Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3026 Ba Tie innocently casts a Japanese sword

Malashenko was really anxious as he waited in the hidden command post by the river.

He also saw the uneasiness of Comrade Commander, and after thinking about it, he understood better what was going on. Kulbalov immediately took a step forward.

"Comrade Commander, Alsim's combat prowess is unstoppable, and the 30 carefully selected soldiers have experienced hundreds of battles. No matter how vicious the Nazis are, Alsim can't stand him, and the Japanese patrol across the river is no match for him. , I believe it won’t take long for us to return victoriously.”

Although Alsim is highly regarded by Malashenko, in terms of affiliation, he is still his subordinate Kulbalov.

Kulbalov thought he should say this, and Malashenko also stopped after hearing what he said.

There seemed to be some hesitation, and he raised his hand but hesitated to speak. Finally, he put his hand down and spoke slowly.

"In terms of Alsim's ability to kill the enemy in battle, I have never doubted Alsim, but I was worried that Alsim would underestimate the enemy and be careless. In the final analysis, it was because this was the first time we fought against the Japanese army, so I was always a little relaxed. If I don’t make up my mind, maybe I’m just thinking too much.”

Alsim has been on the battlefield for nearly ten years. Finns, Poles, and Germans have all been defeated by his men and have rarely encountered opponents.

The only SS lunatic who could compete with Alsim in terms of force value ended up being chopped into sausages by Alsim himself. He died so terribly that he could no longer die.

Alsim is confident, and Malashenko knows it, but he is even more worried that Alsim believes that everyone will be the first to take the lead and make miscalculations.

As a member of the old team who has been following Malashenko since the Battle of Kursk.

As Malashenko's right-hand man and capable general, Kulbalov certainly knew where the comrade commander's worries came from, so he blurted out the words as soon as he thought about it.

"Comrade Commander, I understand your worries, but doesn't Alsim still have Sulovchenko by his side? After the death of his former deputy company commander, you immediately transferred Sulovchenko to the combat engineers and combat engineers. Isn't it just to prevent Alsim from being careless and underestimating the enemy?"

"And that Chen Weiguo, I have also met him, and I can see that he is a mature and steady person. With these two people acting together, and Alsim's combat experience, I think there should be no problems."

Kulbalov's analysis was well-founded. Malashenko raised his hand to look at the time and found that it was still early, and there was still some time before the expected completion of the task.

In addition, the other side of the river has been closely monitored. So far, there have been no unexpected incidents and no sounds of gunfire.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Malashenko might be overthinking himself. Just as he was about to say something, a major who was responsible for leading the team to monitor the other side of the river suddenly rushed into the command post and took the lead.

"Comrade Commander! Alsim and the others are back and crossing the river! It looks like the mission has been completed!"

"What!? So fast!?"

Malashenko, who was so excited after hearing this, couldn't think anymore and rushed out without saying a word. Kulbalov on the side followed closely behind him.

By the time Malashenko arrived at the riverside, Alsim and his party, who were rowing the famous three rubber boats across the river at high speed, had already washed ashore and dragged the rubber boats to the ground.

Seeing Malashenko trotting towards him, Alsim, who had been rowing all the way, didn't even bother to take a breath. He took a step forward and spoke to Malashenko.

"Reporting to Comrade Commander, Alsim led his team to complete the mission and successfully captured an enemy colonel. Please take a look at it."

"What? What the hell? Colonel Colonel???"

Before he could speak, Malashenko blinked in confusion, feeling that he might have heard something wrong.

I asked you to cross the river and capture a major officer, but the result was good. When we met, you said you had captured a colonel? What fun is this-

He was really not joking. Malashenko saw the Japanese officers tied into rice dumplings beside the rubber boat. Under the moonlight, the rank of colonel was clearly visible at a glance.

Colonel Koki Nakamura, who was knocked unconscious by a rifle butt, is still in a coma.

Not only was his whole body tied up, but before boarding the ship, Alsim, who was worried that he would suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, took off his socks and stuffed them into the guy's mouth with his own hands to gag him tightly.

To avoid shouting as soon as you open your eyes, it will only cause trouble if you happen to encounter the Japanese pursuers again.

"Take the person into custody, start interrogation immediately, and extract everything he knows."

"Alsim, come with me. The troops will be handed over to Sulovechenko, and I want to hear your report in person."

After giving such an order, Malashenko immediately turned around and went to the other side, and began to arrange follow-up surveillance and observation matters for the troops on the riverside.

Even if Alsim successfully withdraws, he must continue to monitor closely to see when the Japanese will find the scene of the incident and what their subsequent reaction will be. We must not take it lightly.

On the other side, Alsim, who heard the order from Comrade Commander, had not said anything yet, but he saw Sulovechenko with a smirk on the side had already spoken quietly.

"What did I say? When we just crossed the river, I said that as soon as we get back, Comrade Commander, I will ask you to come over and ask questions. Won't you come now? Don't worry, I will leave the troops to me."


After being muttered by his good brother with a smirk that couldn't be described as sarcasm, Alsim, knowing that he had no other choice, could only follow the order.

The colonel who was tied into rice dumplings was escorted down, and the soldiers who had completed the mission were also taken down to rest by their company officers. Only the company commander and comrade Alsim were left to face the comrade commander's personal questioning.

"What's going on? Please tell me the complete story truthfully, in detail, and go through all the details that you can remember."

After hearing the words, Alsim did as he was told, and Malashenko listened attentively, for fear of missing any detail.

After a while, after Malashenko finished listening to the report, he slowly stopped tapping his fingers on the table.

"You mean that the Colonel's appearance was purely accidental, with no warning at all beforehand? Is it really just that he was unlucky and happened to happen by chance?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander. Although I also think this reason is a bit far-fetched, but based on the current situation, it is indeed the case."

After thinking for a moment, Alsim continued to speak calmly, telling Malashenko everything he had seen and heard.

"At first I didn't believe it was such a coincidence that this guy came here, but a few Japs who were afraid of death confessed before they set out on the road that this old Japs really just wanted to take another look and think about it before leaving."

"We also found a jar of soil from the old devil's bag. He dug it on the spot by the river. It seems that he really planned to leave some souvenirs before leaving."

As he spoke, Alsim also took out the small earthen jar he found from his carrying bag, along with other items seized from Colonel Koki Nakamura.

Hot and cold weapons such as command knives and tortoise boxes were all placed on the table in front of Malashenko.

"Haha, this bastard old devil! He really regards the Northeast as their territory, and he doesn't even think about how much he weighs."

I picked up the earthen pot on the table and opened it. It did have the unique moist smell of fresh river soil.

Putting the earthen jar aside, he picked up the command knife again. Malashenko, who was holding it in his hand, took a closer look and then unsheathed the knife.

The shining silver blade reflects the cold and strange brilliance. As far as the weapon itself is concerned, it can indeed be called a good knife.

"The Japanese sword is innocently made from white iron. It doesn't look like the Japs' standard Saguan sword. It is probably passed down from the old Jaap's family, or it was forged and customized by a swordsmith privately. The Japs' standard saguan sword is not of such high quality."

"It looks okay, but it's far from the sword that Comrade Deputy Commander gave me. This thing can't compare."

Hearing Alsim's remark, Malashenko smiled and nodded, sheathing his sword and about to say something, when the combat staff who came to report once again brought unexpected news.

"Report to Comrade Commander, the Japanese reinforcements from across the river are here. They have found the scene of the incident and are investigating and collecting the bodies."

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