Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2972 ​​Leave no one behind

"Did you go out without taking medicine or is it just like this? What? Is the hysterical disease that your burping and braided head of state had during his lifetime still contagious? It will turn everyone who comes into contact with him into a fool who only speaks criticism. silly?"

"Otherwise, our Red Army will immediately make preparations to reopen the lunatic asylum in Berlin. Otherwise, people like you will roam the streets everywhere and affect public safety and order. You know, right? Huh?"


The small Red Army staff officer who was in charge of the minutes of the meeting really didn't hold back. Before Malashenko finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

All the Red Army officials present here at least started out as colonels and gathered stars. Although they were not amused by Comrade Malashenko's obviously intentional and offensive ridicule, they all looked disdainful and Looking at the Germans across the negotiation table with sarcasm or even a smile.

On the other hand, at the German negotiation table at this moment, after encountering Malashenko's "large-scale non-lethal weapons" attack, the expressions on the faces of the two people were not to say that they were like dead mothers, but at least they were It has to be about the same as swallowing a live fly.

We haven't surrendered yet, how can we be so humiliated by these uneducated Russians! ?

Krebs, who was deeply ashamed and angry, was the first to speak. Facing Zhukov, who had just finished singing a duet with Malashenko opposite him, he responded with stern words.

"Marshal Zhukov, may I assume that this major general's statement represents the official attitude of your Red Army?"

Krebs wanted to make the Russians know how to be measured and restrained while being as less aggressive as possible. After all, in this situation where he was stronger than others, he really couldn't break up with the Russians.

Do your best to win more benefits for yourself at the negotiation table. This is the ultimate goal of leading the negotiation team on this trip, rather than tearing up the table with the Russians. All dialogues, words and deeds must be based on this. Expand, this must be kept in mind.

But Krebs obviously did not expect that the relationship between Zhukov and the major general beside him, whom he had not yet recognized, would be so extraordinary that even Americans would be surprised when they saw it.

Since you German guy doesn't know, it's time for you to have some experience and let Zhukov personally demonstrate what "Soviet-style calf protection" is.

"It depends on your attitude. If you still can't understand the situation and your own situation, and plan to engage in meaningless self-destruction by fighting between trapped beasts."

“Then there is no doubt that what Major General Malashenko just said is our Red Army’s official attitude towards what you just said.

"Peace will only come if the madman is destroyed or imprisoned. The facts are already very clear. If it were not for the existence of your super madman and his actions, today, yesterday, and the past four years would have been All the disasters that happen here and on the road from here to Moscow will not happen."


Zhukov's speech was not loud, but it was deafening and had a considerable impact on the Germans across the negotiating table.

Are the Russians planning to eliminate everyone who dares to resist them? Will anyone who defies their will be purged?

The leaders of the Wehrmacht, who thought good times were about to come when the hair-washer was dead, really thought too well and completely misunderstood the true intentions of the Red Army.

"I thought you would understand it yourself, but now it seems that you are still ignorant and ignorant, so it is necessary to repeat it again and listen carefully."

"The ultimate goal of the Battle of Berlin is to completely eradicate the political and military decision-making center of the Nazis. The political entity named the Nazis will be completely swept into the garbage heap of history as a waste product and a past tense."

"This is the Red Army's bottom line, and it is absolutely non-negotiable."

"Even if there is a cannon fodder in front of the Nazis who dares to protect it, the Red Army will resolutely use thousands of times the firepower to completely destroy it. This war will not be over until the Nazis are destroyed. We have been fighting for four years , I won’t be afraid if we fight for another 4 years or even 10 or 40 years! The evil will eventually be completely eradicated and destroyed!”

"If you are not even aware of this, are not awake, cannot understand, let alone agree with it, then just go out and turn left and go back!"

"Everyone sitting around this table is wearing a military uniform. They are all soldiers in both literal and practical sense. Soldiers have their own way of solving problems. Let us solve problems on the battlefield and teach you a lesson. An absolute truth that is still relevant a hundred years later.”

Having finished speaking, Malashenko put his hands on the table and slowly stood up from the chair.

His sharp eyes like a falcon scanned every German guy across the table, and finally fell on the leader, Krebs. The decisive words were blurted out word by word.

"What you can't get on the battlefield, you can't get at the negotiation table."

To survive or not to survive? This is a question worth thinking about, especially for today's Germans.

Krebs was surprised, even deeply surprised, as to why Zhukov would give such a big voice to a small major general on such an occasion, where a bunch of lieutenant generals and admirals were sitting in rows. The offensive bar was full and almost torn apart the words of the negotiation. This made Krebs, who thought he had done enough homework and understood the negotiation fairly well, especially confused.

"I have a question to answer. Marshal Zhukov, can you introduce who this major general is?"

If you look at Krebs' resume, you will know that this guy has been in a high position since the invasion of Poland, doing various errands as a senior chief of staff. To put it simply, he is a person who is almost separated from the front-line grassroots. .

The German soldiers on the front line and the Nazi armed forces at the grassroots level were dealt with badly by a certain Russian with the nickname "Iron Butcher".

It was not that Krebs had not heard about it. He did have some understanding, but it was only superficial rumors.

Perhaps in his eyes, circling the map and giving full play to his specialty as a "map master", even for war games, is much more reliable and useful than blindly studying the rumors and legends of the soldiers below. .

That's what Germans are like. I don't dare to say that all the stereotypes about Germans are true, but at least there are people among Germans who are "ignorant of what's going on outside the window and only focus on drawing maps."

Paulus, who also had a professional background as a staff officer, was a dabbler and made a lot of fatal mistakes in Stalingrad.

