Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2936 A little bit more powerful

The huge explosion knocked the SS soldiers who were unable to dodge in the second-floor attic to the ground on the spot, and the few unlucky ones who went out without looking at the almanac were thrown directly to the first floor.

The impact of the explosion has not yet settled, and those SS soldiers who survived the explosion and were not blown out are still in shock and unsteady, let alone changing the muzzle of their guns from one direction to another to adapt to the situation.

The combat engineers, each carrying full-automatic firepower and rushing forward while rushing, had already broken out of the dust and broken through the wall.

"The Russians are coming in! They're on the second floor!"

"Turn around! Stop them!"

"Fire quickly!!!"

Here, we are facing a group of enemies who have mastered the "Slavic Wall Penetrating Technique" skill. They have just rushed to join the battle. Before they have time to realize that there is a big problem on the other side, this group of SS soldiers is simply "looking at the head but not the bottom." .

"Go! Kill them! Cover fire!!!"

Not only did he solve the trouble with one shot, he also successfully led his team and rushed to the second floor. Sulovchenko shouted loudly and called on the soldiers who were following him to rush forward. He held up the AK in his hand and walked forward while shooting. Use maximum fully automatic firepower to blast at any enemy who dares to stand in the way.

There was no need to leave these SS soldiers in the second-floor attic with time to think. The cruel and painful reality was enough to wake them up in an instant. It was really uncomfortable to become rats in a bellows, being attacked from both sides and being attacked from both sides. Feel good. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

On one side, you have to withstand the violent attack from the "Slavic wall penetration technique", and on the other side, you have to guard against another group of Russians attacking from behind, so don't get your butt kicked to pieces.

After such a period of fierce fighting, the manpower has been damaged, and it is not small.

It is true that the Russians suffered greater losses. The Russian corpses lying on the floor on the first floor of the library were all lying in a mess, with their arms and legs crushed, but this is not as small as the losses of the SS in your second-floor attic. There is no causal relationship whatsoever.

Especially after being caught off guard by the wall-penetration technique. There was a wall-breaking explosion and a round of firefights, and dozens and nearly twenty people were killed in a very short period of time.

The SS troops, who had suffered serious losses in strength, were suffering from both ends and were gradually losing their support. They could neither fight nor escape, and what could they do when their retreat routes were cut off and they had nowhere to run? Then we can only retreat toward the library area in the center of the second-floor attic.

The specific environment of this area is literally "like a maze". Several oversized bookcases are much larger and have more capacity than ordinary bookshelves.

Those tattered books of Shen Nian that no one has taken away are inside. I don’t know what they are about. They are some magical things that no dog can read. The number can only be said to be huge. One after another, one after another. , in short, the proletarian warriors are not interested in these shabby books under your Nazi rule.

It doesn’t matter if there are a lot of books. After all, if a book is basically broken, it really can’t stop bullets, right? At least the 62mm intermediate-power rifle bullet is absolutely unstoppable.

The core problem is that I don’t know if you, German guy, are crazy or are you deliberately engaging in performance art. The extra-large bookcases in this library are all made of damn stone.

That's right, they are made of the same material as those stone statues on the first floor.

With rocks on the outside and a pile of books on the inside, it's quite big and has a wide defensive area. It's not that big of a difference compared to a composite armored wall.

At least let alone rifle bullets, even a grenade might not be able to explode through it.

After several rounds of burst fire, I found that there was nothing that could be done about this thing. Apart from the splashing of gravel and debris, there were only paper scraps flying everywhere. There was not a single SS soldier who was actually beaten to death in the wailing.

"Damn it, Sokka! This can't go on like this! This damn thing is harder than a turtle shell, it's almost like tank armor!"

The old squad leader who followed Sulovechenko all the way to the second floor complained angrily. While complaining, he did not forget the work at hand and quickly replaced the empty AK with a new magazine. However, Sulovechenko was right next to him. On the other hand, Qinke was calm, calm, and steady.

"Then we also have anti-armor weapons. No matter how hard the turtle shell is, it can break it open!"


Watching Sulovechenko put the AK in his hand next to the bookshelf, he ducked behind the bunker beside him, took off the RPG barrel on his back, and took out a round that had just been taken from the sacrificed shooter. The super-caliber anti-explosive bomb was brought and prepared for reloading.

Seeing this scene, the old squad leader, who was somewhat doubtful, couldn't help but speak with uncertainty.

"This thing is quite powerful, but it might be a bit hard to blow up the stone cabinet."

The old squad leader didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was in place and enough to be understood. However, the company deputy comrade who loaded the ammunition into the barrel obviously didn't think so.

"Be smarter! Comrade Company Commander can overturn so many Nazis by hand-throwing engineer explosives. Why can't we improve it? Give these SS scum a rocket express delivery."


The old squad leader and Sulovechenko had long been comrades fighting side by side. As for what the company deputy comrade next to him, who was much younger than him, wanted to do. After hearing this and waiting until now, it can almost be said that he has already I guessed the answer, and Sulovchenko's next move was indeed "as expected."

"Come on! Load up the explosives!"

He put his RPG butt on the ground and held the barrel in a straight position. When the old squad leader saw this, he immediately put down the gun in his hand. He opened the bow left and right and took out two engineer explosives from behind his butt. Using the rope as a rope, he quickly tied it tightly to the super-caliber warhead in front of the RPG.

"Now that it is powerful enough, we will definitely be able to send all those SS bastards to the sky!"

It is true that a substantial increase in the weight of the warhead will cause a huge change in the ballistic trajectory, but what does this have to do with the shooting distance of only thirty or forty meters?

So when the "power-enhanced version" of the RPG was put on his shoulders and ready, Sulovechenko, who believed that there would be no problem with his move, did not hesitate. He found a gap in the enemy's fire, leaned out sideways, and fired the RPG with two bricks attached to its warhead with a roar.


Boom! ! !

The rocket whistling sound was as sharp as a whistle, and then there was a loud explosion.

The anti-explosive warhead passed through the gap between the two large stone cabinets and finally hit and exploded on the third large stone cabinet on the inside. It itself carried a heavy warhead charge. As long as they are tied up close to each other's faces, there is no problem in exploding two pieces of engineering explosives.

Two pieces of engineering explosives plus a 100mm super-caliber anti-explosive warhead, the combined blasting power far exceeds the firepower of the infantry level. Even Sulovechenko himself, who hurriedly dodged and hid behind the bunker as soon as he fired the shot without waiting to see the effect of the blow, couldn't help but feel the impact of this terrifying power.

Isn't this fucking powerful "a little bit"?

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