Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 364 Epic equipment, Gangnir!

"About eighteen years ago, a fire broke out in Black Swan Port. The military dispatched several fighter jets, but they were all shot down by unknown creatures."

Lu Lincheng talked about the information he had.

"I saw it from Uncle Chu. Uncle Lu can put it simply."

Lu Chen did have a rough idea of ​​this matter. He heard from the principal about the contents of Herzog's diary, and knew the truth about the burning of Black Swan Port. He also learned in Chu Tianjiao's cabin that a fighter jet had crashed, and now he was almost Lulincheng completed the last piece of the puzzle.

Lu Lincheng nodded when he heard this, "We don't know what that port was originally used for, but when it was destroyed, something at the Dragon King level escaped from somewhere."

He focused his eyes on the boy in mid-air, and his meaning was obvious, "He is the target. Someone sold this information to the secret party through secret channels. Of course, the secret party cannot sit idly by and do nothing. We have mobilized almost all the elites, Some are from Kassel Academy and some are gray.”

His face showed a look of sadness at the memory, "It was an extremely brutal war. He was different from all the dragons we had come into contact with. He was very changeable, extremely cunning, and very much like humans."

He paused and looked at Lu Chen hesitantly: "He is not as powerful as the King of Bronze and Fire and the King of Ocean and Water that Commissioner Lu killed, but with just a black military thorn, he killed A-class and S-class along the way. There are hundreds of secret party members.”

There was a playful smile on Lu Chen's mouth under the mask, "Then how did you capture him in the end?"

Lu Lincheng replied: "Just when the mission was about to be defeated, the top management issued a clearance order, which meant that the top management was prepared to use the most powerful weapons at the time to end this dragon species, even at the expense of nearby elites. It was not a nuclear weapon. Or missiles, the weapon is just one person, someone who can use the Word Spirit Rhine."

His eyes under the mask observed Lu Chen's eyes, "Commissioner Lu should have heard the principal say about the role of Rhine. That person can only use it once, once in a lifetime. The power of Rhine is no less than a small nuclear explosion. The power of the central area is even Even stronger, I was nearby at the time and already had the consciousness of sacrifice. I threw my wife on a passing train and then headed to the expected explosion site alone."

He paused, as if he was still a little shocked when he recalled the situation at that time, "I became...a witness to a miracle."

Lu Chen was puzzled: "As a dragon, he can obviously transform into a dragon and grow wings to escape, so why does he have to fight with you? The spirit of speech like Lain is too cumbersome."

Lu Lincheng shook his head, "I don't know why he didn't transform into a dragon. He had many opportunities to escape, but the man with the Rhine Word Spirit captured his companions?"

"A companion of the Dragon Clan, a twin?"

Lu Chen felt that this story was very strange.

"No, she is a little girl. She should be a mixed race, but she is very ordinary and has no combat capabilities."

He looked at the boy in mid-air, "He did something completely inconsistent with dragon standards. He carried a black spur, killed people along the way, and forcibly pushed towards the place where the girl was, even though he knew that he was close to death. .”

"It's really about friendship..."

Lu Chen sighed, he suddenly imagined that scene.

In the endless wilderness, the snow slowly fell, and the boy stood alone on the ground. The only weapon in his hand was a black spur, and he was surrounded by countless hunters.

He had a chance to escape, but he was unwilling to abandon his companions.

So he knew it was a trap and there was a death explosion in front of him, but he still had to pass through thousands of troops to reach the place where the girl was.

That girl must be very important to him, right? Or maybe he made a firm promise.

During this incident, Lu Chen suddenly felt that the boy was no longer so mysterious. Just like Lu Lincheng said before, he was as cunning as a human being, as changeable as a human being, but at the same time... he was as passionate as a human being.

Thinking about it this way, he doesn't look like a superior dragon or god. He is just an ordinary boy who fled with a girl.

Lu Lincheng said that he had not investigated what Black Swan Port did, but Lu Chen knew.

He could imagine that boys and girls might be very good friends in Black Swan Port, right?