Now Krebs is still in such a bad mood that the war is almost over in 1945. He can scare the German recruits and strong soldiers from all walks of life. They pray that they will never be sent to fight with this god of plague. .

As long as the veteran just says "If you don't obey me, I will throw you to the Iron Butcher", the "Iron Butcher" who can scare the recruits to the point of peeing his pants, Malashenko himself, sits in front of him and " He couldn't recognize who it was, so he asked Zhukov an extremely outrageous question: "Please introduce me to him."

It would have been better if Krebs didn't ask. As soon as he said this, the Soviet generals across the negotiating table who were deep enough in the city couldn't help but smile. Even Zhukov's face showed "" I really didn't expect you to be so stupid" with a smile.

Looking at the group of Soviet generals opposite, I couldn't help laughing, almost laughing out loud on the spot.

Krebs, who didn't know what he was talking about, looked innocent and at a loss. He didn't feel that his question was outrageous, so he didn't even notice that the adjutant next to him was winking at him and continued to ask questions.

"I don't understand. Please introduce this major general. Is there anything particularly funny about this to you Russians? Is it because of different cultural differences that I can't understand your laughter?"

"No, no, no, that's not the case. You got it wrong again."

Smiling, Zhukov did not forget to pick up the tea cup on the table, give himself a sip of tea to suppress his smile, and when he put down the cup, Zhukov, who had regained his serious expression, continued to speak.

"Let me ask you a question first. Do you know how much defense force, organization and number of people are left in the Nazi armed forces in Berlin?"

Krebs thought Zhukov was lying, and wanted to verify how well the Berlin Garrison Command understood and controlled the defenders, and to see if the intelligence information it had was accurate to facilitate the subsequent attack.

Krebs, who frowned and mistakenly thought that he was "knowing things like a god", immediately replied without thinking.

"This is a military secret, Marshal Zhukov, and I can't have any relevant information without us having reached any written agreement."

"So it seems that you know it in your heart, but you just don't want to say it? It doesn't matter, that's enough."


Krebs responded with silence after hearing this. He really didn't know what kind of medicine Zhukov was selling in the gourd when he said this. He could only wait and see what Zhukov would say next.

"Your Nazi front-line troops, those survivors who were lucky enough to escape and report back after the battle, gave our Comrade Malashenko the nickname "Steel Butcher," which you must have heard of."

"What I want to tell you is that if you pull out a detailed list of the Nazi armed personnel who died at the hands of Malashenko, then this list can definitely contain all the remaining people in Berlin including you. of armed personnel.”

"The unit commanded by Comrade Malashenko is the leader division, the 1st Guards Tank Division "Stalin". Your Nazi front-line soldiers also have a fear-filled nickname for this, called "Stalin Guards", and Marashenko Comrade Cote is "Captain Stalin's Guard."

"Just this afternoon, Comrade Malashenko commanded his troops and planted the victory flag on the top of your parliament building, declaring that the heart of this evil Nazi has been broken."

"I am telling you this for no other reason than to let you know clearly that if Comrade Malashenko has the ability to eliminate all the Nazis on the first list, he will have the ability to follow the same pattern and create a second list."

"It's a pity that if this is really the case, then you and all the Nazi officers here will not be able to see this list come out with your own eyes."


Krebs finally remembered that one that had appeared on his war games and battle maps before, and that had repeatedly caused him and his colleagues and superiors to pay attention and have headaches. That one had special symbolic meaning and was given great importance. The mark, the symbol, the force of degree

It turned out to be the army commanded by the young man in front of him who looked to be no more than thirty years old. It turned out that the rumors about the "Steel Butcher" and the "Stalin Guard Force" were all true!

Things that I had always dismissed, and even dismissed as rumors and jokes after dinner, were now displayed in front of my eyes so vividly and extremely true.

That Malashenko, who had killed many people and slaughtered many people, suddenly appeared in front of him in such an unexpected manner.

"We have talked enough, and we have exchanged views, attitudes, and opinions with each other, and we understand what the other person's purpose is and what he wants."

"If you can't make changes immediately, then I think this pointless meeting should come to an end."

"I stress one last time that the fighting in Berlin will not end until the last Nazi soldier lays down his arms and surrenders unconditionally to the Red Army. If you want to stop the war, then go back immediately and order all those who are still resisting. All the Nazi armed personnel laid down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender.”

"The Red Army will never accept any additional conditions for ceasefire and surrender. Of course we will fully respect your choice, but that will be respected with bombs, shells and bullets on the battlefield. The decision is up to you, whether to survive or not Destruction must make a choice."

"in addition"

Zhukov, who stopped abruptly before he finished speaking, quietly turned his head and asked Malashenko quietly beside him.

"Comrade Malashenko, are your troops ready? It is wise to let our opponents know what choices they should make."

Comrade Lao Ma, who knew what he should do, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled sarcastically, and responded to the group of Germans across the negotiating table who had "complex expressions and even more complicated hearts."

"Back to Comrade Marshal, the leadership division is ready for battle! We will fight until all the Nazis who dare to block our path to victory are completely wiped out, leaving no one behind."

"Leave no one behind", this word that sounds so simple and harmless to humans and animals, to Krebs at this moment, is more than a thousand times more powerful than the most powerful Russian bomb. It can make your little heart beat so fast that you still have lingering fears.

"We need to discuss this. Please give us some time. Can you provide us with a private space alone?"

Looking at Krebs' pale expression, Malashenko knew that the matter was almost over here, and Zhukov's next words were also expected.

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