Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2649 The Shadow of Violence

"Ahead! Enemy tanks, directly ahead at the street intersection! Twelve o'clock direction!"

"Load armor-piercing rounds! Quick, prepare to shoot!"

"What the hell, it's too late! That Sokka thing is aiming at us, prepare to attack!"

The voice that was limited to the radio channel communication within the train crew did not enter the public channel for inter-vehicle communication, whether it was the No. 177 car of Iushkin's acting commander, or Malashenko borrowed it from Kulbalov. Even the temporary command vehicle that arrived could not hear the last words before the artillery fire came.

The only thing that could be heard was the terrifying roar of flames and the roar of the wind that followed.


call out--


It was impossible to tell which of the two explosions, which were almost connected together, was the sound of firing and which was the sound of projectiles blasting. I could only see the bright and huge rising fireball blooming in an instant on the street in front of me.

"Fuck! This is your mother"

Malashenko, who was shocked by the huge explosion, felt that the car seat was shaking under his butt. He was completely confused about what happened and what kind of attack could cause such a terrifying explosion at that moment. movement.

Just kidding, this is the IS7 with a combat weight of 70 tons, not the Japanese adzuki bean tank.

Even Malashenko, who was in the commander's position, could feel the car seat shaking under his butt. He knew how big of an explosion it would take to make the movement. It could shake the IS7 like a crib in an instant. The same trembling left and right.

After being startled, Malashenko immediately calmed down and then grabbed the commander's periscope in front of him, and without saying a word, he looked in the direction where the explosion had just come from.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. One look at it almost shocked Comrade Ma and dislocated his jaw.

I saw an IS6 heavy tank that was the first to arrive on the battlefield to provide support and was now driving at the front of the counterattack queue. In the powerful explosion just now, it had been completely exploded, its armor was torn into pieces, and it was turned into a pile. Burning pieces of steel that even lost their heads.

The force of the explosion was so powerful and thorough that the head of the IS6 heavy tank was killed by the ammunition and flew to an unimaginable place: a two-story building on the street that had been captured and the battle had just ended.

The strong momentum of the rush directly broke through the wall of the private house built by the Germans, which was not very strong or thick, and opened a huge gap in the entire outer wall of the building. The head of the IS6, which was as black as the bottom of a pot due to the flames instantly generated by the explosion, was hanging with its turret upside down on the gap in the balcony on the second floor. It looked like something hanging on the shelves of a street shop. object.

The infantry soldiers who had just demolished the building and cleaned up the remaining debris were cleaning and reloading their weapons, taking a sip of water and taking a breather before they could even sit firmly on their butts when they were struck by this "unforeseen disaster". The IS6 turret smashed directly into the second floor, which shocked me so much that I even thought I had been shelled by enemy artillery.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that the head of one of his own heavy tanks had been blown up to the second floor by ammunition.

A brave soldier who was so horrified walked up to it, looked up and down at the huge blackened tank turret with shocked eyes, and blinked hard before finally confirming that this was his own IS6 heavy tank. wrong.

Holding the AK in his hand, he carefully turned his head and looked downstairs. At a glance, he saw the twisted pile of metal garbage burning amidst the firelight and black smoke. The entire body and chassis had been completely blown to pieces, not to mention losing its outline and shape. Parts and fragments that had been removed from the IS6 were scattered everywhere on the surrounding streets.

There were not a few infantry soldiers who were killed due to the explosion of this powerful ammunition, and died of the incoming misfortune before they had time to escape.

A rough calculation shows that there are at least one squad of soldiers lying on the street.

Most of them fell motionless in a pool of blood, and some could not even maintain their basic human shapes. Their limbs were either blown off and mutilated, or they were injured by large pieces of high-speed fragments sweeping from the center of the blast at extremely close range. Cut into two pieces.

Those soldiers who survived with a little breath were lucky to be saved. After the explosion, the comrades who rushed to save people regardless of the danger they faced were braving the oncoming German bullets and risking their lives to seriously injure themselves. The comrades dragged him away and rescued him.

An IS6 heavy tank was destroyed and a squad of infantrymen were eliminated. Evaluated based on the damage sustained in an instant, this loss is not insignificant.

But fortunately, the leaders are well-trained and experienced, and they can handle any emergency situation with ease. The sudden loss in front of us is just an ordinary episode that may be encountered at any time. To be honest, it is really not enough. strange.

The IS7 heavy tanks that came to replenish their positions and the newly arrived infantry quickly took up their positions, followed closely by a BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle that quickly transported and supplemented the infantry.

The barrage of 25mm cannons, together with the roar of the 5mm KPV machine guns, formed a fire net and poured out, rushing towards the direction of the enemy's firepower on the other side of the street to counterattack.

It was only then that the prototype of the real murderer, the culprit who caused all this tragedy, was revealed from the gradually settling dust and smoke curtain across the street.

"You idiot! It's actually an Assault Tiger, Gan!"

At least a long time ago, at least as early as the Battle of Warsaw, there has always been a shadow in Malashenko's heart that is not big or small, but always lingering.

Malashenko has encountered all the tracked armored combat vehicles of the Germans.

From the PUMA reconnaissance vehicle carrying a 75-gun and the Type 251 half-track vehicle, which are absolutely scarce, to the total production in history, which is just over three digits, it is not much in this timeline. There are not too many 128-gun Jagdtiger anti-tank destroyers.

All kinds of miscellaneous German armored tanks have been encountered by the leading division, and all of them were killed without exception. He even achieved the "glorious record" of capturing a scarce commodity such as the No. 4 "Grizzly Bear" assault gun as a prisoner of the organic system, and passing it on to Vatutin as a gift.

But there was only one object that Malashenko thought he could encounter and fight with in Warsaw, but the leader did not encounter it until they reached the city of Berlin.

The suspicious Malashenko thought it was his "bad luck" that he could not collect all the illustrations of all the tracked armored fighting vehicles of the Germans.

But the reality actually gave Malashenko a "super-large surprise."

Malashenko originally thought that he would never see it again when the red flag was planted on the top of the Capitol. This extremely rare technological weapon that should have been exhausted in high-intensity field battles and should not be left in the final battle, now It was clearly placed in front of Malashenko, and with just one shot it killed the IS6, which ranked second in combat power among all the tanks in the leader division, announcing its strong debut.

It doesn't change its name when it stands, it doesn't change its surname when it sits down. That thing is a precious "Assault Tiger" that is modified from the prototype chassis of the No. 6 Tiger tank and carries a 380 mm large tube.

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