They watched the sun rise together during the rare window-watching time during the day, whispered secretly in the dead of night, and hugged each other for warmth when it was freezing to the bone...

If you are in the darkest time of your life and only that ray of light can illuminate you, how can you leave her behind?

Even if you are a dragon king, a god, a Shura, or a ghost, you still can't bear to completely erase that light, because after losing it... you feel so lonely.

"Do you value friendship? Maybe..."

Lu Lincheng continued: "Rhine was indeed released in the end, but I survived because the child held the girl in his arms and blocked the shock wave with his back, and I was right in front of him."

Lu Chen did not question the coincidence mentioned by Lu Lincheng. He just looked at the boy in mid-air and reconstructed the situation in his mind.

As for that girl, she may not know anything about dragons or hybrids. She just thinks that the boy is her good friend.

The secret party may regard the boy as a devil, but they are also holding her hostage.

The person who kidnapped the girl may also tell the girl that they are hunting the enemy of the world, the terrible devil.

The girl who was used as an experimental subject walked out to see the world for the first time, and found herself standing at the end of a cliff. She was being held hostage, the snow around her was red, and the sounds of killing and cutting blades kept coming into her hands. ears, even if she doesn't want to hear it.

She was afraid that she would be desperate, but there was someone in the distance carrying a black military thorn, and a horseman, Juechen, was coming towards him like a violent wind and lightning. When he stretched out his hand again, the girl would definitely hold it tightly without hesitation, even if everyone was He was said to be a devil imprisoned by God for a thousand years.

"Where's the girl?"

Lu Chen asked, it makes no sense that such a powerful character was captured, but a weak girl was let go.

Lu Lincheng sighed: "I fainted at that time. When I woke up, hundreds of square kilometers of forest in front of me were burned to ashes by the Rhine, and the surrounding snow also melted. The child was lying in the center of the explosion, and the girl was gone. Yes, he may have run away."

Lu Chen was a little surprised, but maybe this is the best result for the boy. At a critical moment of life and death, sometimes it is most taboo to cry and say "I won't leave, I will die with you", which makes people worry in vain. You fought tooth and nail.

"After the explosion, I was surprised to find that he was still alive. Even Rhine could not kill him at close range, but he temporarily lost the ability to move. After that, the spear was air-dropped to me, and I pierced his heart with my own hands. .”

Lu Lincheng looked at the divine spear, Gungnir, the weapon of Odin, the main god of Norse mythology.

"Is this authentic?"

Lu Chen's expression under the mask was a little strange, but it was blocked, so Lu Lincheng didn't notice it.

Lu Lincheng explained: "I understand Commissioner Lu's concerns. Gangnir has appeared many times in history, but they are all imitations. Although they have similar abilities, they are incomparable to the real Gangnir. I have been a collection of the Secret Party since many years ago."

Lu Chen nodded slightly after hearing this, but what he actually wanted to say was, why was he worried?

If the ones here are also fakes, there is no need for Odin to send Chu Tianjiao here.

He just felt that Lu Lincheng's words had too many problems and it was not appropriate to question them now. He would discuss them with Chu Zihang after he returned.

"Is he dead?"

Lu Chen looked at the hanging boy.

"Gangnir is a very terrifying weapon. Anyone who comes into contact with it will die immediately. It was once taken into a sarcophagus by an ancestor of the Secret Party and sank into the sea. It is a spear of destiny and a spear of death, but... It didn't kill the child."

Lu Lincheng paused for a moment, " just sealed the child's vitality, or in other words, its death effect and the child's resuscitation effect formed a strange balance. He is dead, but not completely dead."

Lu Chen didn't know if it was because he had lived with Lu Mingfei for half a year recently, but his desire to complain became even stronger.

He could hardly suppress himself anymore. He felt that Lu Lincheng's words were full of loopholes, and even he could sense that something was wrong.

You just said that anyone you touch will die... So, Uncle Lu, how did you put the gun into the boy's heart with your own hands?

