Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1780 “I’m coming to Hebei Province”

"Our division suffered a lot of losses in this battle, Malashenko. Look at this list. We lost more than forty and nearly fifty tanks alone. If it were an ordinary tank division, it would have been crippled. There were also infantry casualties. More than one battalion was killed or wounded in Varosha. This is the battle with the biggest losses since our division was formed. This time it can be said to be a tragic victory. "

He took the list of casualties and battle damage statistics and shook it twice in front of Malashenko to indicate that he would take it and take a look. But Comrade Ma was still eating meat and chewing bread. Is this a rich and high-calorie dinner good? It was so enjoyable that I had no intention of taking the report from the political commissar and taking a look at it.

"Put it where you want. Before dinner, I went down to each group and walked around. I already understand the basic situation."

"If you ask me, although such casualties are a bit high, they are still within the acceptable range. Our opponent this time is first of all unusual. This German Division is fully equipped and organized, and its scale is much larger than the average armored division of the Wehrmacht. , It has more troops. Although it is not as good as our division, it is still a qualified opponent. It is inevitable to pay a price to completely wipe out these bastards. "

"These losses in our division are not enough to break our muscles and bones. I have also visited Karamov's side. Nearly half of the tanks damaged in the battle have been dragged back from the battlefield and can be repaired. This guy promised me that tonight Most of it can be repaired, and it will be ready for use tomorrow when it is equipped with a train set.

"Varosa also reported to me on the infantry side. One battalion suffered casualties, but the actual casualties were about two companies. Most of the soldiers were wounded and could return to the team after being recuperated. The cover of the tanks was still very effective. . In addition, the Germans’ air strikes were full-time anti-tank Stukas with 37-gun guns, which caused almost no casualties to the infantry. Our overall losses were not large.”

Although he has the full assistance of the political commissar, this does not mean that Malashenko can really be a hands-off boss and not have to take care of anything. After this battle is over, you still have to do what you need to know. It is necessary to go to the troops below to take a look and understand the actual situation. Fortunately, the casualties are not so serious that it is unacceptable. Degree.

The political commissar comrade who originally thought that Malashenko did not leave the army to take a look was a little surprised, but this was only fleeting and he was relieved. After all, Malashenko was still doing what he should do. This is also Nothing surprising.

"Well, that's right. What did Comrade Commander say to you when he came to our division headquarters? I didn't see anyone else, so he didn't ask you to tell me anything?"

Suddenly he remembered that Vatutin had walked around for a while and left without even meeting him. Thinking that Vatutin should leave a message for himself, Malashenko asked the political commissar comrades and got what he said. The answer is not surprising.

"Comrade Commander said that no matter how big the issue is, we can wait until the battle is over. He has no time to talk to you about those trivial matters now. He wants you to command the battle well and display your level of performance. This is a reminder to you. one time."

"If you ask me, you should take the time during this period to think carefully about how to report after the battle. The trouble you made this time is not small. The entire front army and even the entire strategic direction of the battle have been changed by you."

"I don't know why, but I always feel that it might be a bit exaggerated to say that this incident is all because of you and our division. Surrounding an armored division caused such a big commotion, and the entire battle direction was... Follow us, don’t you think today’s incident is a bit exaggerated?”


Malashenko, who was holding a spoon in his hand and scooping up a spoonful of beef, was stunned. What the political commissar said was exactly what Malashenko didn't want to understand.

You have to say that what happened today is indeed outrageous. Malashenko did not expect that surrounding a large German division would cause such a big disturbance.

Also, if I remember correctly, shouldn't the current commander of Army Group Center be Mo Bugao? Why did this guy mobilize such a large force to come to the rescue, and even caused a huge change in the entire strategic direction?

Isn't this guy supposed to be a bastard? He can't beat a mountain even to death, and he is best at strategic defense? Why did the sun come out to the west today?

All kinds of seemingly abnormal and outrageous things made Malashenko confused and unable to figure it out.

Malashenko, who was stunned for a long time while holding a spoon and serving beef, finally couldn't come up with a reason. He didn't want to continue wasting his brains. He just shook his head and ended the topic with a casual sentence.

"No matter what, anyway, I only know how to fight and win the battle. If I win the battle today, I will continue tomorrow to kill the entire Army Group Center and win Operation Bagration. Even if there are no answers to the remaining questions, It’s important, that’s all.”

But what Malashenko didn't know at this moment was that the truth was far more outrageous than he imagined. In the very, very distant Berlin, the capital of Germany and the heart of the Third Reich, a tragic incident caused by a daytime tragedy is taking place.

"That's an order! It's an order to ask Model to rescue the Grossdeutschland Division!"

"Who do you think you are? How dare you openly disobey my orders!? Has things reached this point? You didn't succeed in killing me, so you started to find another way to disobey my orders? The National Defense Forces lied to me, you Everyone is cheating on me! Even more so the Russians! Only my SS is loyal to me! All the generals are just a bunch of shameless cowards and liars and traitors!”

The roar of saliva and spit resounded throughout the office of the Prime Minister's Office. The glasses and maps thrown on the table looked messy. The few people left in the office were all silent and did not dare to say anything. What happened next was two pencils being thrown onto the map with a snap, followed by continued cursing.

"A bunch of cowards! Traitors! I should have let Himmler drown all the traitors in the ditch like Stauffenberg's stinky rat!"

"You aristocratic generals, you think you are great after spending several years in the military academy, but you can't even save the most glorious unit of the National Defense Force, you are a bunch of losers! You only learned how to eat elegantly in the military academy! If you are either obstructing the implementation of my orders or holding me back, I should have executed all the generals like Stalin did!"

In the end, the endless anger only resulted in a lonely figure sitting on a chair without saying a word. After an unknown length of silence, this lonely figure finally spoke slowly again.

"I was alone and led Germany to conquer the entire Europe on my own! There is still hope in the war. If you think that I will give up just now, you are totally wrong! I would rather all my efforts be in vain. Fight to the end with the Bolsheviks!”

He paused before he finished speaking, as if he was weighing and thinking about something important, but the final command was still unquestionable.

"Model has one last chance to prepare for the reconstruction of the Grossdeutschland Division, and then do whatever you need to do."

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