Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2757 Help

"Damn, it's almost frozen. It feels like falling into an ice hole on a lake in winter."

He randomly found a few rags and wiped himself dry, then put on the military uniform which, although dirty and smelly of sweat, was at least dry.

Alsim, who was barely feeling better, was still shivering, and the impact of the low temperature of the groundwater poured into the subway tunnel had not yet been completely eliminated. Alsim, the iron-clad "Slavic Superman", wants to fully recover, at least for now it seems that it still needs some time and means.

At this moment, before Alsim, who was thinking about getting a few pieces of chocolate to eat and replenish his calories, had time to speak, the group of German female refugees who were also on the platform and not far away came to Alsim. Mu took the initiative to extend a helping hand without paying any attention to them.

"Mr. Officer, you look terrible. Do you want to come over and warm yourself over the fire?"

As usual, it was the old woman who had revealed important information to Alsim's team not long ago. Now she came to Alsim with a stooped back and a cane and extended an invitation, hoping to help.

But Alsim, who was blinking with big confused eyes, couldn't understand what this old woman meant at all. After all, he was uneducated and a Siberian roughneck.

"She asked you to go over and warm yourself by the fire. Don't hold on. Go over there quickly! I'll be here right away. You can't fight now."

Hearing this from the company officer who was changing clothes behind him, Alsim, who really couldn't refuse the bonfire, stopped talking nonsense.

Alsim, who is not an extremely face-saving person who tries to make a fool of himself by pretending to be fat, is true to be uneducated, but has always followed a pragmatic line. Now he no longer cares about the minutiae of the east having long families and the west having short families. Let it be. Nothing else is as important as recovering your body temperature quickly.

"And you guys, you're all a lot wet. Come over and warm yourself up."

The old lady not only extended an invitation to Alsim, but all the ordinary soldiers present who were either drowned or partially drowned were treated equally.

Alsim, who knew that pragmatism was far more important than face at this time, stopped holding on. All the combat engineers, including himself, who were stained with water and got wet, soon came to the piles of people. In front of the bonfire, small groups of people began to warm up around the bonfire.

The other platoon responsible for staying at the entrance of the subway station was not idle either. A large group of people were dispatched and hurriedly ran back to the ground.

Then he got into the infantry fighting vehicle, which had all kinds of stuff, as rich as Doraemon's pockets. He rummaged through the boxes and brought out a lot of high-calorie military rations to replenish the physical strength of his wet comrades.

Candies, chocolates, canned beef, canned pork covered with a thick layer of fat, various biscuits and even half-eaten and half-eaten bread. In short, basically everything that can be eaten has been dug out and brought out. .

Alsim's team, which was severely exhausted, also accepted all comers and ate whatever was brought to them. They didn't care if it was leftovers eaten by others. As long as it contains high calories and can quickly restore physical energy, it is a good thing, and it is an absolutely practical necessity right now.

Sitting in front of the fire, he frantically ate all kinds of food and quickly replenished his physical energy. Alsim, who felt more and more energetic as he ate, didn't even bother to raise his head at first. He wished he could stuff his whole head into a can of pork. He almost stuffed the can into his mouth and devoured it.

Alsim, who finished one box of cans and started eating the next, just raised his hand and touched the can before he even had time to pick it up. He accidentally glanced at it from the corner of his eye and saw a timid look. But the inseparable eyes, not far away beside him, have been watching him since just now.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and took a look. What stood in front of him was a little girl with ragged clothes and stains on her face. She was licking her fingers and swallowing saliva. She looked to be about eleven or twelve years old at most.


He glanced at the little girl in front of him, then looked down at the can that was already in his hand.

Alsim, who was not good at communicating with others, didn't say anything. He just raised the knife and cut open the can shell in his hand again, opened the lid and threw it aside.

Then without hesitation, he handed the opened can full of marinated beef to the little girl.

"Have a meal"

Alsim didn't speak German, and it was killing him to be able to pronounce the word "eat" with the worst pronunciation, but he couldn't pronounce another word or put two words together.

There is a saying that is actually quite right: the innocence of children is one of the purest existences in the world.

She didn't feel that the strange uncle sitting in front of the fire had any malice towards her. The little girl, who had no fear at all, quickly took what Alsim handed over, but her next move was... Yes, it's a little unexpected.

The little girl holding the can in her two little hands, knowing that it was something edible, turned around and said "Thank you, uncle" to Alsim, a rough man who could barely understand, and trotted back to the corner on the other side. .

Curious as to what this was going to do, Alsim followed the little girl's footsteps and looked around, only to see a frail woman sitting in the corner, wearing a rag to protect herself from the cold and cold of the subway tunnel.

The little girl, who was obviously a little hungry as she trotted along, immediately handed the thing in her hand to the frail woman without any hesitation.

The ensuing conversation between the mother and daughter was not something Alsim could understand, but he could guess the general content.

Seeing that the mother and daughter had begun to eat slowly, smiles appeared on their tired and weak faces again. Alsim turned his head back and picked up half a piece of dry bread from the ground beside him, and unwrapped it casually. He picked up a layer of wrapping paper and began to slowly chew it.

Shuang Mu, who became a little listless, stared straight at the rising and dancing bonfire in front of him, as if he was thinking about some very distant memories.

"Remember the mother and daughter who were in the same building as us in Stalingrad? The scene at that time was very similar to now. I still remember it to this day."


Alsim's eyelids twitched visibly, after hearing the words of the deputy who had just sat down next to him, but at least on the surface he remained calm and did not speak.

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to give away the cans. Think about it, if the surviving Germans who were sent to the prisoner of war camp by you personally knew that the murderer king was now willing to help others and take the initiative to help. They are kids, I guess they won’t believe it even if I beat them to death.”

Comrade Lian, who was always serious, sometimes joked. On the contrary, Alsim, who had always been carefree, spoke uncharacteristically calmly at this moment.

"They help me, and I help her. Tit-for-tat, I don't want to owe anyone else, that's all."

So is this really the case?

At least the company deputy comrade who smiled helplessly and shook his head didn't think so.

"Can't you let go of your strong image inside and out? Even for a minute, no one says you're not strong, but sometimes it's better to give yourself a break. You have to believe me. "

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