Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1901 Synthetic Assault (Part 2)

"The goal remains unchanged, suppress any visible German anti-tank fire points on the position, until our tanks arrive at the position and put down the infantry!"

Direct-aimed heavy fire support has a great advantage, accuracy. ReadМ

It is true that it is nonsense to talk about accuracy with heavy firepower of the ISU152 level, but this actually depends on different situations and occasions.

It is really unrealistic for you to ask the ISU152 to accurately hit an anti-tank gun with a high-explosive bomb at a distance of one kilometer, which is only the size of the front projection area of ​​the tank turret. Crosswind deflection and severe velocity attenuation of large-caliber projectiles will have unpredictable effects on ballistic trajectories, ultimately reducing shooting accuracy.

It can only be said that the ISU152 can confidently deliver the shells to the German anti-tank gun positions, and use the AOE strike mode to put the German artillery and people into the killing radius, but this kind of shooting accuracy is not suitable for the Marathon. But it is enough for Shenke.

The direct fire coverage without a direct line of sight cannot even reach this level. If you are not careful, you will miss it by a thousand miles. You can't see the impact point at all. It depends on the observation and feedback of friendly forces. It is true that a shot hits the top of one's own head. It is normal, but ISU152 does not.

No matter how blind you are, no matter how outrageous you are, you still can't hit the back of your own person's head with a cannonball from a distance of just over one kilometer while shooting directly within your sight range.

If this is the case, it is no longer a technical problem. It is time for the comrades of the NKVD to check whether the person you are messing with is a spy planted by the Germans and a traitor to the motherland.

Not only is the reaction speed fast enough to accompany the attack, but it can also suppress any enemy's heavy firepower weapons that dare to provocatively show up in front of the formation without the need for direct fire support from the rear. There is no substantial difference between having it and not having it, which is equivalent to being treated harmlessly and disarmed.

As a German gunman who is not afraid of death, you can also choose to risk your life under the roar of justice of 152 and continue to fire with the cannon at hand. I just hope that you are prepared to die without a whole body under the direct aim of 152.

"Russian assault guns! Behind the tank group, they are in the middle of the attack formation. Give priority to firing and kill them! Otherwise we will be completely destroyed!"

The German major responsible for the unified dispatch and command of various anti-tank gun emplacements on the position shouted at the top of his lungs into the microphone. Fortunately, the phone line that had not been blown down did indeed convey his orders in place, and the tsunami roared in the mountains like crazy. Amid the fierce bombardment.

The large number of anti-tank guns deployed on the second line of position could not all be destroyed in an instant. The surviving anti-tank guns immediately followed the order and began to turn their muzzles, aiming their loaded shells at those Soviet assault guns looming behind heavy tanks.


Boom boom boom——



call out--

The German anti-tank gun crews on the position could not hear the shells being bounced away, or the dull sound of the shells being depleted when their kinetic energy was exhausted when they hit the thick armor plate, but this did not mean that they could not see the shells trailing visible tracers. Scattered scenes.

The Chang 88, which is powerful enough, can't kill the Russian heavy assault gun at a distance of one kilometer? What the hell are you kidding! The Russian heavy tanks are just rough and thick, but how can even an assault gun be so resistant? Do you Russians specialize in making iron turtles? ah? !

When the German armor-piercing bullets trailing tracers roared towards the face, they did not hit their steel bodies, but hit the ISU152s behind them who should have been covered. The IS6 commanders of the first echelon immediately realized the problem.

With the cover of the rear ISU152, they had rushed to a distance of less than 500 meters from the German position. Seeing their comrades behind them being beaten, the IS6 heavy tanks immediately began to make adjustments.

The infantrymen accompanying the vehicle picked up the Deshka heavy machine gun, which was set up on the circular machine gun rail and could be used by the commander or the infantry at the rear of the turret. Those German anti-tank gun emplacements whose muzzle smoke had not cleared and whose targets were exposed rushed straight towards them and concentrated their fire.

An artillery shield that can withstand ordinary light weapons fire can never withstand the concentrated fire of a brutal heavy machine gun like the Deshka, which not only has a large caliber, but also mixes armor-piercing incendiary bombs in the ammunition belt in proportion.

