any support, and they had no aircraft or artillery. They allowed themselves to lead a regiment to attack the Russians single-handedly, and now they are still sending this kind of telegram.

This is no longer something that can be explained by "no B numbers". This is simply a matter of being in trouble with oneself, making the gap between expectations and reality too large, and causing trouble for oneself afterwards.

Although he didn't know who it was, Morishima Kuronei, who thought he had been tricked, expected that someone in the Kwantung Army headquarters must be gloating at this moment.

"Baqiya Road"

The more he thought about it, the angrier Morishima Kuronei decided he couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't give any bullshit support and now he still sent such a weird telegram. He was bullying people so much. How could he tolerate this? !

The stern orders were blurted out without thinking.

"Reply the call! Let's say that the independent mixed 105th Brigade has faithfully and thoroughly fulfilled the orders of the Kwantung Army Headquarters and implemented it without any compromise. Now that we have encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy and suffered losses, we have adopted an offensive offensive. We are now requesting tactical guidance from the Kwantung Army Headquarters."


The adjutant was stunned when he heard what Morishima Kuronei said. He blinked his eyes and could hardly believe what he had just heard.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, do you think this message needs any further polishing?"

The adjutant, who was not comfortable speaking too directly and had to consider saving face for his leader, cleverly used the word "polishing" to refer to it.

The meaning is pretty obvious.

Brother, if this telegram is sent out like this, I'm afraid it's going to cause trouble.

The Kwantung Army is blaming us, but their superiors are qualified to do so. You can't blame them too. Aren't you looking for trouble for yourself? We are already like this, isn’t the trouble big enough? Do you have to add more to make a set meal?

However, in the face of the adjutant's kind words and kind reminders.

Morishima Kuronai, who was determined not to swallow his anger any longer, and risk his life at worst, would not listen at all.

Instead of restraining himself, he intensified his words and spoke harshly, almost in a growling tone.

"Send it like this! Don't change a word! These losers bullied me too much! They sent the 105th Brigade to die without any support, and they dared to send such an insulting telegram to their subordinates. What kind of dignity do they have as superiors themselves! ?”

"If you are shameless, don't expect your subordinates to help you! Our Morishima family has been loyal to our country for generations. I, Morishima Kuronei, are here to expand the territory for His Majesty the Emperor, not to wipe the butt of these drunken servants!"

"Send a telegram immediately!"

"Hey! Send it out now!"

Morishima Kurouchi, who was fighting alone, suffered heavy losses, and was irritated by evil spirits, was almost bursting with anger. He had never felt so unpleasant to the Kwantung Army headquarters as now.

"It seems that I have to report this matter to my family. The villain has taken advantage of his power and dared to attack others on the battlefield and kill people with borrowed knives. I can't just sit back and wait for death, otherwise my life will be at stake!"

The adjutant had just taken the order and left. Morishima Kuronei was still thinking about how to handle the aftermath of the situation.

But he didn't expect that an unexpected change suddenly occurred at this moment.


call out--

A huge explosion sounded first, followed by a scream that broke through the sky.

"What's going on!? Where are you having sex? What happened!? Report the situation!"

Morishima Kuronei, who was shocked by the explosion, subconsciously wanted to get out of the car quickly. However, as soon as his legs moved a little, he was so painful that he fainted on the spot.

While gritting his teeth, he remembered that he was now paraplegic and could not go anywhere except this car.

With no other choice, Morishima Kuronei could only continue to yell loudly, yelling for someone who could report the situation to come over quickly. No matter who it was, he should explain the matter clearly first.

“Your Excellency—Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, it’s not good!!!”

Before Morishima Kuronei finished speaking, the adjutant who had left not long ago stumbled back for the second time. He was the first to come to the car amidst Morishima Kuronei's loud calls and was out of breath. He was so embarrassed that he just spoke quickly.

"Your Excellency, the Russians are coming! They have dispatched many, many tanks! There are also large groups of infantry following them!"


It can't be said that he was surprised, it can only be said that he was stunned on the spot. When Morishima Kuronei heard this, his eyes darkened and he lost his temper.

But after all, he is still a major general brigade commander, and he must have some abilities. He can't be just a pure trash who can get into this position.

After calming down and thinking a little, Morishima Kuronei, who asked the key point first, immediately spoke in a deep voice.

"How many, many, many? How many tanks did the Russians bring? Describe it with numbers!"


The adjutant, who was really confused by the question, then thought about it and recalled the scene he had just seen less than a minute ago. He intuitively picked up a number that he felt was close to ten and spoke directly.

"They are everywhere! Your Excellency, there are at least nearly a hundred of them!"

"Baga! Nearly a hundred vehicles!? If you lie about military information, I will kill you alive right now!"

Having said that, Morishima Kuronai, who could only move his upper body, really tried to pull out the ancestral katana from his waist, frightening the panicked adjutant to the point where he fell to his knees on the spot.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander! Your subordinates must never lie. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself! The Russian tanks have already come over! You'd better turn in first! Please!"

