Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1838 Nightmare Echoes

Will a two-squad assault team succeed?

Alsim didn't know clearly in his heart. He could only say that he "hoped to succeed." Even if it failed, it would be expected, but he just wanted to avoid unbearable casualties and be able to withdraw.

Several Red Army soldiers who were pinned behind the load-bearing pillars by intensive firepower were still struggling to hold on. The injured and bleeding soldiers fell to the ground with hideous faces in pain, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted without wailing. He kept calling for help, and all he thought in his mind was a simple thought: "Don't let the Germans look down on others and make fun of them."

It's as if it's intended to be a joke, or simply to release a twisted desire that is sickly tormented.

The SS soldiers, who had powerful firepower in their hands that could kill wounded soldiers at any time, did not take action. Instead, they all turned their guns to the enemies who could still continue to fight and were not injured, using crazy firepower regardless of ammunition consumption. Intense shooting, including those Russians who appeared from time to time at the entrance to the waiting hall and fired, were also included in the target.

As for those Russians who had fallen, it seemed better to let them slowly and painfully drain their blood and die in the biting cold of despair.

The tragic situation of their injured comrades who fell to the ground made the soldiers at the entrance of the waiting hall so anxious and angry that they wanted to rush in and fight the German fascists with a "hurrah" immediately.

Wound a prey, make him bleed, make him suffer, make him cry out to his companions for help, and then set up a trap to kill more companions who come to save him.

The principle couldn't be simpler, and it's so easy to understand when used in battles between infantry. Even if it angers the opponent and makes him go berserk, it is far better than keeping him rational and fighting calmly.

No matter how bad the situation is, it is always beneficial. Such a disgusting tactic that was casually used has made Alsim understand clearly what kind of people he is facing.

This is a group of twisted scum who have no ethics or rules at all. Of course, it is not uncommon for such things to happen on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, especially at Stalingrad, which was full of insidious and dirty things. Tricks can be found everywhere.

But there is no doubt that the Germans did achieve one of their expected goals: to anger the enemy on the opposite side, but not enough to make people like Alsim lose their minds and go crazy on the spot. This is a A calm anger.

Without receiving any actual orders, none of the soldiers staying outside the waiting hall took action without authorization, and no one acted rashly to rescue their injured comrades. It is obvious that irrational behavior will not only harm themselves, but also harm their comrades. Everyone is suppressing the anger in their hearts and waiting for the moment of revenge.

"Hurry up, fire the gun! Hurry up!"

Alsim, who firmly held the AK in his hand, leaned against the wall, waiting for the moment when gunfire suddenly erupted from behind the Germans. If this expected situation did not happen and was delayed, he would not be able to know where was it in time. Given the situation, Alsim may have to resort to some "bad tactics" as a last resort.

He didn't have that much time to continue being held still by the Germans at the door of the waiting hall. The longer the delay was, the more detrimental it would be to his mission. No one knows whether the Germans are busy loading explosives on the treasures in the station at the moment, planning to blow them all up to the sky without returning them to their original owners. The most evil robbers and murderers in the world will never say a thing. reason.

That is to say, Alsim, who kept murmuring in his heart to fire the gun quickly, was about to lose control and was about to take action, when a burst of unexpected gunshots suddenly rang out from inside the waiting hall. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"Russians! Russians are behind us! How did they get around!?"

"Shoot, shoot, shoot! Shoot them back!"

"The machine gun is pointing this way, turn around! Hurry up!!!"

In the waiting hall where there had only been gunshots just now, there were suddenly bursts of screams and roars from the end of the waiting hall where the Germans were gathered. The chaotic German screams were like a cat with its tail stepped on, jumping three feet high. Speaking of Germany, If I hadn't encountered some surprises, I'm afraid there wouldn't have been such a sudden 180-degree change.

When this long series of dense and familiar gunfire, which was obviously different from the German small arms, reached his ears from the far end of the waiting hall, Alsim, realizing that the moment he had been waiting for had finally arrived, immediately waved his hand and raised his arms. chanted.

"Charge for the motherland!!! Ula!!!"


There can be many kinds of terrifying things on the battlefield, but for the Germans at Stalingrad, the most terrifying things can be roughly summarized into two things: one is those on the opposite side who do not know the exact number of troops and are hiding in bunkers. The idiots behind suddenly shouted "Hurrah" collectively, and secondly, they were bypassed by the idiots who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

This is not Stalingrad, but the two things that the Germans in Stalingrad were most afraid of at the time were brought together by the extremely unlucky Skeleton Division infantry two at a time and crashed into them all at once.

