Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2635 Good things come to your door


Being brought back to reality by a word, Malashenko looked up out of the car window and found that the scenery outside the car window had indeed returned to the town. Without saying a word, he opened the passenger door and got out of the car. Alsim's question came from behind him.

"Comrade teacher, then me"

Alsim didn't know what to do next, so he took the initiative to ask Malashenko for instructions.

Thinking that there was nothing particularly important at the moment, Malashenko waved his hand and spoke quietly.

"Go ahead and do whatever you have to do. Go back and see your soldiers. You just finished the battle and there are still a lot of things waiting for you. Go ahead."


Before Malashenko could finish his words, Alsim had already answered in a loud voice, as if he was afraid that his comrade, the teacher, wouldn't be able to hear him.

Watching Alsim get back into the Gas Jeep and drive away, Malashenko sighed that sometimes Alsim was like a child. He couldn't help laughing, but he didn't say anything to himself and walked towards the church in front of him. Go, and when you enter the door, don't forget to return the salute to the two guards who are on duty at the door.

As soon as he entered the house, Malashenko went straight to the basement and quickly found the right person he wanted to see: our political commissar.

The command headquarters was located in the basement of the church to achieve the relatively highest level of security. As soon as he came out, Malashenko saw the figure of Comrade Political Commissar and quickly stepped forward. When he came to the table, he realized that Comrade Political Commissar was standing there. I was busy sorting out a pile of documents on my desk that seemed to have been newly delivered.

"You're here? You're not hurt, are you? I heard that the naughties in the city are not that easy to deal with."

What is the battle situation on the front line? The division headquarters, as the brain of the leader division, will definitely receive it as soon as possible. At best, it will be slightly later than Malashenko's "live broadcast".

If Comrade Political Commissar can ask this, he obviously knows something about the battlefield situation that just happened.

"Well, it's not too bad. It's not too difficult to deal with. It's just that a few thorn defense nodes are not easy to pull out, and the firepower of the first wave of siege teams is not enough. I think the longer the time goes, the worse it will be, so I will simply bring a heavy firepower team. It went straight up from the middle. It didn’t take much effort to solve the problem. The whole process was quite easy. I estimate that the overall casualties were controllable and shouldn’t be too big.”

Malashenko, who felt uncomfortable as soon as he ran out of goods, refilled his mouth again, talking calmly and nonchalantly while smoking came out of his mouth.

When the political commissar comrades who were familiar with Malashenko saw this appearance, they also estimated that the problem was indeed not a big one. If it were a big problem, Malashenko would not be able to sit down now and would have to stand, let alone holding a root in his mouth. There was lively chatting and laughing here.

"Did you receive the telegram sent to you?"

The political commissar comrades who were busy with the work at hand asked questions while working, without even raising their heads.

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I came back so quickly? Isn't it just for this?"

Malashenko smiled as he spread his hands, and what he saw next was Comrade Political Commissar putting down the last folder in his hand and turning his head to face him.

"Well, at least the result is not bad. Comrade Commander said a few words about you in the telegram, but the overall evaluation is good. At the end, he congratulated us on our victory and asked us to keep up our efforts. Your vote was risky, but it is true success."

Being praised by his political commissar, Malashenko, who had already won the battle and was in a good mood, raised the corner of his mouth on the spot. If he had a tail, he would have to raise it right now.

"That's natural. I know Chuikov. He has a bad temper but values ​​the results. As long as he can win the battle, he can be silenced. On the contrary, if you execute the order well but lose the battle, with his explosive temper, this will He must have come to this church to lift the roof."

Chuikov is actually quite similar to Zhukov in terms of combat command style. In other words, it is precisely because of the more or less similarities in this aspect that he fell into the eyes of Comrade Lao Zhu and gained such a person. Envy of the good job reuse.

Being brave and ruthless and an unbreakable spring are Malashenko's comments on Chuikov's style. Working under such a number one leader, as long as you can win the battle, he will usually not say much about you and will even protect you. You kid.

Malashenko, who was admired by Chuikov when he was in Stalingrad, of course already knew why he was admired by others.

It's true if you can handle things and win battles, other bullshit is not. Although it is not as comfortable as being in a heart-to-heart relationship with Vatutin, it is not bad at least. At least he can urinate into a pot. This is the main reason why Malashenko dares to "play freely" in this battle.

"in addition"

The complacent Malashenko was about to reach out to flick the ashes from his cigarette, but Comrade Political Commissar's next words had already been answered.

"Your other goal may have been achieved. The inside intelligence agent installed in the city reported that there was chaos with the Germans in the area immediately under the actual control of our troops. Not only did they issue more ammunition and weapons, It’s also gathered with the reinforcements.”

Comrade Political Commissar, who was talking and giving things, handed a document that was delivered not long ago to Malashenko. Malashenko, who took the document and read it immediately, continued to hear the words "Comrade Political Commissar" in his ears. explanation.

"If nothing else, the Germans may want to try a counterattack before more Red Army troops enter the city through this opening. They know what losing this outer urban area means to the war situation. You wanted to cut the German's flesh before, but now you have the opportunity to do what you want."

Comrade Political Commissar's explanation is actually more detailed than the paper document in hand.

Malashenko felt that Comrade Political Commissar could give him the original document, but it was just a matter of going through the process, and in fact it was not necessary. And Malashenko's current thoughts and concerns are not on the document typed out on a typewriter in his hand.

"Well, that's to be expected. I asked Kulbalov to take over the matter before I left. I guess he is busy setting up defenses at the moment. Anyway, it's not a big problem."

"But I'm curious. At this time, our informants in Berlin can still send information out in such a timely manner? How can we do this? The war is in such chaos and we can still fulfill our duties. It's really amazing."

Malashenko is not very familiar with intelligence work, but Comrade Political Commissar is different.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was originally a political worker and had served in a high-level position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and who was familiar with intelligence matters, just smiled.

"On the contrary, this is the time that is most conducive to their work. The Germans in the city can't even think about fighting, so they don't have time to worry about arresting people and spies."

"Besides, do you think the Germans can guess who our informants are? Our comrades? That may be their superiors, the deputy of a certain commander, or the person who just led the anti-traitor team to eliminate the so-called traitors. An executive officer is loyal in the eyes of the enemy."

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