Even though the competent adjutant was threatened with death, he still did not forget what his job was, and he still tried to persuade his immediate boss who threatened to chop him alive.

On the other hand, Morishima Kuronei's expression has changed from the complete disbelief just now.

He raised his hand to pick up the telescope on the bridge without saying a word, and directly pointed it at the dusty sky in a direction that was not too far away.

"Baga! It's true, it's really everywhere!!!"

Amidst the flying dust on the great plain, Alsim, riding in a T43A medium tank, took the lead and rushed to the front. He was raising his AK with a bayonet in his hand and shouting to the surroundings.

"Comrades! Smash the Japanese invaders and send these Japanese devils to keep company with the Nazis! Ula!!!"


Being externally mounted on the tank is not all bad, at least one benefit can be confirmed.

From the perspective of a hot-blooded tough guy, it is much more enjoyable to charge outside a tank than to charge like canned meat in an infantry fighting vehicle.

Next to him are countless iron chariots galloping in the flying dust. Under his crotch is a steel war horse with strong armor and sharp cannon. On the horse are elite comrades fighting side by side with him, wearing helmets and carrying armor.

The whistling sound in my ears was not only a sign of high morale, but also the sound of wind as horses galloped across the grassland.

"Damn it, Sukka! At this time, we should get a record player and put it on the tank to play accompaniment! Just play the song of the Prairie Cavalry!"

Because the sense of déjà vu at this scene was too strong, Alsim couldn't help but say this, shouting in the wind.

I heard Sulovechenko laughing in another T43A on the side.

"When we capture the Japs alive, let Krause give these beasts a forced lesson on how the Red Army is the most powerful! Teach the German version!"

"Haha! That's a good idea, I'll just listen to you!"


Regardless of whether they can hit or not, and how many they can kill if they hit, we should first fire to disrupt the enemy's formation and apply firepower to suppress them.

Stepping on the accelerator into the fuel tank and running at full speed, the T43As opened fire, unleashing the destructive power of the new 100mm main gun in the high-speed impact.

Boo hoo hoo——


The whistling sound was accompanied by the sound of explosions, which exploded everywhere in the resting Japanese queue.

As soon as he came out of the tiger's den, he was chased by the tiger again.

The Japanese army, who thought they could finally take a breather, suddenly fell into chaos. A group of old, weak, disabled, and half-dead soldiers were tortured to the point of screaming and screaming on the spot.

The surviving war horses, who had been frightened in the previous devastating bombing zone and finally calmed down, suddenly heard the sound of cannons exploding in their ears. On the spot, they suffered a PTSD attack and ran wildly uncontrollably. rise.

"Stop! Hey, stop it quickly, Baga!!!"

No matter how hard the Japs cavalry on horseback pulled the reins and tried their best to control them, the horses, which had been frightened out of their shadow by the unbearable destructive bombardment, could not control themselves. Like a fool who ran out of a mental hospital after the wall collapsed, he just screamed and ran wildly.

"Uh-not good! Ah!!!"

The horse, which was going crazy while running and jumping up and down without knowing a fixed direction, was completely out of control. It was so crazy that even this huge creature didn't know where to run.

The Japanese cavalryman, who had difficulty even holding the reins on horseback, accidentally missed and was thrown to the ground by the rising horse on the spot.


The Japanese cavalry was thrown off the horse and fell heavily to the ground. The Japanese cavalry was breathless and had no time to get up from the ground. What followed was an even more heart-rending scream, deafening.



This was the sound of a horse shoe being kicked down, crushing the head like a watermelon. It was accompanied by a scream that echoed for a long time through the sky. It was the head of the Japanese cavalry who had just been thrown from the horse to the ground. .

All the horses were in chaos, and the direct result was that not only the cavalry on the horses were unlucky, but the Japanese infantry and wounded soldiers around them were even more unlucky.

He was knocked away and trampled to death by horses, and the three-wheeled sidecar motorcycle carrying Taijun was directly knocked over by a crazy horse running at high speed, including both people and the vehicle.

Don't underestimate the destructive power of large beasts when they go crazy, especially carefully selected military horses.

The devils here were killed by their own horses indiscriminately, and there was almost chaos with howls and strange screams.

Alsim, who had never expected this to happen, held the telescope in his hand and went straight into the state of "I can't understand, but I was shocked". The platoon leader who was lying behind the turret next to him was confused. The edge echoes.

"Strange, don't these Japanese soldiers train war horses? Why are these horses so afraid of the sound of artillery? Even if they are frightened, they shouldn't be like this."

The answer to this question was just a word from Alsim who put down his telescope.

"Because these bastards don't know how to use 203 heavy artillery and 310mm rockets when training war horses. It's as simple as that."

The serial number of the previous chapter is wrong, brothers, it should be 3015, this chapter is 3016. However, it does not affect the content, so feel free to watch it.

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