It was too late to deal with the furies that popped out from behind, and they were caught off guard. Before they had time to change the direction of their firepower, the Skeleton Division soldiers who were targeting these rats and furries immediately heard that the soldiers who were originally entrenched at the door of the waiting hall were suppressed by firepower. The idiots who couldn't make any progress sounded the final trumpet almost at the same time.

There is no more real scene than this, with a wolf in front and a tiger behind. The SS, who really had a lot of troops on hand, had no choice but to start fighting on two fronts. Deploy a small number of troops to block and push away the small group of enemies coming out from behind, and then block the large enemy forces in front of you from outside the defense line, and never let them cross even half a step.

To say that this idea is good, this is basically the best tactic that can be used in the current bad situation. The Skeleton Division, a group of bastards entrenched in the waiting hall, indeed have enough troops and tenacious morale to support them in doing so.

But there is a crucial factor that is easily overlooked. Once the group of Maozi who were originally suppressed by firepower rushed into the waiting hall and launched firepower, whether the frontal firepower and defense of the infantry of the Skeleton Division would be able to overwhelm them? Can you withstand it?

The answer to the question was soon revealed, and the weight of the victory scale was not thrown to the Germans this time.

Alsim, who was full of anger, relied on the firepower interruption caused by the German army being caught off guard, and in less than half a minute, he led his two platoons into the waiting hall in one breath.

They have already prepared their affairs and figured out how to deal with this group of bastard combat engineers who are ready to unleash their killing blows with full firepower. The iron fist seized from the Germans was slipped into his hand and the sound of firing kept going. The explosions that followed were one after another in the waiting hall. It was more exciting than the cannons set off by the locals on New Year's Eve. .

Soon, the infantrymen of the Skeleton Division were extremely surprised to find that the Russians who rushed into the waiting hall with screams did not even bother to confront them. Almost all the machine gun fire points facing the front were met immediately. More than one Iron Fist came to visit.

The machine gun teams deployed in the stands on the second floor of the waiting hall and at the entrance connecting the platform on the first floor were all blown away, as were the piles of crudely made furniture and the side door iron plates removed from the train skins. There was no way to stop the iron fist, which could even penetrate tank armor. The SS machine gunner hiding behind was not blown to pieces. He was lucky to have a whole body left behind.

The opening wave of Iron Fist attacks really shocked the Skeleton Division's infantrymen into confusion and they were not expected at all, but the one-time use of the Iron Fist meant that the most difficult wave of attacks was over. Basically, everyone The SS fanatics, who were all die-hard elements, thought they still had a chance. After being knocked out of the machine gun bunker and smashed to pieces, they quickly made up for the automatic firing of the STG44.

Assault rifles exchanged fire with each other. Bullets were flying everywhere for a while. Alsim, who had no cover and was still the attacker, fell down a lot. But those on the opposite side, who had two STG44s in one squad, were unable to concentrate their firepower. But the SS scum died more, and the intensity of firepower on both sides was simply different.

But the cruel reality is that the more unlucky you are, the worse the situation becomes. The infantrymen of the Skeleton Division, who were already red-blooded and suffering huge casualties from the front and back enemies, had no time to make tactical adjustments. The wall on the right side of the waiting hall looked like it should have been "very "Strong" type of wall, suddenly there was a huge explosion, instantly flying sand and rocks, and a cloud of dust.

No one knew what caused the explosion, which was so huge that it collapsed the wall with a loud bang and opened a big hole. Some SS soldiers who didn't know the truth even thought it was a bomb planted in advance and brought it. Blast the Russians who came in.

But soon, this ignorant and absurd conjecture was torn to pieces by a group of black shadows shooting out of the smoke and dust.

Using the cover of the dust that had not yet dispersed to fight their way out of the large hole in the wall, another group of "human tank men" wearing the iconic plate armor body armor were fighting their way out.

The terrible nightmare doesn't stop there

An SS soldier who was changing the magazine of the STG44 in his hand accidentally glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw at a glance that the men who emerged from the smoke and dust were not only standing in a row with assault rifles, but also clearly holding them.

What was even more frightening was that among the group of Russians who were holding assault rifles and acting as bodyguards on the left and right, there was more than one Russian who was holding a nozzle and a flaming iron rod, and this group of people was less than fifty meters away from him!

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