Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2765 Stalin’s Death Combine

Finally, the German fleeing troops, who were almost crushed like walnuts clamped by iron pincers, could no longer hold back when the Stalin heavy tanks ignored ammunition consumption and used their maximum combat rate of fire to blast as hard as they could. .

The Russians, who had surrounded them on three sides, had obvious intentions. Any road leading to the building complex at the end of the square area was "impassable." If you are brave enough to think that your Tianling Cap is stronger than the armor of a Starling heavy tank, if you don't believe in evil, you can try it yourself.

But there was only one chance. If he failed, he would become a corpse. The corpses of German soldiers lying in various postures in half of the square were the best evidence.

Flesh and blood bodies were simply unable to compete with such brutal firepower and steel armor. The German army, which had tried and worked hard but got nothing but corpses of rotting blood and flesh on the ground, collapsed again.

The surviving German soldiers who were lucky enough to survive and were not dead yet began to turn around like crazy. No matter how many Russians were chasing them, they had no time and how long they could survive in such a situation. They were just crazy. He ran towards the neighborhood that he had already left.

The Russians don't want you to break out. If you insist on trying, you will die immediately. All efforts and attempts will be in vain in the face of overwhelming strength. It may look embarrassing to retreat in such a hurry, but there is still a trace of life left, at least he will not die immediately or suddenly on the spot.

Perhaps it was the biological survival instinct that drove these remaining German troops to flee back to the neighborhood, but this is not important. What is important is that Malashenko has achieved his goal and completed the first step of temporarily changing the combat plan.

"Very good, the pot is covered now, but there are still many dumplings left in it. We must get them all before dark. Use your maximum firepower, Kulbalov, I'll wait here. Good news, don’t let me down.”

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander! Promise to complete the mission!"

In order to kill the last remaining Germans in the neighborhood within a limited time, Malashenko did not hesitate to do so.

Not only did the rocket assault battalion, a special unit directly under the command of the division, be completely transferred to Kulbalov to increase firepower.

Considering that the 122 Heirloom's damage power against solid bunkers and fortified targets was still insufficient, Malashenko once again increased the pressure and gave Kulbalov some of the ISU-152A self-propelled artillery that had entered the city.

This self-propelled artillery, which is more cumbersome than the IS6, is definitely a good tool for attacking cities. It is more powerful and has thicker protection than the IS6. The increase in tonnage and decrease in maneuverability caused by the additional weight make it difficult to lay down pavements in urban areas. On the road, it seems less important.

Compared with off-road roads, paved roads can improve the mobility of armored vehicles to a certain extent. At least the ISU-152A tactical mobility that has been driven into the city is absolutely sufficient.

"Concrete destruction bomb, start loading!"

"Target, a two-story building ahead at eleven o'clock. Aim at the window sill on the second floor. Gunner, prepare!"

"I see him! Aimed!"

"Very well, fire!"


If the movement of 122 Heirloom when it fires can be compared to thunder, then the movement of 152 Divine Cult when it fires is undoubtedly like rolling thunder falling to the ground.

The concrete destructive projectile that has been used since the KV2 era is specifically designed for counter-fortifications. This heavy-duty special projectile, which is more powerful and sinks more than the 152 grenade, almost uses its own heavyweight projectile mass and powerful impact kinetic energy. Come and smash through the concrete defenses that defeated the target fortifications.

A heavy sword has no edge, and a heavy sword has no skill.

A concrete-destroying bomb hit and knocked down the entire wall. The masonry was splashed with debris, which is the best interpretation of "power can bring about miracles". Without any bells and whistles, the process of destroying German sticks is so simple. Unpretentious and boring.


It was like a pressure cooker that could not withstand the huge pressure inside suddenly exploded. A 152mm concrete-destroying bomb was poured into the second-floor balcony, followed by a terrifying and powerful explosion.

It is true that the warhead charge is less than that of conventional grenades, but the prerequisite must be clear. This is the 152 God's Cult, not the 75 small cannon of the roadside cats and dogs.

No one could fully see how the German infantrymen guarding the second floor died.

Only the "half" German stick that was thrown away from the explosion on the second floor and looked like a half fan of pork in the market was stunned by the strong impact and barely landed after spinning four or five times in the air. , the scene of being smashed to pieces was indeed clearly seen by the people around who looked at it, whether it was the Germans or the Soviets.

"Crazy! All crazy! Those Russians will kill us all, they will kill us all! No one will be left alive!"

"Shut up! You stupid pig! They want to kill you, are you just waiting to be killed? Ah!? Pick up the gun and fight them! Pull the Russians back!"

"Damn it! Stalin rushed up!!! Ah——"

Da da da da boom——

Malashenko, who had no "martial ethics" to the remaining Germans in the neighborhood, brought out the strongest technical equipment and all the essence of the leader's division at the beginning of the battle.

The roaring and roaring ISU-152A had just finished blasting, and the IS7, whose tracks were flying like a meat grinder, rolled up with black smoke spraying all the way.

After many days of fierce fighting, the surviving German soldiers south of Berlin already knew that their opponents had an extremely terrifying new type of heavy tank.

The Germans have never seized a real car of this thing, and they don't know its specific parameters at all, let alone its performance and weaknesses.

Those German soldiers who had experienced a near-death experience and managed to survive under the brutal muzzle and blood-stained tracks of this thing were often terrified. Afterwards, they were all frightened and described similar words to their companions who had never seen this thing before.

"That's not a tank at all, my friend, that's Stalin's death combine harvester! It's specially driven into Berlin to carry out the final harvest of our capital."

Indeed, the whole body is covered with machine guns, and it also carries an oversized main gun with a caliber and power that far exceeds that of all German tanks.

The IS7 is basically equivalent to a state of "no matter whether infantry or armor, all comers are welcome" on the battlefield. A considerable number of German anti-tank infantry who try to get close to this 70-ton armored beast must first survive the 5 and 62 mm vehicle-mounted Machine guns jointly compiled a barrage of death tracers, and then they considered where to hit the tattered fire stick in their hands to maximize the effect.

Not to mention that as long as IS7 appears on the battlefield, it will be accompanied by a large number of Red Army mechanized infantry, infantry fighting vehicles and other anti-infantry firepower.

It can't be beaten by tanks, and it's like sending your head into the meat grinder if you put infantry on it.

The German soldiers who were already driven to the point of numbness were in despair when faced with the IS7. Its huge size, terrifying oppression, and visually stunning conquest style were the most terrifying nightmare for all the German troops fighting against the leading divisions in Berlin. .

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