Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1331 Success or failure depends on this move

"Hold on! Try not to confront those German monsters head-on. I'll bring people there right away!"

Malashenko understood how urgent the situation on the battlefield ahead was, but the answer given by Lavrinenko was even more unexpected.

"Hurry up! If you come here a little later, the whole army here may be annihilated. These crazy German sticks have already brought out all their tanks!"


Lavrinenko is not a man who likes to accept defeat.

To be precise, it is precisely because Lavrinenko, who was Cha's classmate when he was a teenager, has a straightforward personality, speaks directly and never minces words. He is also very brave and fierce in fights. Even if he is beaten until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, he will never admit defeat. He will never kneel down if he can stand, and he will never lie down if he can kneel to hold on.

Because of his upbringing as an orphan, Malashenko, who grew up talking with his fists and fighting to avoid bullying, finally came together with Lavrinenko, who was very similar to him, and became brothers. Chao Li said that this is the only thing he needs to do.

So when Lavrinenko talked about this, Malashenko, who was familiar with the character of his good brother, only knew one thing: I am afraid that he is really in big trouble now! Otherwise, Lavrinenko would never have said such scary words!

"Hang on! We'll be there soon!"

Malashenko, who had nothing more to say, turned around, raised his hand to switch channels, switched the radio to Kulbalov, and then spoke.

"Let all the IS6s advance at full speed! Charge me! If the IS4 cannot reach the battlefield, let the highest-level IS6 arrive on the battlefield to take command. When they arrive on the battlefield, stabilize the front first! Don't let those German guys' broken cars continue to run wild for me! This It’s a battle of annihilation, and I’m going to kill all the Germans here!”

Although the current situation is very bad, Malashenko, who learned the secret of taking one step and seeing three steps from his political commissar, is already thinking about longer-term things in the future.

Malashenko had been thinking before, what should he do if those Germans couldn't retreat?

Attacking fortresses is easier said than done, not to mention that this is a reinforced force combined with a German armored division and an infantry division.

If these two infantry troops were to unite and defend, using tanks to support the defense of the position and calling for reinforcements to come to the rescue, it would be difficult for Malashenko, who wanted to win a quick battle and prevent a sudden change in the situation. In other words, this is the worst and most undesirable situation.

How difficult it is to conquer a complete defensive position supported by tank troops. This was something Malashenko had personally experienced earlier in Kursk, but at that time Malashenko was still playing the defensive role.

If the offensive and defensive positions are swapped, Malashenko doesn't think the situation he faces will be much better. Just thinking about it with his head, he knew that it would be a hard nut to crack. More importantly, Malashenko did not want to see his troops suffer too much damage.

You must know that you are now in the belly of the Germans, with enemies almost everywhere.

As long as this battle is not over, Malashenko does not feel that he will be able to obtain supplementary troops and technical equipment. The amount of troops we have on hand counts as much as we use them, so we must save them.

But now, this group of Germans actually broke away from the defensive posture and put on an all-out posture, wanting to pounce on and eat their vanguard.

Regardless of whether this kid Alexi has stung a hornet's nest without authorization, as long as the main force under his command can rush to the battlefield and arrive for support as soon as possible. Malashenko asked himself that with the strength of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, going head-to-head with the German armored forces on unobstructed and open terrain would definitely be a fighting situation that was unfavorable to him.

Confidence derived from absolute strength is that simple. Sitting in the position of division commander and shouldering the rank of major general, Malashenko needs to consider more than just the life and death of his comrades and soldiers. We must also stand from a macro-strategic perspective to seize every opportunity for victory so as not to miss the opportunity.

Although the situation is critical, it will not last long.

As long as he can seize the opportunity, Malashenko is confident that he can reverse the entire situation in one fell swoop. The Germans, who were ignorant of life and death and had no moral integrity, were killed on the vast snowfield in one fell swoop in a field battle style that had left their bunkers!

Do you think this is a perfect opportunity to eat your enemies?

Sorry, this is the prelude to the funeral song for you German idiots!

The key depends on how Malashenko strategizes, controls the overall situation, and wins the crucial time that is favorable to him.

In order to achieve this goal, Malashenko simply forgot about the command and control of the troops, and the final order only had a very concise and clear meaning.

dash forward! Tangle with these Germans, stabilize the front, and don't let these bastards escape! The moment all the main forces arrive and enter the battlefield, this bunch of bastards will be destroyed!

The emergency order from the comrade of the division commander was quickly and thoroughly implemented. The IS6s, which have extraordinary maneuverability among heavy tanks and are comparable to medium tanks, once again increased their speed and turned on their full power.

If you only use your imagination, it is difficult to understand what it would be like to see hundreds of IS6 heavy tanks speeding across the vast snowfield.

These steel behemoths moving in groups raised large amounts of snow mist and spewed out turbid and hot black engine smoke. Their hard track pads ran over large chunks of frozen ice and snow. From a distance, it looked like an ice and snow storm rising across the ground. It is usually moving forward quickly.

Three kilometers, only less than three kilometers to go!

Malashenko, who had his upper body out of the turret, could already faintly hear the distant war coming with the sound of wind.

The sound of artillery and fierce explosions joined together on the blazing battlefield. Even the howling cold wind could not hide the intensity of the war-torn battlefield.

Malashenko placed all his bets on the highly maneuverable IS6 heavy tank. He believed that his subordinate commanders and fighters would be able to carry out the order with perseverance and perseverance even without the command of the division commander. He believed even more that his good brother Lavrinenko could command these urgent reinforcements to control the situation.

More heavy technical equipment will take some time to enter the combat position, whether it is the ISU-152 self-propelled howitzer, Katyusha rocket launcher or IS4 heavy tank.

War is inherently a gamble to win or lose, and the art of command is the beautification and artistic interpretation of the name of the gamble.

Whether he will become a gambler if he loses or become a gambler if he wins, Malashenko knows clearly in his heart at this moment that he will not have a second chance, success or failure depends on this one move!

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