Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2779 Continue to heat up

Watching Jefferson walking up to the stage step by step without changing his expression, no matter how calm the rotten man's expression seemed to be, Malashenko still knew clearly that there was no chance of anything happening today. Maybe it's good.


What a joke.

It is no exaggeration to say that Malashenko dares to stand here today because he wants to seek justice and bring down this scumbag from the United States.

"Is there any issue that requires your personal intervention? Mr. Jefferson."

Although it has reached the final moment of turning against each other in a practical sense, Malashenko still kept a smile on his face, waiting for Jefferson to overturn the table first.

The initiative is now in his own hands. In terms of "urgency", this bastard with a human face and a beast's heart must be more anxious than himself.

Malashenko had reason to believe that his judgment would never be wrong. Jefferson would definitely speak first, and the results that followed were as expected as Malashenko thought.

"Problem? Oh, of course there is a problem."

"I think you may have mistaken the person who took that picture, General."


Even now, Malashenko did not intend to be the first one to lose control. He still decided to make this bad show with Jefferson, in which both of them knew what was going on, in front of so many people in the audience. The human side continues to act.

"Then I really don't know exactly which link caused the problem. Please explain it in detail and give me some advice."

All said and done, Malashenko is in no hurry.

As long as Jefferson doesn't overturn the table, Malashenko can keep playing this Yankee trick for as long as he wants. In terms of his ability to pretend to be confused, Malashenko is confident that he will never lose to this American.

"I have a question, General"

Looking at these two hands in his pockets, he was wearing a straight suit and still looked like a beast in high-sounding clothes. At this point, he was still showing off in front of himself, looking self-righteous as if he had the overall situation and everything under control.

On the contrary, Malashenko began to look forward to what this guy's expression would look like later, and what it would be like.

"Am I to understand that from now on, the prospects for our cooperation are slim?"

It was more of an ultimatum than a question.

Of course, Malashenko understood the meaning behind Jefferson's words. This guy just wanted to use the big hat of "cooperation" to push himself down.

It's a pity that Malashenko, who had already communicated with Zhukov in advance and said hello, did not accept this trick.

After listening to Malashenko's complete description of the entire incident, Zhukov's final reply to Malashenko on the phone was a simple sentence.

"I understand. I leave this matter entirely to you, but remember to submit a report to me after you're done."

Therefore, after getting Zhu Dashuai's endorsement, Malashenko now looks at the American showing off in front of him. Instead of panicking, he actually wants to laugh.

"Miscellaneous? How could it be vague? I don't see any vagueness in it."

"On the contrary, the incident has been investigated clearly, and the photos taken by reporter David have been declassified. To be precise, the restrictions on the activities of our American press corps have now been lifted. Everything is being done as planned within the rules and procedures. I I don’t understand what’s so uncertain about this. Shouldn’t it be that there is boundless cooperation and a bright future?”

The ultimatum was also given, and the warning was also given that anyone who was not mentally retarded would definitely understand.

Seeing that this stinky Russian soldier was so ignorant of praise, Jefferson, who honestly hadn't put Malashenko on the eighty-two scale since the beginning, just sneered.

I dare not say that this Russian soldier’s military career will be ruined, but he will definitely be seen as black, pure black, black and smelly in the media of the free world in the future.

Jefferson had made this decision at the last moment before speaking.

"In that case, I might as well correct one overriding issue."

"Including this photo, all the films you collected from my office are all works of my own hand. I, Jefferson Andrewson, declare the copyright to this and 100% own all copyrights related to it. . The photo was taken just yesterday afternoon, when I took my assistant, Miss Mary, with me.”

"She can testify on the basis of her professional reputation. Miss Mary is a well-known truth reporter and editor with an international reputation in the field of journalism. Her testimony on this matter is as unquestionable as every truth report in the past."


Malashenko did not speak directly, but quietly turned his head and cast his gaze down to the press box.

As if it was arranged in advance, the American press box at this moment can only be described with adjectives such as "explosion".

"Jefferson is the winner of the Pulitzer Prize. His reporting has always been famous for his courage to tell the truth, dare to expose the dark side, and is fearless of threats and intimidation. No wonder the distance and angle of this photo are so well grasped. If It was done by him, so that makes sense.”

"Damn it! Did these Russians do this on purpose or what? Do they know how serious it is to smear a top journalist over copyright matters?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Jimmy. Have you forgotten? Where does the concept of copyright exist in the eyes of these Russians? These guys with red eyes all over their bodies advocate that everything is shared, and there is no such thing as copyright. Ha! Say! Unfortunately, they also have this attitude towards their lifelong partners, who knows?”

"It's unbelievable. Mr. Jefferson was actually slandered? Or in front of so many people, with Miss Mary's testimony, this will definitely be a big news, God."

Malashenko can really imagine how difficult it is these days to bring down a bastard whose father is a senator, who has the aura of "Pulitz Prize winner" on his head, and who also has key witnesses.

The "Pulitz Prize winner" alone is enough to be regarded as a big mountain in front of you. If you want to knock down those who have this halo, you must do a good job with all those who dream of this top achievement. The media people are prepared to be enemies.

Fortunately, everything that has happened so far has been within Malashenko's expectations.

Malashenko could imagine that this was not an easy matter, and he could also guess that Jefferson would definitely use all the power he could use to attack him and defend his dirty and bloody "fruit of victory." It was even more predictable. At this moment, Jefferson's expression of jokingly waiting to see whether he was being laughed at or not getting off the stage was so shameless.

There has to be some foreshadowing and material to reach the climax of the ups and downs and twists and turns of the story, right?

Malashenko felt that the current intensity was about the same and more appropriate. It was the kind of person who could make explosive news with one counterattack. All the words that I needed to have Jefferson speak out on his own initiative have been gathered so far.

Next, it will naturally be the moment of "media explosion".

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