Lu Lincheng took Lu Chen a few steps forward, closer to Gangnir and the boy, "We have been studying for many years, but we still can't be sure whether he is the Dragon King. Except for his beyond-standard power, he is completely different from humans. There are differences, but the research has also yielded results. Based on his subconscious, we constructed this safe haven. The day he dies, the Nibelungs will collapse. We are worried about his death and afraid of his waking up, so Ganggnir’s Presence is necessary.”

At this point, he has made it very clear, meaning that the committee is willing to let me take you to see this place, which has already shown its sincerity.

It is impossible for us to hand over this gun, otherwise the Nibelungen will be destroyed, and the perfect shelter built by the doomsday faction for more than ten years will be in ruins.

After Lu Chen heard this story, he instinctively felt disgusted.

He wanted to ask Lu Lincheng, since the boy is no different from human beings except for his strength, what criteria do you follow to hunt him?

Just because he shot down a few fighter jets at Black Swan Port?

Lu Chen knew the truth about Black Swan Port. If the Doomsday Sect hadn't built the Nibelungs with the help of the boy, because of the boy's powerful power, he would even suspect that he was one of Eri's "brothers and sisters".

Perhaps it was preconceived, but he always felt that the children in Black Swan Port were pitiful children. After finally leaving the dark cage, they ushered in a new hunt.

Thinking about it this way, I am really lucky.

If he had shown extremely abnormal power when he first entered this world, instead of showing his power gradually and step by step in the secret party.

For example, if he had directly penetrated the movie theater at that time, what greeted him might not have been an invitation from the executive, but an encirclement and suppression by the secret party's army.

The Secret Party was too cautious about people with abnormal strength. Even though he was very low-key at the time, he was still tracked and monitored by the commissioners for a long time.

"Can I see this gun? I won't take it away."

Lu Chen asked. After all, he was still Lu Mingfei's father, so he didn't mess around.

"Okay, but are you ready to..."

Before Lu Lincheng finished speaking, he saw Lu Chen inserting the Regicide into the ground, leaping in front of the boy, and grabbing the chain above with one hand.

Lu Chen put his hand on Gangnir. To be on the safe side, he still had to inspect the goods and the space appraisal would give hints.


Origin: Derivative World No. 107823

Rarity: Epic

Equipment type: Main weapon

Durability: 300/300

Toughness: 63

Sharpness (tip): 51

Requirements: Strength 50 points, Constitution 65 points

Details: This gun was forged by the master dwarf Du Hualin from the branches of the World Tree. It is engraved with the sacred contract of Rune. Through its magic power, it can hit all shots and be indestructible (relatively)

Equipment skill 1 (passive): wither (cannot be turned off)

Skill description: Any life that comes into contact with Gangnir will be affected by the withering effect, and the source of life will flow out at an extremely fast rate. If the physical attribute is below 50 points, it will die if touched. If it is touched between 50-60 points, those who touch it will lose 20% of the upper limit per second. Life source value and constitution attribute above 60 points can be immune to this effect.

[Warning: If the physical strength attribute is insufficient, please do not touch this gun]

Equipment Skill 2 (Active): Meteor of Destiny

Skill description: After locking on the target, throw Gungnir, which will continue to track the target until it hits or is blocked. When it hits, it will cause 200% of mixed spell and physical damage (the damage limit is determined based on the explorer's strength attribute)

In addition, when hitting, it will be judged based on the target's physical attributes. There is a 10% probability of death at 60-65 points, a 5% probability of death at 65-70 points, a 1% probability of death at 70-75 points, and above 75 physical attributes, the judgment Disabled by default.

[Warning: If Gungnir fails to kill the target after being thrown, this gun will change hands. 】

Cooling time: forty-eight hours

Rating: Absolutely epic, but before you throw it, think about whether it can kill your opponent, otherwise it may turn the attack on you.

[Certification price: This equipment must obtain ownership of the world before it can obtain certification qualifications. 】

Lu Chen's hands shook slightly, feeling a little excited.

