Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2773 How would you rate this look?

Although there were hiccups during the process, this operation to treat the wounded and collect the remains, which both the Soviet and German armies had their own needs, was ultimately completed on the premise that both sides maintained restraint and did not offend the river.

After the incident, Alsim and Sulovechenko were the last to evacuate as the rear security force. After all the medical staff left safely, the two brothers, who had just met but had already found a lot of common topics, got into the same jeep. leave.

"I heard that you were not responsible for the security of those Yankees? What? The Yankees were so disgusting that they gave up and returned to the battlefield?"

“It’s absolutely disgusting”

Recalling some bad things, Sulovchenko looked out the window, but his words remained calm.

"But we have to continue to serve them tomorrow, but today they are grounded for one day and are under investigation and are not allowed to go out. It just so happens that we launch a large-scale offensive today. The lack of a main company in the battalion still has a big impact, so I will lead the people back to the team. Yes, temporarily.”


Alsim, who was sitting in the main driving seat, acted as the driver and held the steering wheel to drive. To be honest, Alsim was not used to the feeling of being served by others. He always felt that men have what men should do, to a certain extent. This is quite similar to Malashenko.

"So you have to go back and serve those Americans tomorrow? Damn, I feel bad when I see those piles of shit. I feel bad for you, brother."

To say "unfortunate", it is indeed "unfortunate". Sulovechenko does not want to lead his gang of brothers to continue to circle around these Americans.

But there is no way, an order is an order.

Orders are for execution, not for questioning. This is Sulovechenko's military creed.

So instead of continuing to talk about these unpleasant things, Sulovechenko, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to Alsim, decided to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, where will you guys go later? If you have no place to sleep tonight, you can sleep in our building. It's a nice place. There are a few beds left by Germans in the building. They are shabby. But at least you won’t have to sleep on the floor. After I take the people out, I’ll change the defense and leave it to you. How about that?”

"Withdraw? Are you leaving tonight? Are you going to serve the Americans early tomorrow morning?"

Alsim, who has become familiar with Sulovechenko, seems to be a completely different person now compared to the reticent state when he was a stranger not long ago.

"Well, I have to prepare for some things, and then I will understand the situation and make mission arrangements for the work to be done tomorrow. What do you think? Do you want this building? Or let me find another company to come over and change the defense."

"Okay, we want it, we don't need to find anyone else."

As soon as the steering wheel passed the T-intersection ahead and entered the block, the building where Alsim and Sulovechenko were talking seemed to be close at hand and right in front of them.

"See you next time, brother, take care of yourself. I have a feeling we'll be fucking together again soon."

"Then let me lend you some good words. See you next time.

A few minutes later, Alsim and his party stood on the street as they watched Sulovechenko's team get into the car and leave.

The company deputy comrade who had also participated in the entire operation, but kept a low profile and did not interrupt much, only then quietly spoke to Alsim beside him.

"It looks like I've made a new friend. He seems to be a pretty nice person."

"Well, that's pretty good. At least half of them are the same as me."

Hearing Alsim's "self-introduction" that he didn't mind flaunting, Lian Du was dumbfounded and didn't intend to continue the topic. He just raised his hand and patted Alsim's shoulder before turning around and entering the building.

"Let's go, pack up, arrange for duty, and go to bed early. It's time to end this violent day."

Indeed, most of Alsim Company's people were "frozen" by underground water during today's subway operation. Whether it was mental exhaustion or physical consumption, it was much greater than most battles in the past. many.

Arsim, who did receive some "useful education" from Malashenko, no longer equates his status with that of his own company.

A "Slavic superman" like Comrade Company Commander may not be tired, and after taking a short rest, he feels that it can only be regarded as a warm-up.

But the rest of the brothers in the company don't have the energy and physical strength, nor can they bear it. They really need a relatively good night's sleep to recharge their batteries before they can fight tomorrow's battle.


Alsim, who was always in good spirits, unexpectedly yawned rarely today, with his mouth wide open and somewhat dozed off. And it was still so early in the middle of the night, so it seemed that this "superhuman body" had indeed given the day's violence a hard time.

"Forget it, that's it, go back to sleep."

This was the end of a day filled with artillery fire and extreme violence.

At least that's what Alsim thought when he stepped into the door of the building.

"The last one also went in. It looks like he is the person you are looking for."

In a dark corner that no one had noticed yet, a group of men in black clothes speaking German were whispering.

In today's chaotic environment of Berlin, which is full of ruins and covered with bricks and stones, finding a place to hide in the dark and sneaking in secretly without being discovered is as close as it is today to being very close to the line of actual control between the two armies. distance

At least for this group of people who had already lost countless lives, it really wasn't that difficult.

"Very well, get everything ready."

"Shall we go in now?"


The leading man in black heard this and took off the cigarette from his mouth. Don't get me wrong, even just holding it in his mouth without lighting up the cigarette is enough for him to obtain it through "smell". pleasure.

"Yes, but not necessary."

"Wait until they fall asleep. I like the surprise the Russians get when they first wake up."

Things on the front line have come to an end, and those who should rest are preparing to fall asleep, but Malashenko, who is outside Berlin and in the town where the division headquarters is located, is still busy at this moment. I am busy making final preparations for the "press conference" that I personally named to be held tonight.

"Photos, manuscripts, everything you need is here. After you go on stage, you can open the file and find everything you want. Do you want to go through it again in person?"

The political commissar who personally helped Malashenko organize all the things he needed and put the file bag on the table looked in the direction of Malashenko.

"No need, I can rest assured that you will do your job. Even if Comrade Division Commander makes a mistake, Comrade Political Commissar will not make a mistake."

I saw Comrade Lao Ma, who was rarely "smelly", now sitting in front of a huge floor mirror, carefully fiddling with his hair style and clothes.

When he was done, he turned around with self-satisfaction and smiled at the Comrade Political Commissar.

"How's it going? Is this look okay? How would you rate it?"

Looking at Malashenko, who was dressed in the regular uniform of a tank corps major general and wore an armed belt to outline his body shape that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, when he stood here, the figure of a fierce man who was more than 1.9 meters tall was indeed incredible.

"Full marks, just one stand on the stage can make the lesbians scream and stare at you, wishing you had a child with enhanced strength. Are you satisfied?"

Comrade Ma, who just smiled "hehe", looked like a thief who had just succeeded in stealing something. Without saying a word, he picked up the file bag on the table, took off the big-brimmed military hat on the clothes rack at the door and put it on his head. Just click the button and open the door immediately.

"Don't tell Natalia and Anya that, I'm going."

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