It turns out that Osei's knife-holding posture is one forehand and one backhand.

When attacking, the giant sword held in front of the forehand is the main attack, while the giant sword held in the backhand may assist in the attack or perform defensive actions. Just now, Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Slash was caused by the backhand giant sword behind him. He resisted.

Due to the huge size of Osei's strange giant sword, it is even better to use it as a shield when necessary.

"Is it both offensive and defensive? It's really a good giant sword style swordsmanship..."

While sincerely appreciating it, Namikaze Minato also had to admire the ninja training system of Kumogakure Village. Such a village that was extremely martial and even used rough plunder and other methods to forcibly steal the secrets of blood inheritance from others. There will be many innovative young ninjas.

From what he could see, the giant sword-style swordsmanship used by Osei obviously still had a lot of room for improvement, and it was probably an emerging Yun-style swordsmanship.

Given time, this giant sword style that can be combined with Kumogakure's unique Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu will surely be thoroughly developed. This is Namikaze Minato's hunch and judgment based on his own vision, ninjutsu talent and experience. Since the Second Ninja War, Kumogakure Village has been under the wise leadership of the Third Raikage. The strength of the village has doubled day by day, and today it is already on par with Konoha.

Even for Konoha, it is necessary to eliminate the future enemy of the ninja village in advance.

Therefore, this Cloud Ninja must not let him go back alive...

As soon as Namikaze Minato thought of this, the murderous intention in his heart suddenly increased.

Above the water, Osayi on the other side was panting slightly. At this time, he finally put on an expression as if he was facing an enemy. Facing the praise of the golden flash, if it had been before the fight, Osayi would have been very proud, but after the short fight in the first round, his confidence was completely gone.

As soon as he closed it, he immediately saw that the speed and movement of the golden flash were definitely beyond the scope of a normal ninja.

It's so fast that you can't even react. The speed of the Fourth Raikage-sama's ultimate thunder escape chakra mode is probably no more than this, right? No, maybe not even the Fourth Raikage-sama can compare...

Legend has it that two years ago the Raikage-sama fought with the Fourth Hokage and was defeated by his best speed. Could this be true? There were not many ninjas present in Kumogakure at that time, and the battle did not have a clear outcome. Therefore, due to face, the fourth generation Raikage said that they were both equal. However, in the past two years, another rumor has been circulating within Kumogakure. There is a sound, that is, Konoha's golden flash is truly the number one speed in the ninja world, and the fourth generation Raikage can actually only be ranked second...

Now it seems that this may be true.

Oseyi, whose expression gradually became more and more solemn, at this moment, no longer dared to take action rashly again.

Because the slight cracks on the backhand giant sword told him that Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Slash just now, if repeated a few more times, would sooner or later tear through his lightning escape defense.

With a somewhat ugly look on his face, he glanced at Namifeng Shuimen's hand. The wind-escaping airflow surrounding the Flying Thunder God Kunai actually surged a bit more.

Oseyi suddenly felt stressed.

Against an enemy who is good at wind escape, the defensive ninjutsu of thunder escape is really compromised...

It is foreseeable that, judging from this situation, in the next battle, he will most likely not be able to touch the enemy at all, and will be suppressed by Namikaze Minato's speed, and will be beaten blindly until his defense is broken and died...

However, what Namikaze Minato did next was completely beyond his expectation.

Minato Namikaze, who was about to launch an attack, seemed to have suddenly changed his mind. He actually dispersed the wind escape air attached to the flying thunder god kunai in his hand, and instead used his right hand to hold it in the air, condensing a huge and powerful ball. Dazzling blue light.


The high-speed rotating high-density chakra ball quickly expanded suddenly under the precise control of Namikaze Minato, and in an instant, a huge blue energy body with a diameter of nearly ten meters was formed.

"Come on, if you can catch this super-large jade spiral pill, I will recognize you."

Namikaze Minato lightly held the dazzling giant Rasengan over his head with one hand, as if he was holding a huge blue sun. He looked at Osei with a mocking look, but his tone was full of arrogance.

This move naturally shocked Ousei.

Give up the crushing speed advantage and rely on strength to go head-to-head? This was clearly a naked contempt for himself. Thinking of this, Oseyi suddenly became angry.

This double-blade giant sword style that is both offensive and defensive is his most proud ability. Even the Third Raikage once gave him a very high evaluation and placed high hopes on him.

Ousei, who was overwhelmed by unwillingness and anger, soon had a strong desire to prove himself at all costs. He gritted his teeth suddenly, and suddenly changed the giant sword he was holding in his backhand to his forehand, and then The tips of the two swords were joined together, facing forward.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he shouted angrily: "The Fourth Hokage, stop looking down on others!!

Let me show you the most powerful attack move of the Yunliu double sword giant sword that I created! "


While speaking, where the tips of Ousei's pair of giant swords came together, the flowing blue arc suddenly erupted with an astonishing roar, and then all the lightning currents surrounding him unexpectedly converged to one point, forming a A ball of dazzling white light.

"Yunliu·Two days of sunshine!!!"

Amidst the roar, Osei fearlessly raised his sword and stabbed Namikaze Minato away. However, the latter's face did not change at all when faced with this sword strike combined with the ultimate lightning attack. He just swung his head down. The huge blue sun collided with it.


When two blue and white energy spheres, one large and one small, met, they triggered strong airflow fluctuations.

At the same time, white light suddenly appeared.

Namikaze Minato's super-large jade rasengan began to melt visibly under the white light of Osei's sword in the sun, and the huge chakra sphere suddenly shrank significantly.

Using the two giant swords as a medium, the ultimate thunder escape blow was concentrated and compressed. This is the second day of sunshine.

So although this attack is not as powerful as Namikaze Minato's super-large Rasengan, the essence of its two-day sun attack is the extreme change in the nature of the Thunder Release chakra, so it is more powerful than the Rasengan.

Seeing that his Thunder Escape had the upper hand, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Osai's face. However, his joy only lasted for a moment, and then immediately turned into surprise.

Because he soon discovered that the white light of Lei Dun that had been basking in the sun for two days also began to melt...

"This, this is impossible..."

Osei couldn't help but scream, his eyes fixed on the increasingly smaller Rasengan in Namikaze Minato's hand. According to the information, the Rasengan used by the Fourth Hokage should be a non-attribute ninjutsu, a simple high-density chakra sphere, and its power cannot shake his Niten Taitai.

While vaguely, he suddenly noticed a faint bright white color in Namikaze Minato's Rasengan, and after the vague whirlwind around it, his expression finally changed suddenly.

"Wind Release Chakra?!!"

"Are you discovering it now? In fact, this is just an unfinished technique..."

In an understatement, Namikaze Minato said that the Wind Release Super Jade Rasengan in his hand had become a normal Rasengan size, but at the same time, it also completely destroyed the two days of Thunder Release white light condensed at the tip of Osei's sword. disappears.


The next second, the crisp sound of the giant sword breaking was heard.

The Wind Release Rasengan in Namikaze Minato's hand carried the remaining power, and effortlessly broke Osei's pair of giant swords into pieces, and finally penetrated his chest.

Osei, who looked horrified, only had time to grunt before his whole body was hit hard and flew away like a cannonball.

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