He does not have enough authority to check the level of the equipment above the legend.

Unexpectedly, the origin space is quite humane. It looks like a mobile game, with white, green, blue and purple legends and epics. Is there a myth behind it?

This is the first time he has seen epic-level equipment, which is completely different from the legendary equipment in terms of power.

The toughness is ten points higher than Regicide, and the sharpness is not weak at all. The frightening thing is the effect of this gun.

The effect of withering means that for people with less than 50 points of physical attributes, he only needs to rub it lightly with this gun to get it done.

Even if your physique is higher, if you are stabbed by this spear, you will die or be disabled. If you don't recover, you will be shot at most five times.

Although there is a certain risk in using another skill, it is also an absolute magic skill.

Lu Chen played a lot of games with Eriyi and knew the meaning of the 200% damage. To put it simply, he stabbed with all his strength normally. If it was 100% damage, then throwing this skill could double the damage. times.

And that's not all. This is a combination of spell and physical damage, which means it has wider versatility.

Lu Chen ignored the effect of changing owners after being shot. It seemed very restrictive, but it was not as scary as imagined.

At least Lu Chen didn't think that in this world, except for the Black King Nidhogg, who could still draw a gun and fight back after being shot by him.

With his speed, when the gun hits the enemy, he is already close, so he will give him a chance?

One shot down, not only dead but also crippled!

It's just that he still has to be more careful and observe his opponent before using it, otherwise he will be shot back, and the probability of instant death is a bit scary.

The probability of 5% seemed low, but he felt that with his luck... he might win.

The use of this piece of equipment is very demanding. It requires 65 points of stamina to use, otherwise it will kill you if you touch it, but it is not unpowerful.

It was so powerful... Lu Chen wanted to pull it out right now and take it back to play with.

This thought is getting stronger and stronger, not because he is greedy for Ganggnir's equipment.

But he was afraid that if he put it here, Odin would get it first and stab himself with a spear.

It is said that Europeans eat spears, but Africans eat spears which are really fatal. If you win the lottery, wouldn't you die unjustly?

"Commissioner Lu? Commissioner Lu!"

Lu Lincheng called out twice in succession. He felt like Lu Chen was about to pull out his gun and leave. He was so anxious that sweat broke out on his head.

Lu Chen grabbed the chain and swung it, then jumped back onto the bridge and said with a smile: "Uncle Lu, don't be nervous, how could I pull out my gun now?"

Seeing Lu Chen come back, Lu Lincheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Commissioner Lu should also understand that we cannot let this gun go out. Although it is essentially an artifact, its value to the secret party and the doomsday sect is not very high. But it is now key to maintaining this safe haven.”

"Is there no other way? Can you find a replica of what Uncle Lu said and stick it in his chest?"

Although Lu Chen felt that the plight of boys and girls was deplorable, he was not so pedantic as to say, "He is so miserable. I want to rescue him and liberate him."

Because no matter what was right or wrong in the past, the people in the safe harbor may also be alive now, and he couldn't judge whether Lu Lincheng's words were true or false.

The boy in mid-air may be a harmless dragon, or he may be a tyrannical king. He is not afraid of the other party, but he will not cause trouble at such a critical moment.

And if one of his conjectures is true...

Alas, let’s stay here for a while first.

"The imitation cannot limit his recovery of vitality. We cannot give in on this matter."

Lu Lincheng looked a little distressed.

"I came to get Gangnir only for the superficial purpose. This gun is very strong, but for me it only has that effect. I came to get the gun because Odin is looking for his weapon, and he will find it."

What Lu Chen said was a little bit against his will, because he really didn't take Gungnir seriously before and only regarded it as a fishing tool, but after seeing the attributes of this epic weapon, he was indeed a little greedy.

He looked slightly serious and said: "It's not a good thing that you have this gun here. Uncle Lu should understand what I mean."

Lu Lincheng was silent. Of course he understood what Lu Chen was referring to. Odin would not be so easy to talk to.

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