Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2965 I am still the same captain as before

Malashenko did have other plans for Wittmann. It would be too boring if the SS's top armored ace who was captured alive died with just one shot.

It is true that Wittmann was originally a dead person in existing history, but now that he is still alive and has fallen into his own hands, Malashenko, who took advantage of the situation, felt that he had to make this changed history. Become more "exciting".

It will only be interesting when those stupid Western dogs who are bound to openly break with the red camp openly play some "bad performance art cards" in the future and throw a king bomb in the face of the West.

Anyway, there are not a few "dead people" who have survived through his own hands. As long as he can play his due role and be used for himself, Malashenko does not mind one more person in this category, even if he is a party member. The same goes for the Guards.

How to make good use of Wittmann's card is what Malashenko, who captured him alive with his own hands, has to consider, but not yet.

As for now, Malashenko has more important things to do, and he has no time to think about this "famous" SS armored officer.

"Take him with you, but remember to keep him under separate supervision and make sure there is no room for error. I will keep this guy for future use. You must take my words with you and pass them on to the person in charge of managing prisoners of war.

"I understand, Comrade Commander."

A guard company squad leader with quick hands and long eyes was arranged to handle the matter. After treating the wounds, Wittmann and his party were once again escorted into the army of prisoners and left in an orderly manner.

Iushkin, who had been following Malashenko, watched the whole process without saying a word or interrupting. It was only then that he stepped forward and spoke quietly to Comrade Commander.

"You also ordered the SS soldier's wounds to be treated. Is there any special reason? I think it's better to let him die."

"Death? Death is very easy, but don't you think it would be too easy for them to let them die like this and be done with it?"


Just now I heard Malashenko say something similar but didn't understand it. Iushkin, who was about to ask what it meant, had not yet opened his mouth when Malashenko's proactive answer followed. Keep walking forward and talking.

"From the moment they were defeated and captured, their fate was destined to be dominated by the Red Army; for us, the judgment of their fate is nothing more than the difference between atonement and execution, life and death."

"It is true that Wittmann and several of his men could achieve revenge after being killed by a gun, but it was limited to revenge. It became a disposable item that was finished as soon as the gunshot, the newspaper, or the radio reported it. , I'm sure we have better options now than a one-time revenge.

"There's nothing wrong with treating ordinary SS prisoners with one-time revenge. After all, the use value of those low-level scum is limited to this, and you can't squeeze out more."

"But he is different. His special identity is destined to attract attention as long as he is alive. Not only us, but also the West who will turn against us in the future, and even the whole world. Keep this man alive in your hands. Making good use of it is far more useful than burying it in a grave."

"The key lies in the means. Just like a weapon, the actual effectiveness of the weapon on the battlefield ultimately depends on the person who operates it. The same is true for Wittmann."

"In time, I will transform him into a "weapon", but that is not now. It takes time to prepare plans and actually execute operations. Now we have to leave time for more important things. You, me, the entire leadership division All comrades have important tasks waiting to be completed, are you ready?"

"A more important mission? You mean battle? Is there really a big battle to be fought? I heard you say that before, but I thought it was a casual joke."

Iushkin's excitement can clearly be heard in his words. It's no wonder that our comrade "the best gunner in the leadership division" has always been excited when he heard about a war and talked nonsense. He has long been accustomed to this. Malashenko just responded with a calm smile of affirmation, and there was an extra hint of "mystery" in his smile that Iushkin couldn't figure out.

"It's a major combat mission, but not entirely. There are other exciting activities. Our division's mission to Berlin is only half completed now. The remaining half does not rely on life-and-death struggle but is equally important. Even It will be more exciting, so let’s look forward to it.”

After walking around the wasteland of King's Square and getting a basic understanding of the post-war situation, Malashenko knew that there was still a lot of things waiting for him to do. He quickly left behind and was still thinking about the car. Iushkin, who said "Comrade Latest Edition of The Riddler", called the jeep that had been prepared and drove towards the division headquarters.

As soon as he stepped into the threshold of the division headquarters operations hall, what suddenly appeared in front of Malashenko was a scene of jubilation welcoming a great victory.

Although there are still sporadic battles in the direction of the defense area that the leader division is responsible for, the battles in the main directions have been dealt with and successfully won. The remaining unimportant ones in non-main attack directions can be left alone for the time being.

If you just wait and see, you can still survive for a while. If you really don't have the foresight to rush forward and die, the various units of the leadership division that stick to the existing contact line will not mind sending a few more bombs to the sky. Artillery shells are still bullets. Take your pick, it will definitely be enough.

The comrades of the division organization who finally had some time to take a breath and temporarily relax their tense nerves were enjoying the great joy that had just arrived and were immersed in an unprecedented atmosphere of joy.

All they had to do was lift up their comrade who had just entered the door like "everyone gathering firewood" and throw it into the air to cheer. After all, it was not appropriate to do this before the battle was completely over, wasn't it? But this still could not stop Malashenko from being instantly surrounded by the great joy and joy of his comrades.

"Comrade Commander! We have won, finally won!"

"We have been fighting hard for 41 years till now! Our efforts have not been in vain! We are worthy of "in the name of leader"! We finally sent the news of victory back to the motherland!"

"My mom would be so proud of me for this! I swear! I've always dreamed of being her hero and now it's finally come true! There's no better news than this!"

The young faces were filled with unprecedented joy, which was exactly the same scene Malashenko saw at the foot of the Capitol.

Until that familiar figure that he had been thinking about finally came to him, surrounded by the excitement of his comrades.

Malashenko, who celebrated with his comrades and shared this unprecedented joy, was finally able to slowly take off his tank cap and stand at attention to salute.

Just for the important thing that I have wanted to do since 1941, and now I can finally do it.

"Reporting to comrade political commissar! Captain Malashenko has led his troops to complete the mission, and the victory flag has been planted on the heart of Nasty Evil, marking the great victory of the Red Army! Please give your instructions!"

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