Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2952 The game is not over yet


If Heisenberg hadn't received such a kick with his own body and tasted it, Heisenberg probably wouldn't have believed that Alsim, who was almost suppressed by him in the last close encounter, this time was almost like It was like he was a completely different person, and that kick just now was enough to shock people.

Holding the knife in one hand and supporting the ground with the other, Heisenberg stood up from the ground. His eyes were less arrogant and more serious. Heisenberg looked directly at Alsim who was in front of him. He looked up and down and then spoke. blurted out.

"Regain your form, or have you recovered enough?"

Alsim held the hunting knife tightly in his hand and took an attack stance, determined to end everything today, with firmness and fortitude shining in his eyes.

"The answer is both, bastard."

"That's good, very good!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately sprinted forward and swooped in with the heavy knife in his hand.

Determined to re-examine his opponent, Heisenberg chose to take the initiative to see what Alsim's true strength was now. The broad-bladed heavy knife weighing more than 10 kilograms once again slashed the Huashan Mountain with force, heading towards Alsim. Sim's head plummeted.


The harsh metal collision sounded again. With one hand on the handle of the knife and the other on the back of the knife, Alsim used the strength of both hands to steadily catch the opponent's probing but powerful blow.

Heisenberg, who was held back by Alsim and dealt a powerful blow, smiled instead of angry, as if everything before him was as expected as he thought.

"Let's see how much strength you have left, kindred spirit."

The heavy knife held tightly in both hands continued to increase its power output as he spoke. Heisenberg, who still remembers the scene of the first fight, still clearly remembers how suppressed the Russian man in front of him was by his own power. The embarrassment, the huge gap, and the reason to believe that he will succeed again.

But what the confident Heisenberg never expected was that what happened next completely exceeded his expectations.



Alsim suddenly changed from holding the knife with two hands to holding it with one hand. Alsim released his right hand that was holding the back of the knife, but he was still able to steadily catch the heavy and powerful knife in front of him with the strength of one hand. The increasing strength of the hands wielding this heavy knife did not even include a slight tremor on the wrists.

The intense shock that is just around the corner has not yet ended, and the fleeting opportunity will not give the warring parties any chance to show any favoritism. Alsim, who had reversed his offensive and defensive momentum and gained the upper hand, did not hesitate. He raised his free left hand and clenched it into a fist. He aimed a vicious blow at Heisenberg who had not yet fully recovered.


The power of this punch was so great that Alsim himself, as the puncher, couldn't help but think of the instant killing blow that killed the big fat pig when the punch hit his flesh.

Alsim's punch hit him firmly on the left side of the face.

Heisenberg, whose whole body was spinning like a spinning top, was completely unable to control his balance and posture at this moment. He allowed his completely out-of-control body to spin several times while retreating, and finally finally He fell to the ground while his entire field of vision was spinning.

"What about you? Do you have that much strength? Or you didn't eat in the morning, bastard."


Heisenberg, who felt a "gurgling" sound in his mouth when he smiled crookedly, subconsciously vomited, and the three teeth that were neatly pulled out from the gums together with their roots fell to the ground with blood on them. land.

After vomiting out the knocked-out teeth, Heisenberg was not done yet. The moment he opened his mouth, Heisenberg felt a sweetness in his throat. He couldn't control it. Before he could close his mouth, he retched and retched, followed by a mouthful of strong and pungent blood. In an instant, it rushed out and floated in the air, turning into blood mist.


Heisenberg did not stand up immediately and regain his fighting posture, at least for the moment.

However, Alsim, who had been concentrating on the battle just now, didn't realize it until now.

Not only were the three teeth knocked out by his fist, there were obviously other external injuries on the perverted SS leader's body.

The evidence is that right under the heel of the bastard who was half-kneeling and holding himself up, a small pool of scarlet blood flowed down his trouser leg.

Alsim was not confident that his punch could not only knock out three of a person's teeth, but also make the person's skin and flesh split open and his torso bleed. His fist was not so powerful.

Thinking of the sudden bang just now, I recalled how terrifying the power of the huge explosion was when I was blown away from the wooden bridge.

He could probably figure out what was going on and why. Through the contact of the blade and the two punches to the flesh, he could roughly understand the current situation. Al, who was ignoring the kneeling enemy in front of him, Sim was ready to end it all.

"Your game is over. The price is your life. I guarantee that your head will be hung on the roof."


Weird laughter suddenly sounded. Heisenberg, who was kneeling on one knee with his head lowered and facing the floor, gradually stood up. His legs were shaking slightly, which was not a normal posture.

Looking at the opponent who has been at a disadvantage so far, Alsim, who doesn't feel that there is any suspense in this battle, is still preparing to attack again. If this bastard's last words are to laugh awkwardly, then so be it. That's it for now.

Heisenberg, who never thought that he had never put down the heavy knife in his hand, once again regained the contemptuous tone that had just disappeared and spoke quietly again.

"I've told you over and over again, but you always can't listen and are so stupid."

With his left hand, he slowly took off the boat cap that had never changed from the beginning to the end and threw it away. The heavy plate armor body armor covering the torso was immediately unbuttoned, and the two pieces of plate armor on the chest and back fell to the ground. "Clang" sound, like the sound of a bell, goes straight into the heart.

"You just don't have the guts to do what you should do. You will only serve as a loyal mad dog to your master named Malashenko."

"This is the biggest difference between you and me, the same kind."

The syringe taken out from the pocket on his back was stabbed into his neck. Heisenberg, who personally put the needle into his own flesh, saw madness in his eyes. His scarlet killing eyes became more erratic as the syringe pushed forward. Flashing.

The tremor that spread rapidly from the legs to the whole body finally stopped when the syringe in his hand fell to the ground.

"The game is not over yet, the last scene is happening now"

"just started!"

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