The Deshka, which can penetrate even German armored vehicles head-on, shreds the artillery shield with ease. Even some German artillery crews claim to have cleverly removed the artillery shield to reduce the possibility of exposing the target, and almost did not use the anti-tank gun. The gun barrels are arranged very close to each other at a depressed angle.

But don’t think that those civil artillery bunkers are any better than the artillery shields that are still steel plates after all. The Deshika heavy machine gun barrage that can penetrate the artillery shield can still tear through these extremely simple and non-permanent artillery shields. Civil structure gun emplacement bunker prepared for fortification.

Each IS6 has such a Deshika on the top of its head, and in order to ensure continuous suppressive firepower, a temporary storage box is even specially added to the outside of the back of the turret, which is filled with several large boxes of 7mm The ammunition chain is specially prepared for the infantry comrades who operate guns outside the vehicle.

When the bullets are used up, they can be replaced directly outside the vehicle without risking asking the crew members in the closed combat space to ask for the ammunition in the vehicle. This is something Malashenko specifically asked Karamov to implement uniformly throughout the division based on actual combat feedback. Item field modification.

The Deshi truck heavy machine gun mounted on the roof does not have a stabilizer. Naturally, it cannot guarantee shooting accuracy when firing while the IS6 is in motion. The dark red ballistics will inevitably jump up, down, left, and right.

But the accuracy is not good enough, but the number is definitely not enough. When all the IS6 roof machine guns are firing, the 62mm machine gun coaxial with the main gun is also helping to shoot and increase the firepower.

The German infantry on the position simply felt like rats in a bellows, suffering from both ends. The roaring large-caliber heavy artillery could completely obliterate them and fly them away at any time. The crimson fire dragons that were randomly sweeping against their scalps were even more deadly. . To even stick your head out and shoot amidst the whizzing sound of the dense projectiles passing overhead requires courage as great as conquering the world.

The old illness has not gone away, but new injuries have appeared.

The German anti-tank artillery crews who were beaten to pieces by the 152 were simply unlucky. Before the last plague was completely shaken off, they were hit by a storm of blows that were no less brutal than those heavy artillery.

No matter who the German anti-tank guns were firing at, in short, after these two axes were swung up one after another without CD and maintained full suppression, it was basically a misfire at this point and it was difficult to make any difference.

"Stop the Russian tank, it's close enough! Use your iron fist, fast!"

Da da da da da——


Except for the machine gunner, the other infantrymen on the vehicle had gotten off the vehicle at some point, and were walking on foot under cover behind their own tank. While crossing the last attack distance before rushing into the position, they were also using the light weapons in their hands to cover their own tanks, eliminating any German soldiers who dared to show their heads with large objects in their hands and whose movements were relatively slow. before finishing aiming.

The intensive small-arms firepower that covered everyone's face was even more powerful than the German army on the defensive side, which had fixed positions and systematic firepower. After fighting back and forth, the German infantrymen who were stunned when they showed up could not figure out why the guns in the hands of those Russians could fire continuously, and the rate of fire was astonishingly fast, as if they were shot by a human hand. It's no better than a machine gun.

But even so, the ordinary German infantry who had not been targeted were still trying their best to block these enemy infantry from their positions before the Russian heavy artillery and heavy machine guns noticed and patronized them.

But at this time, a new seamless connection problem arises, which is even more deadly than the roaring heavy artillery shells and heavy machine gun barrages.

The IS6 heavy tank, which had escorted its own infantry to the front of the position, stopped advancing and did not continue to rush into depth. At the same time, it returned to the combat accuracy that allowed precise aiming and shooting in a static state.

Any German infantryman who tries to poke his head out of the trench will immediately see an extremely terrifying thing, just like the watchdog of his neighbor next door, looking at him silently. .

But dogs are cute, but things outside the trenches are different.

That is the black muzzle of the 122mm heirloom main gun that is standard on the Red Army heavy tanks. The 122mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade loaded into the chamber is like a ferocious beast in a cage that has been waiting for a delicious meal for a long time.

??Additional updates, three updates in place



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